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As we're walking through the forest, I can't help but glance over at her. She's looking all around us in awe, watching birds fly overhead, listening to the crickets sing. Distracted by everything around us, she trips over a tree root sticking out of the ground. I reach to catch her, but she regains her balance and jerks away quickly before I can touch her. She jumps when shouts begin echoing through the trees from in front of us.

She looks at me nervously. "What is that??"

I stop, and look back at her and grin. "That is the Lost Boys." I say as I part some vines, revealing the camp.

She slowly steps through, and I follow releasing the vines.

In front of us is a giant bonfire, and several tents. Above us are a few treehouses scattered amongst the trees. There are about 10 to 15 hooded figures dancing and jumping and hollering around the fire.

One of the figures glances towards us, continues dancing, does a double take, then breaks away from the group. He lowered his hood as he approached us. He nodded at me out of respect, I nodded back, before he glanced at Lily.

"Felix, this is Lily. Lily, this is Felix. He's my right hand boy. I found Lily on the beach lost and confused, and brought her back here for food. Feed her, introduce her to the boys then report to me." He nodded, and went to take her by the arm, but she flinched and jumped back and backed away from us until her back was up against a tree.

"Don't touch me!" She stated, and I frowned.

"Look, I have stuff I have to take care of. I need you to go with Felix, let him feed you, and then he'll introduce you to the boys and bring you back to me. Okay?" I could tell she didn't want to go with him, but I had some stuff to do. Like figure out where she came from.

She hesitantly nodded, before slowly following him towards one of the tents.

I disappeared back through the vines, before flying towards the beach to see if I could find anything that I might have missed.

I scan the beach carefully, but don't come across anything. I go to leave, when I see something reflecting the sunlight in the sand. I bend over and carefully pick up the translucent green fish scale and study it.

Oh, great. Just what I needed. I thought to myself.

Lily's POV:

I slowly follow Felix into a tent where there's a bunch of fruits and bread. He hands me an apple and some bread and leans back in a chair and watches me nibble on the bread.

I shift uncomfortably under his intense stare.

"Where did you come from?" I look up at his deep voice.

"I don't know. I can't remember anything. All I remember is my name." I answer back quietly. "Where am I??"

"You're in Neverland. The land where time stands still and you never grow up." I look at him crazy. "I can tell by that look, that you don't believe me. That's okay. You'll understand soon enough. Finish eating, so we can go."

I finish my bread and apple, and he leads the way out of the tent towards the bonfire. He gives a long whistle and all the boys stop celebrating, and look towards us. They start noticing me standing beside Felix, and begin talking amongst themselves.

"It's a girl."
"What's a girl doing here??"
"What's going on?"

A couple of the boys asked.

Felix eyes them all before speaking. "This is Lily. Don't touch her, and don't bother her. Just make her feel welcome. She's only here temporarily. Y'all can introduce yourselves later. For now, I must return her to Pan. Lily, lets go." He states, and starts leading me towards the biggest treehouse. "You can go up and wait inside. Just don't touch anything."

I nod and slowly begin to ascend the ladder, and step inside. I look around taking in the messy desk, some wicker lounge chairs, a dresser, and a bed. Despite the messy desk, the room in whole, was tidy and organized.

I know Felix said not to touch anything, but I don't know these people. I need to find something that might help me figure out how I got here. I go to the desk and start rummaging through the papers and the drawers, coming up empty handed. I look in the dresser, but find nothing there either.

I take a seat on the bed, intending on waiting for Peter, but before I know it I'm curled up on my side fast asleep.

I don't know what's going on. I can't see or hear anything. I can't breathe. I can't feel my legs. What's happening?? Where am I!?!

I feel pain on my arms. It's indescribable. I've never felt like this before. "Please, make it stop!"

"Li..." Somebody is shaking me. Stop touching me!! That hurts!!

"Wake up!" I hear someone. They sound familiar. But, their voice is kind of muffled.

"Lily! Wake up!" I bolt up screaming and thrashing trying to get away.

"STOP TOUCHING ME! LET ME GO!!" I scream. I can't breathe. They let go, but continue to talk to me calmly.

"Lily! Look at me! It's Peter. Open your eyes and breathe. Just breathe in and out. Slowly."

I force my eyes open, listening to the voice. My vision slowly comes back and my breath evens out as I try to focus on Peter.

"P-Peter? What h-happened??" I ask shakily.

"You were having a bad dream. You're burning up, too. Are you okay??" He watches me carefully, as he grabs a damp cloth and presses it against my forehead.

"No. I'm not. Please don't leave me again. I'm scared." I whisper to him, tears rolling down my cheeks. I pull my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around them.

"Okay. I won't leave." He replies, and I turn my head towards the treehouse window and just stare outside.

Peter Pan's Lost GirlWhere stories live. Discover now