Chapter 18

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They walked in silence, ignoring the emerald gardens around them and the hum of the little stream nearby. Kayla strode quickly, putting more distance between her and the ballroom. Cody tried to keep up with her. He was surprised that she could walk so fast in such heels, and thrilled by it at the same time.  A few birds in their nests awoke and froze upon seeing the two Lobains, shifted in their human forms, stalk past them. The mothers nestled more closely to their young, and the fathers ruffled their feathers to look larger. Field mice scurried away, sensing the anger in the air. The two approached an arched bridge that crossed over the manmade river of the gardens. Coy fish swam naively under it and toads croaked their nightly songs.

In the ballroom, a fight had broken out. The students roared in anticipation as more and more people became involved. However, Kayla and Cody were oblivious to all this. He rushed forward trying to grab hold of her arm.

"Kayla, wait." He said gently.

She pushed him off. "Leave me alone!" She snapped. "That stupid, stupid engagement! How could my dad ever think this was a good idea!? I hate him, I hate them, I hate everyone in this stupid valley!"

He sighed, "Okay, I get it, you're mad. But, there's no need to take it out on me."

She rolled her eyes as he spoke.

Cody tried to suppress a growl of irritation for the attitude she displayed. But there was no need to ruffle her temper more than it already had been, and he couldn't dare to disrespect her, so he bit his lip instead.

She glanced at him, almost regrettably, "Sorry", she muttered, "I just...I don't know how much of this I can tolerate." She turned to look at the water where the coy fish floated over each other in circles.

He frowned and took a few tentative steps toward her. "It's okay. Let's just get away from here. I'll take you wherever you want to go."

Her eyebrows wove together and her nose scrunched as well. Not for his offer, though there was a suggestiveness in his voice that she didn't appreciate. After all, he came here with Amarie, she saw them grinding with each other while they danced, and then he had the nerve to do the same to her later. He couldn't possibly think that she had forgotten who it was he asked to prom. That she had forgotten the way he'd kissed her so softly, then proceeded to ignore her like she was nothing! She'd still loved him the same through all of that, but she still hadn't forgotten, it still stung and even now, he pretended like those dark moments between them never existed. 

But the real reason for his discomfort, was because the gardens had suddenly darkened, with a new ominous silence. Her amber eyes glanced at the treetops, while her nose sniffed the air. There was no scent or sight of anything, yet the eery feeling of being watched scratched the back of her neck. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, especially for a creature of Bermuda.

"Okay", she said hurriedly, getting way too creeped out for comfort, "Let's go."

"Not so fast." A voice grumbled after them. They froze, she thought she knew that voice. A figure emerged from the brush, with a malicious sharp toothed grin.

Kayla bared her teeth defensively, "Kevin? I wasn't aware that you'd returned." Her palms became sweaty. She hadn't smelled him, not even now as he stood before her, he was like a phantom. That wasn't possible, ghosts weren't real, but only ghosts could lack any sort of scent.

He shrugged casually, "It's on a need to know basis."

"What do you want?" Cody dared.

Other silhouettes melted out of the darkness behind Kevin, and Kayla's heart began to race. Not even these people--whoever they were--possessed a scent. They were invisible to her nose, but her eyes and ears perceived them just fine. Heat began to clamber into her ears and fingers, when it became clear that the shadows behind Kevin, were the dreaded hunters. They were armed with heavy nets, guns loaded with silver bullets, and silver machetes strapped to their waists.

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