Chapter 8

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The home parking lot was filled to the brim with chaos. Shouts from students narrated the fights breaking out. Police had pulled up to try to restore peace, while news teams came to broadcast the 'Feuding High Schools of the Valley'.

It was enough to make her sick.

Kayla and Raul trudged through the thick madness wearily, passing mixtures of blue Serius and human students, all giving her and her red colors icy looks. One human student approached Raul, a half empty beer bottle in his hand.

"You... are a son of a bitch." He slurred out drunkenly, pointing clumsily and waving the bottle around like a trophy.

Kayla felt Raul tense next to her, but he didn't budge. This human stood no chance against him and if he was caught beating a student, he could face criminal charges.

"What? You don't got nothing to say!" The blue student taunted, following them with disoriented steps. He laughed and snorted loudly. Then he hacked a huge, green loogie at the back of Raul's head. It hit with a disgusting plop, Kayla even felt tiny droplets splash bits of her face. She barely had time to process how disgusting it was, because Raul, in the next instant, turned hell loose. He slammed the poor minor onto the floor and rained powerful punches on him mercilessly. The student's skin began to swell with blue and purple colors.

"Stop!" Kayla screamed, "You'll kill him!"

It was as though Raul had gone deaf, he continued beating the student until he was limp. Another student jumped on him from behind, but Raul was a Lobain, he had felt it coming so strongly, he might as well have seen the student. He flipped the Snow Valley student off with ease and fought with groups of them as they began gravitating toward the fight.

One male student grabbed her, "Are you with this guy!?" He asked accusingly. He even had the nerve to poke the small of her back with a pocket knife. How pitiful.

She could feel her inner wolf raging. "Let. Go. Of me. Now." She spoke with an underlying snarl in her normally gentle voice.

There was a moment of hesitation, before the student replied, "I don't think so, you fucking bobcat!"

He had just finished his sentence when he was pulled away. "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" A voice asked. There was grunt as the student's lights were knocked out.

Kayla twisted around, taking in the unconcious student and Cody's blond locks as he knelt over him, taking the pocket knife. He stood when he noticed Kayla watching him and managed a small smile. "Trophy?" He offered the knife to her.

Her heart kicked violenly. How sweet of him to defend her. She lifted her head and feigned indifference. "I could've handled myself."

Cody glanced between her and the pocket knife. He didn't know what to say. "So, no trophy?" He pressed.

The tumbling bodies around her melted away, she broke out a smile for him. Cody dropped his gaze shyly. A sudden shriek, the crack of a nose breaking, and the scent of blood that gushed out of it, brought them back to the mess Raul had created. He looked at her again and held up a one with his hand, before he pounced into the chaos as well. Kayla crossed her arms impatiently and tapped her foot. Finally, the boys emerged, crawling between the legs of nosy students.

Raul pushed him off, "You made us crawl out of there like dogs!"

"I won't tell, if you don't tell." Cody sniggered, "Obviously, no one noticed." He indicated to the students that continued to roll over each other, oblivious to the fact that the one they were after got away.

Kayla scrunched up her nose. The myths that the humans told about her people described them as ugly, savage beasts, yet as she watched them, she had a hard time believing they even knew the definition of savage.

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