Drawn to the Sea

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Lily's outfit that she chooses minus the jewelry.
Ignore the second half of the song. The song is what she's hearing later on.

Lily's POV:

I wake up alone in a tent, back at the camp. I sit up and look around me, but there's not much in here. Mainly the cot that I'm lying on and some clothes. Including some for me to change into.

I grab the peach colored top, the dark washed jean shorts and the matching peach colored shoes. I quickly change, and take a peek out the tent flap. There's nobody in sight, and I can't hear anybody.

I sneak out the tent, looking all around making sure the coast is clear before I go back through the vines that we entered the camp from.

I don't know where I'm going, but I just know I don't want to be here. Moreover, that I don't belong here.

I decide to go to the cliffs. Peter brought me here to show me the magic of Neverland, and it's beauty. Maybe I'll find something that's missing in myself. Something that I can't remember.

I sit with my legs dangling over the ledge, and look out over the horizon. I watch as the sun rises and brightens the sky. I watch as the sky turns to orange to yellow to blue. I look down at the ocean, where the sunbeams are reflecting off the water. A few feet from where I was looking I saw a splash in the water, and I rise to my feet.

I decide to go back to the beach to see what that splash was. Even though I was lost, looking out at the waves, and how they had nothing stopping them from going anywhere, it just calmed me down.

Arriving at the beach, I slowly approach the water's edge, and look out at the water. Seeing nothing out there, I sit down with my knees to my chest and my arms wrapped around them. I just watch the waves, crashing into skull rock, and against the cliffs.

There's something about the ocean that makes me want to just put my feet in the water and dive in. Just let it pull me out to sea. It sounds like a voice is calling to me. Seeing something in the distance, I slowly stand up; taking a few steps closer to the water.

Taking another step, I can see a figure perched out on a rock. Trying to see it and hear it better, I move towards the water. The voice slowly becomes clearer.

"Into the sea,
Hold you close to me,

Slide 'neath the waves,
Down into the caves.

Kiss me my love,
Cone rest in my arms.

Dream your dreams with me,
Slide beneath the sea.

Come to me my love,
Forget the land above.

Out of my control I begin walking into the water, my skin is steaming as I go further and further out. The figure slips off the rock, and begins swimming towards me fast and gracefully.

I barely hear a voice screaming my name from somewhere behind me, as the figure dives out of the water grabs me, and pulls me under. I let out a scream as my entire body erupts into indescribable pain as I become fully emerged in the water.

I snap out of the trance, and begin thrashing in the water, as I'm being pulled deeper into the ocean.

Where my sight should have been near impossible to use under the sea, I could see everything as clear as day. I could see the different schools of fish, the beautiful coral reefs, the crabs, and the beautiful mermaid pulling me deeper. I stop fighting when she looks back at me, and gives a smile revealing razor sharp teeth. I don't understand why I'm not afraid.

That feeling comes back from before. During my nightmare, I couldn't feel my legs, and I was in so much pain. I let out another scream, this time taking in a mouthful of water, as pain courses through my body. I start coughing, before realizing I'm breathing underwater.

Feeling like my neck is ripping open, I reach up and tenderly feel along it, finding gills. I notice there are green fins going along my forearms. My shirt has been replaced by scales over by breasts.

The mermaid is looking behind me, and I slowly turn my head and see a long, beautiful, emerald green tail where my legs should be. My eyes widen, as I turn to look back at the little mermaid, just as her face morphs into rage.

Suddenly I feel something grab my free hand and pull me back hard. Looking back, I see Peter pulling me away from the mermaid who is hissing at him, and back towards the sky; towards the beach. I realize he's trying to take me back, back out of the water, to a place I don't belong, and I start struggling. I almost get loose, but he tightens his grip on my wrist. I look behind me as my tail glides through the water, I see the mermaid frown slightly as she disappears into the shadows.

We break the surface of the water, and he takes a deep breath of air before dragging me out of the water and onto the sand.

"Stop struggling! What were you doing out here!?! Why'd you leave camp!?! And why didn't you tell me you were a mermaid??" Peter demands.

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