Chapter 16

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Damian adjusted his tie in the mirror. He looked handsome in his tuxedo, it shaped him well, but he wasn't fond of the purple color on his vest. He grabbed his wallet, making sure the ticket and money were in there, and stuffed it into his pockets. Curse words spewed out of him with each slow movement. He was annoyed, this wasn't the way he wanted to spend his Saturday night. Unfortunately, he had immature family members to keep in check, and a pack to protect since his father had failed miserably. It had been two weeks since Raul's wedding, he had been sitting in his room, listening her pack sing endlessly. Now, things had finally quieted down on her end of the valley, but he felt like after tonight, things were going to pick up again.

By 7:15, he was confident that he was ready. He was supposed to be at her house to pick her up at 7:00. He scoffed, he wasn't in any hurry, to take her to a prom neither of them were even supposed to be at. Besides, if he would've been punctual, she would've left him waiting an extra half hour to perfect her doll-like face and waste some more precious time, just for the heck of it.

Devon was shocked to see him in the house. "You haven't left yet?" He asked incredulously.

"I'm in no hurry to take her to some stupid Bobcat dance." Damian bristled.

Devon sighed, "Damian?" His son stopped and turned to look at him, "Please, try to get along. The lives of the pack are at stake."

"I can't promise we'll get along, Dad. But I can promise you this: I won't kill her."

Devon snarled, "I'm serious!"

"I am too!" Damian roared back. He knew his duty to the pack, and he didn't want to see them hurt, but, he did enjoy a sickening pleasure from giving his father a hard time. He needed something to soothe the seed of resentment that Devon so carefully planted within him.

"And", he added poisonously, "I most definitely won't be same fool that you were."

He exited his house before Devon could say anything else in return. The black 99 mustang GT sat patiently in the driveway. It growled into power when he slammed the key into the ignition, then he swung it away from the house and flew down the street. The radio was turned high, heavy metal blasted into his ears. He'd never been into this music, but now, he tolerated it, because it reminded him of his brother. He missed him dearly. Kevin was the only one who understood him, the only one that could have his back in this situation. Granted, Kevin was reckless every now and then, but they were still brothers till the end. At an intersection, where he waited for the light to change, to officially enter Pelisian territory, a familiar scent made its way through the open windows of the car.

He lowered the music, "What do you want, Regina?" He asked as she knelt over the car window.

"You're actually going to do it?" She asked bitterly, a depressed pout sinking her face. Behind her, the club where she was enjoying a pre-dinner party with her human escorts bounced on. One boy watched Damian suspiciously, worried that he would drive off with his easy date.

"I have to." He looked straight ahead, not bothering to mind the short, tight red dress she wore. In all honesty, she looked more like a lady of the night than a high school student on her way to prom.

"No, you don't, Damian. You have a choice, you've always had a choice and right now you're choosing her over me." She pleaded for him to take her away in those two sentences.

I'd choose anything over you. Damian said to himself.

He glared at her. "Right now, I'm choosing to keep the entire pack away from certain death." He growled, "But does anyone realize that, or even care? No! They just give me a hard time for sticking my neck out for them! Maybe I should just forget it, and let the Pelisians tear my family apart one by one. While I'm at it, I might as well just invite the hunters in too, and let them skin you alive, like the cow that you are!" He took a breath, gripping the steering wheel dangerously. "But you know what the funny thing is, Regina? I don't care what happens to you, I only care about my brother, my dad, and the rest of this pack. I'm doing what I can to keep them alive. I couldn't care less about you."

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