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Sirena's POV:

I finally found her. I've been searching for a long time. I will get her memory back. It's just a matter of if she's willing to take her place.

After pulling Lily back into the ocean for the second time, I lead her deeper into the dark waters. I look back to see her getting distracted by the beautiful sea life around us. I grab her hand, and pull her along beside me.

She focuses on me, and I give her a smile. She smiles back, and I watch as her eyes widen when we get to the palace ruins from which she disappeared from a long time ago.

"Lily. This is Atlantis. Does it look familiar to you??" I ask her, and she studies it before shaking her head.

"No. Is it supposed to??" She asks back. Sighing I nod to her.

"This is where we were born and raised. This is where you came from." I lead her through some of the ruins of the Lost City, towards the throne room. "This is where you were taken from us. Taken from me." She looks at me, as I release my sudden tight grip on her hand. I look everywhere, but her face. I swim towards the throne at the head of the room, and place a hand on the arm. "This is where I lost everything important to me. All in the blink of an eye." I close my eyes, as a flashback appears in my head.


Explosions all around were making our beautiful palace begin to crumble and fall. The royal guards were fighting back the enemy, trying to protect us. Mermen and mermaids were trying to get away from the bloodshed and the destruction.

I was swimming through the halls trying to find you. I had to protect you. I promised. I heard you scream my name. I turned and saw you being dragged away.

"NO! Lily!" I swam after you as fast as I could. I grabbed a bow and some arrows that had been discarded, and I shot one taking down one of the guys holding you. I was about to shoot another one, but something shot through the water knocking me out. Before, I lost consciousness I heard you scream my name, before they knocked you out and threw you in a cage.

"Lily, I'm sorry!" I thought as my eyes closed, and I was engulfed in darkness.


I felt a hand on my arm, snapping me back to the present. I look up into Lily's eyes, and my walls come crumbling down as I choke in a sob. I pull her into a hug, sobbing and apologizing.

"Lily, I'm so sorry! I should have protected you! I promised I would keep you safe and I failed! I'm so, so sorry!" She hugs me back for a moment before pulling away to look at me.

"Sirena, I don't know what happened, or who we are to each other, but it wasn't your fault. I believe that you tried your best to save me. That's all that matters." She says, helping me to calm down.

"I'm sure it's hard to tell me what happened here, but can you at least tell me our connection??" She asks, and I break away from her; swimming down a different hallway.

"The answer to that is this way." I lead her to a door with some cracks in it. I watch as she slowly pushes it open and swims in. I stay by the door as she looks around the destroyed bedroom. Picking her way through, she picks up a broken picture frame from the floor.

She looks at it, before slowly turning it to me and meeting my gaze. "What is this?? Sirena, who are we to each other??" I look at the picture of us close together smiling, covered in different flower petals and plants. I remember the day we took that picture. It was the best day. We had been swimming, and had found this little trove of wild flowers, and we ended up playing chase. It was also 3 days before everything was ripped apart.

Looking back up at her, I swam up to her and gently took the picture; being careful of the glass. I take a breath, and set the picture on the table next to the bed.

"Lily, I'm your big sister." I say slowly as her eyes widen. "You were kidnapped, because I failed to protect you. Everyone thought you were killed, but I always believed you were still out there somewhere. So, after everyone went to find a new home, I went to find you. I've been looking for a very long time. Now, I've found you, and I just hope you can forgive me."

Lily's POV:

"You're my big sister?? But, that's not possible. I'm older than you." I say, and Sirena shakes her head.

"I'm actually 2 years older than you. My theory is that when you were taken, you were taken to the mortal world where magic doesn't exist, so you aged, and you became human, losing your memories of your real life. But, because I never left, I didn't age as fast as you did. You must have also been brought back several times otherwise you would have died a long time ago." Sirena responds as I collapse back into a chair, trying to wrap my head around all of this.

"Okay, then how old are we??" I ask her.

"I was 10, and you were 8 when you got taken. I've been trying to find you for almost a century. 97 years if you want to get technical. I'm 107, and you are 105 years old. Even though I look 12, and you 18. I promise we're not that young, and I swear I'm older then you." She answers me, and I bring my hands to my head as it starts to pound.

"Hey, are you okay!?" Sirena asks nervously.

"Um, yeah. It's just a lot to process all at once." I answer while rubbing my head. "How did you finally find me??"

"I was able to get some help. Remember Katerina??" I nod. "Well, she actually found me in another realm looking for you. She told me of a girl who had appeared out of nowhere on the beach of Neverland. Her description of the girl sounded very close to you. So, I rushed back, only to see you following HIM into the forest. I didn't care at the moment, because I was just happy that I finally found you. Now that we're reunited, you should know that HE is incredibly dangerous. You need to stay away from HIM." She says, and I look up glaring at her.

"Okay, who do you think you are, by telling me what to do!?! You might be my "big sister", but I don't take orders from anyone." I get up and swim out the door, and down the hall. I hear Sirena calling after me, but I ignore her and keep swimming. I swim until I can't hear her anymore, and I end up in the courtyard. Finally, a moment to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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