A History on Bermuda

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In the beginning the world wasn't called Earth, it was called Bermuda.

It was a large and beautiful land, full of mountains that towered above the clouds, trees that brushed the sky. The beaches were gentle with powdery white sand, the oceans blue and calm. Most beautiful were the inhabitants, which varied by location.

By the beaches you could find the Atlantians and mermaids, swimming peacefully with the other marine animals. In the mountains were the dragonians, spreading their wings out to the sky and praising the sun. At the base of the mountains, in the forests were the lobains, or wolves. Sharing the space with witches, and wizards, trolls, elves, fairies and sprites, centaurs, etc.

Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. The natives began fighting over resources and power. War broke out, the seas became polluted, the forests burned, the mountains crumbled. Bermuda was swallowed up by a great storm of fire. The temperature became so hot that it dried up all the water, it melted the rocky mountains, and left nothing of the forests. When the storm was gone nothing was left, but a few survivors of the species.

In the sea beds, only Leslie and Troy were left, the two wandered aimlessly barely surviving without their precious water. It was Troy, who found a tiny puddle of water, him and Leslie gazed longingly into it, if that was all that was left of water, they knew they would die. But, images began to form of the seas and forests of Bermuda. The voice of the motherland suddenly spoke.

"This is the last surviving, small part of I, Bermuda. This puddle of water now houses your motherland, and it must be preserved. This will be the door to get in and out, but it is also the life blood for this dead world, too. Fairies will spread the water to feriltize this barren place. It will become alive, but it will not be yours. Your desire for power nearly destroyed me and has proven your inability to respect your world. You will live in hiding in this new world, second to the new species soon to be born. Let it be remembered that no one owns Bermuda but herself. Noble Troy and Kind Leslie, you two are to live forever, burdened with guarding me."

The fairies used their power to spread the enchanted water. The whole planet became blue. When that was done the fairies, and sprites were allowed to return to Bermuda. The wizards, despite the prophecy of their motherland, decided to make this new world theirs.

Troy could do nothing to make them change their mind. He and Leslie entered the new sea and the Bermuda Triangle was formed.

Earth quickly became prosperous. A new species emerged. Man. They owned Earth, natives of Bermuda were slaughtered by them. The lobains and dragonians adapted the form of humans, learning to shape-shift and disguise themselves among them. All the other natives were not so lucky. The, now powerless, wizards and witches, angry with being outcasted from both worlds, fought back with a vengeance. It was a lost battle. All that survived switched sides, helping man get rid of the Bermudan natives they despised so much.

Man always tried to figure out the Bermuda Triangle. They made machines to see it and many other contraptions, but each was destroyed, and the men never seen again. Troy and Leslie would not allow it, they protected their pure land fiercely.

The survivors quickly discovered that twice a year they could enter Bermuda, during the Winter and Summer Solstice. They made it their goal during those times of the year to gather there. Only allowed to stay for a maximum of two months before Troy and Leslie had to force them to leave. The land was too small now to harbor them forever.

Dragonians developed the custom of arriving in the Summer Solstice for females to give birth and spend the first couple months of their baby's lives in Bermuda. When the two months was up they returned to earth for a life of hiding until the next summer solstice arrived.

Lobains adopted the winter solstice for returning to Bermuda. The lobains were disorganized, because all original pack leaders had died off, leaving the packs to disintegrate to individuals in bitter battles with each other to fight for numbers and territories. A young couple stayed far away, worried that the violence would harm the litter they were expecting, because of their wise and peaceful nature, the motherland blessed them. All of their children were marked with the sign of the alpha, they grew to pacify the violence and start new packs amongst the lobains for the new world.

The eldest and first to create a pack, was red coated, Alastar.

Lesion, the blue eyed boy after him, rose to his post as an alpha. The large pack divided as some chose to follow him.

Then the dual pack divided further under the other young alphas, Yonaga, the only female of the litter, and Arogos.

The youngest were twins, Pelisian and Serius, they were the last to create packs. Immense rivalry fell between the two brothers when they were of age to mate and fell in love with the same beautiful she-wolf. The rivalry was further fueled when they rose to power simultaneously, and competed over who could recuit more lobains. Both had also grown fond of Konahi, a dragonian who was both friend and mentor. When Pelisian mated with the she-wolf, Serius was full of jealous anger, for it had been agreed that she was to marry Serius, not Pelisian. He retreated to the comfort of Konahi's wisdom, only to find the Dragonian devising a way to help Pelisian enlarge his small pack by taking from Serius, who'd had more success in recruiting a substantial number. Fueled by uncontrollable rage, and betrayal, Serius killed the dragonian, this only deepened the riff between the two brothers, and the older siblings frowned upon them with disapproval.

The hate they had for each other carried on into the next generation.

The custom was that the alpha birthed only one heir, a son or daughter. That heir was the life blood of the pack, because they were the only one born with the birthright to lead. If the heir was to be killed or taken from the pack, there'd be no future leader, therefore no one to lead when the current alpha dies and the pack would be left in disarray. Possibly wiping each other out in the confusion of finding a new alpha, or they would be taken over by another pack. For this hazardous reason, a beta, with direct relation to the Alpha, was born too.

The Current leader of the Pelisian pack was growing exhausted of the rivalry between his pack and the Serius Pack. Things were getting worse, because of the rivalry it was getting hard for him to control his own pack. Already one of his own had killed a child of the Serius pack, it wasn't the heir, but it was obvious that they were after the young prince. Without his authorization.

The Serius pack was furious, in rage they had murdered the strongest Pelisian hunter.

It was time for a change...

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