Chapter 26

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At the end of three days Kayla announced that she felt it was time for her to leave.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Nora asked.

Kayla nodded confidently, "Thanks to you, I've regained my strength, and I know Scott will be safe."

Victor smiled at her. "Despite the circumstances, it was a joy to have you." He stood from the table. "Scott, come help me prepare a going away pack for Kayla."

The child smiled enthusiastically and jumped to help his adoptive father with the supplies. They returned less than 15 minutes later, Victor had a backpack in his arms that he gave to Kayla.

"This bag is full of at least $1500 in cash. I took it out of my savings account. It should get you a plane ticket, as well as dinner, a night or two at a motel, and gas."

She'd been pampered her whole life, but this extreme generosity was new to her. "I can't accept this." Kayla said in shock.

"You must." Victor took something from Scott, "This is a ticket for a friend of mine who manages a car dealership. It'll get you a car, free of charge, to get out of this city."


"Just say 'Thank you'." Nora smiled. "It's our pleasure to help you. You have a pack to return to and protect from hunters."

Kayla took the ticket and dug it deep into her pocket, she also glanced inside the bag. The money was wadded up nicely, next to a bag of beef jerky and juice boxes for snacking on, and an extra change of clothing. This was so kind of them, she couldn't believe it. She made note to tell her parents of these people, so they would send gifts of gratitude. 

"Thank You." Kayla said. "What about you? Where will you go, knowing those hunters are so near?" 

Victor smiled, "We've hidden from them this long. We'll be fine, and if they do find us, Dragonians breathe fire. We'll no sooner burn this entire house down, killing them with us, than let them trap us."

"Our place is here." Nora added, "You have a mother who's heart is breaking each second you're missing. It's imperative that you return to her."

Scott stepped forward. He extended his arms to Kayla, showing her a pretty bronze necklace that was studded with black glass beads.

"For you." He smiled. "It make you even more pretty." 

She was touched. "Scott, it's beautiful!" 

Nora proudly ruffled the boy's flaming hair. "He made it himself, even the beads. He melted them with his fire from sand on the beach. Of course, Victor helped him a little with breath control and piecing it together." 

"Well, I just supervised, but Scott here is a natural. Three years old and he can already melt sand." He patted the boy proudly.

Already, both him and Nora had completely opened their hearts to him, and made him their son. Of course, they had to go through all the legal process, but they knew it would be a breeze. Within a year Scott would legally be their son. He would grow up and be safe with them. 

Scott placed another piece of jewelry in Kayla's hand. It matched her necklace, only the bronze chain was much smaller, because it was a bracelet. "For Damian." He informed.

Kayla nodded and tucked it safely into the backpack. "I'll be sure to give it to him." She said quietly, though she wasn't sure she'd ever see him again.

Before she could finish her sentence, the boy jumped into her arms and delivered a heartfelt hug. She wrapped her arms around him, and suddenly felt tears stinging the backs of her eyes. She was going to miss him terribly. In fact, she almost wanted to take him home with her. But, he needed to grow up with his species, maybe she could visit him someday. He tightened his grip on her, and she felt tiny tears soaking her shoulder. Yes, she would most definitely come back to see him again. 

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