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Lily's POV:

I feel a nudge against my un-injured shoulder, and slowly open my eyes. I focus on the figure standing above me.

"It's about time you woke up. At this rate, we'll never make you stronger. Come on, get up." Katerina says, reaching her hand down to me. I grab her hand and she pulls me to my feet.

Once standing, I wobble for a moment before I become steady.

"Here, apply this to your skin. It'll keep you from drying up." Kat says, handing me a clear jar with some kind of salve in it. I take it, and start applying it to my legs, arms, and face.

"Who are you??" I ask her once done.

"Oh, that's right. I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Katerina. You will only know what I tell you. And for now you don't need to know anything about me. As for yourself, that's a different story. Come on, let's take a walk." She says and leads me up a stone staircase; that I didn't notice before.

She takes me above land, and I blink at the blinding sunlight. "Where are you taking me??" She glances back.

"In order to learn, you must start at the beginning. In this case, for you, we need to go back to where your troubles began. I'm taking you to the beach." She answers back calmly.

After a long walk, we arrive at the beach. Upon our arrival, I see a young girl. She's staring out at the horizon, watching the waves crash into each other. I look at Katerina, and she waves me towards the girl. I slowly approach her, taking in her appearance.  She's wearing a simple flowing emerald green skirt(down to her ankles), a glittery bikini top, and she's got some kind of beaded crown in her hair. She has beautiful curly blonde hair, bright green eyes. She turns and looks at me, and smiles; revealing razor sharp teeth.

I gasp, as I remember who she is and where I've seen her. "You're the mermaid that dragged me out to sea."

"Yes. My name is Sirena. I'm here to help you. You must come with me. It is not safe here. You are being hunted. We must return to the sea. If you do not come with me, I will not be able to help." She says calmly.

"But, what about Peter?? I nearly killed him. Is he going to be okay??" I ask her frantically.

She nods. "He'll be fine. But, we must go now. The hunter is almost here. If we are still here when he arrives, he will seriously hurt you; if he does not kill you first. We must leave now." She takes a step into the water, and hisses as her skin begins steaming. She holds out her clawed hand. "Are you c-coming??" She stutters as she holds in a scream.

I look back at Katerina. "Don't worry. This won't be the last you've seen of me. Now go, I'll buy you some time." She waves, and quickly turns disappearing into the trees. I look back at Sirena, and see that she's breathing heavily. Her legs have patches of scales popping up. I take her hand and she quickly pulls me into the water.

I scream before going under the water, as my tail forms, my gills and fins reappear, and my teeth and fingernails become razor sharp. Breathing deeply, I open my eyes just as Sirena grabs my hand, and starts pointing further out to sea. She lets go, and takes the lead; swimming deeper and deeper. I glide through the water after sparing a glance above me.

I'll be back soon. I hope.

Felix's POV:

Where would a mermaid go if she's trapped on an island in the middle of the ocean?? I ask myself as I head towards the beach. Probably back to where she came from.

One moment I feel like someone is watching me; and the next it's gone. I glance around me, but I don't see or hear anything out of the ordinary. I narrow my eyes as I carefully continue on my walk to the beach. I grab my bow off my back, and notch an arrow in place.

Off to my left I hear a twig break, and I let an arrow fly towards it. I quickly pull another arrow into place, as I listen for anything. Not hearing anything, I keep walking picking up my pace. Suddenly the arrow I shot comes flying at me, and I duck in time for it to get lodged into a tree.

"Alright! Who's there!?!" I shout looking around. I hear a girl laughing, but it doesn't sound like anybody I've met before. "I know you're there! So, just come out!"

"If I show you who I am, then you'll tell your friends." I hear a distorted whisper behind me and I whirl around only to find nobody there.

"Where's the fun in that??" She says from behind me, and I turn once again seeing nobody there.

"Stop doing that! Come out, right now!" I shout. A quick scream pierces the air, then stops. I look in the direction of the beach. Lily! I forgot! I take off towards the beach trying not to trip, and I hear laughing once again; this time I know she's following me.

"I've done my job. Good luck ever finding her again. When she returns, she'll know everything she forgot. She'll be stronger than anything you've ever faced before." She says as I run onto the beach. "You won't know what happened until it's too late. So, on that note, have a good day." I look back, but there's only silence. Looking at the water, I throw my bow down and scream.

I'll find her and make her pay.

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