Chapter 25

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 Kayla was unbelievably sore when she woke up in the morning. The tiniest movement produced a scream of pain from all sorts of muscle groups. At first, she thought she was paralyzed! Then she remembered that paralysis was the absence of feeling, and she was definitely feeling this ache.

She had no will to move, she would've stayed in that bed forever, had not her stomach groaned in hunger. A delicious waft of steaming breakfast passed through the door, her mouth watered. It was a dilemma on her part, either she moved painfully to get food, or she stayed and went hungry. She couldn't decide what was worse. If only there was a way to have both.

A smile suddenly crept onto her face. Of course she could have both! If she complained of the pain enough, the woman would probably let her have breakfast in bed. She'd get to eat and stay still. As if on cue, there was a knock on the door, and then the woman slowly let herself in. Kayla drooped her face, and painted her agony onto it.

"Oh my," Nora gasped. "Are you alright?"

"I feel like I'm being stabbed each time I move." Kayla cried softly.

Nora felt her forehead with a gentle hand. "You poor thing, you must be so sore after such a... crazy day. But, believe me, though it's the last thing you want to do, it'll help if you move around. Come on downstairs and have some breakfast, please."

"I don't think I can..." Kayla tried.

"Nonsense! You are the Pelisian heir, I'm sure you'll be alright." She smiled.

Now that her pack's name was involved, she had no choice but to get up. So, with effort, she ignored her body's cries and walked stiffly to the bathroom to freshen up. Then she hobbled down the stairs sorely. It felt as if her legs were being murdered with each step, she'd never been this bruised before. It was everywhere, her legs, her arms, her back, her stomach, even her neck. Finally, she made it to the kitchen, Scott was already there, sitting on a booster seat so he could reach his plate on the table. He smiled at her.

Victor had a plate prepared, Nora quickly added more fruit to it and placed it on the table for Kayla. She sat down, feeling her thighs burn with the movement, and was grateful for the smoking bacon, eggs, bagel and fruit in front of her. She knew it would be delicious. When everyone had served themselves and sat at the table, she began to stuff her face greedily. She couldn't believe how hungry she was, and this breakfast was the best she had ever tasted. She was half finished with her food when Scott reminded her that they were missing someone.

"Where's Damian?" He asked innocently looking around.

The Dragonians frowned, Kayla stopped eating and glanced at them.

"He must still be in the garage. Nora prepare a plate. I'll go get him." He said it as if it was a hassle of a chore. Minutes later he returned with the Serius heir, his green eyes reflected the same pain that Kayla was suffering from, but he said nothing. Instead he sat down slowly, and carefully began to eat.

Scott quickly jumped from his seat and placed himself next to Damian happily. Only to be scooped up by Nora, and put back in his original spot. She whispered something to him sternly, it made the three year old confused, but he didn't leave his seat again.

Damian continued to hold his tongue. He was sore in all places, his dignity was hurt, and worst of all, they were alienating him from the boy that he had saved, but he couldn't risk ruining the "help" they were giving. It was getting tougher to control himself. Would he really be able to last three days with this unfairness?

Victor watched him as he ate closely. He narrowed his eyes and turned to Kayla.

"Is it true that the two of you are engaged?" He asked in disbelief.

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