Chapter 21

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Blurred vision and voices faded in and out of the heir's consciousness.

"He'll go to the fighting rings, I know he'll be a winner, and get lots of money for you."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because, I taught him how to fight."

The world felt like cotton, heavy weighted cotton, that bore down on him. Each breath was stuffed thickly, and his eyes could hardly focus past the fuzz. Voices were picked up by disconnected ears and sounded like a movie in another room.

"And that one?"

"She's mine."

"She'd make a good addition to bait the fighters."

"No, I've got my own plans for her. Do you want him, or not?"

"Yes, I'll take him."

The distant voices slowly cleared up, their location was obvious. He began to hear smaller details, such as footsteps that told of how they were exiting the room, discussing prices and schedules.

"I'll be back with your money tomorrow at 8 sharp."

"Now, don't try to cheat me. This is my brother you're taking, I expect every cent you've promised, at sunrise."

Vision slowly came into focus as a door opened, and blinding white light entered the room. There were rusty iron chains on his wrists, ankles, and around his neck. His back was leaning against a wall.

"You sick bastard, selling out your own brother." One shadow laughed as he disappeared.

"It's for his own good, I plan to buy him back from you when I'm confident he's figured out where his loyalties should lie." Kevin said closing the door behind him. "He'll be winning so much, he'll be worth triple what he is now, but I'm not in this for profit..."

Realization waved over Damian in a massive headache. He stared at the door for what felt like ages, before feeling the anger of betrayal well up inside of him. He looked around the room, it was very dim and damp. The chains holding him in place had been nailed to the wall ages ago, he could smell the faint scent of other Bermuda Natives that had been here before. One of them had scratched a hopeless message onto the wall behind him, he didn't read it. He didn't want to be discouraged.

He tried to lift his arms, but the iron chains were heavy. He thought about shape shifting to break them out of the wall, but he would only injure himself if he did such a thing while restrained this way. He took a moment to sigh deeply, suddenly feeling his spirit want to break. Kevin had been his hero his entire life, and now he had literally sold him off and betrayed his family and the pack. He understood Kevin's opposition to joining the packs, but this was not the answer. This was destruction. It felt like there was nothing surrounding him but the sting of betrayal and hopelessness.


His lip twitched in agitation. Then of couse, there was her. He lifted his head to the sound of the voice. Now that his eyes had accustomed to the dim light, he could see Kayla clearly as she stared at him clutching the wrist still strapped to the silver cuffs.

"What?" He grumbled lowly.

"We have to get out of here." She said gravely. She seemed frightened, when he took a closer look at her, he noticed the wall behind her was stained with dried blood. The entire room was some kind of horror scene that had already happened, and they were next.

He narrowed his eyes. "How do you expect to do that?"

"I have an idea." She stated shakily, looking around.

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