What have I done!?!

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Lily's POV:

Engulfed in darkness, my senses slowly start coming back as I regain consciousness. First my sense of touch; as I'm overwhelmed with pain that is short lived. The next thing that returns is my hearing. I can just barely make out Tinkerbell's and Peter's voices, but they are muffled.

My eyes flash open; as my vision clears, I see Peter above. We watch each other, before I slowly look around, and realize I'm underwater. I see different colored coral, a few rocks, and some green seaweed. I can tell by the taste and smell that I'm in some kind of ocean tide pool.

A memory flashes through my head.

I'm being pulled deeper in the water, by a beautiful little mermaid with razor sharp teeth. As she looks behind me smiling, I glance back and take in the sight of my own tail.
Slowly looking behind me, I see the same tail I saw in my vision. I give it a swish, and I move through the water. Swimming around for a moment, I forget where I am and what's happening.

I hear a muffled voice call out; what sounds like my name. Glancing up, I see Peter hovering above the water.

A wave of anger washes over me, as I look up at him. Not wanting to do something I regret, I quickly look around. Spotting a small cave, I swim towards it, as Peter continues calling my name. I keep swimming, only stopping when I hear a disturbance in the water.

My vision turns red as I look back and see that Peter dove into the water. Unable to stop myself, I scream out as my teeth resharpen, and my fingernails turn into claws. I quickly turn and swim towards him with an overflowing amount of rage.

His eyes widen as he quickly turns and starts for the surface. Just as he reaches the surface, I grab his ankle and drag him back down. He begins kicking, and jerking trying to get me to release him, but I hold on tight.

I start clawing at him with my free hand, and my claws get him across the chest. Blood starts blossoming out from his chest surrounding us in a cloud of red.

His mouth opens in a silent scream as he takes a mouthful of water and starts gagging. I go to scratch him again, but something shoots through the water going through my shoulder.

I scream looking to see an arrow protruding from my shoulder. I gasp, as I wrench it out tossing it away in the water. Looking back towards Peter, I see Tinkerbell pulling him out of the water.

I breathe heavily as I hold a hand against my shoulder as the red begins to fade from my vision.

My claws slowly disappear, and my teeth return to normal. I cover my mouth with my free hand as horror goes through me.

I quickly swim to the surface, rising up to my shoulders above the water; holding one against my bleeding shoulder.

I see Peter gasping for air, as Tinkerbell peels his shirt away; revealing four large gashes across his chest and abdomen.

I cry out Peter's name in horror, going to swim closer, but some girl appears out from behind a large oak tree; sporting a crossbow, aimed straight at my chest.

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