Chapter 15

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The Pelisian pack was celebrating, news of Raul's engagement to Silvia spread like wildfire, and induced great joy. Silvia's parents were thrilled that she was to be mated to the future beta of the pack, while Raul's parents were glad he'd found the right one to settle with. Though Adam was a bit skeptical of the pace they went about things
They'd only dated for a couple months, then spent a month planning the wedding so it would fall on the next full moon. He tried to talk some sense into his son, advise him to slow down, but Raul was adamant about marrying her as soon as possible. He stated that Bermuda was urging him so much, he couldn't ignore it, and the high tensions between the packs worried him. Eventually, Adam backed down, reluctantly supporting his son. When the day for the wedding came upon them lightning fast, even he couldn't hide his giddiness.

Everyone would be bringing food and dressing in their best. Anthony, being the alpha, would lead the ceremony. The early half of the ceremony was planned to take place at the park, when nightfall came, they were going to run to the mountains and celebrate in their wolf forms.

Meanwhile, Kayla had also been preparing for prom. It had been decided that her and Damian would wear purple, as it was a combination of red and blue, their school colors. Both packs were apprehensive about them going together, it disturbed them, but it was also a very first peek into their future together. If they could make it work at the dance, then perhaps a better future was possible. Bernese had been drilling this into her daughter since the first day she heard about it. However, most believed it would end in disaster, including Kayla herself.

She looked at the purple dress in her closet and turned away from it with a breath. Then she changed into the white dress she had to wear for the wedding ceremony. Everyone that wasn't yet mated wore white at the ceremony, the alphas wore silver and the bride and groom wore gold. Everyone else could wear whatever color they pleased as long as it wasn't any of the three reserved colors. It was going to be a traditional lobain wedding. About half the packs had adopted the human customs of wedding, but other packs, like Pelisian, kept to their own practices.

There was a knock on her door, "Kayla, are you ready?" Bernese asked.

"Yeah." Kayla said, giving her hair one final touch up. The door opened and her mom let herself in.

Bernese wore a fitted silver dress that reached down to her toes. It made her look tall. She smiled at her daughter and the color of purity that she wore, "You look beautiful."

"Thanks, Mom. So do you."

They took each other arm in arm and went outside to meet Anthony. He wore a light grey tuxedo that matched Bernese's silver dress. He smiled at his family and opened to doors for them. When they were settled in the car, they drove out to the park. Most of the pack was already there, mingling with each other in excitement. There was much white from the children, teens and young adults. Then, there was a rainbow of colors coming from all the pairs that were already mated.

They celebrated when the alphas emerged, Bernese placed a head chain on Kayla, being careful not to mess up her hair. It would distinguish her from the other white bearing virgins as the heir. Almost like a small tiara. Then the family went to greet each individual member of the pack. Everyone was greeted by name, each time a new name came up, Anthony would send a meaningful look to Kayla, so she would start memorizing the names of all within the pack as well. Though, she wasn't paying much attention, all she could think about was the Serius names she would have to learn as well.

They ran into Adam and his mate, Tanya, who greeted everyone ecstatically. As the groom's parents they wore gold as well, with silver accents to distinguish themselves as upper ranks. Tanya was a seamstress, and had desgined beautifully adorned outfits to make the clashing colors work.

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