Where is she!?!

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Pan's POV:

I enter the tent that I brought Lily to the night before after she fell asleep.

It's empty. Her clothes are gone and her old ones are laying on the cot. Rushing back out, I whistle for the boys, and they quickly surround me.

"Lily is gone. Find her and bring her back safely. No harm is to come to her. She doesn't have any memories other than her name." I command, and they nod taking off in different directions.

Taking off into the sky, I head to my tree, hoping she was there looking for me. Landing next to it I call out, "LILY!"

Only silence answers me back. Silence and crickets chirping. I yell in frustration, and bring my fist down against the bark of the tree. The moment my hand makes contact, I can sense her energy. She's headed towards the beach.

I take off towards her energy. Bursting through the trees, I see Lily begin walking towards the water as if in a trance.

A trance!?! Thinking to myself, I look out to sea and see a little mermaid perched out on a rock. I can see her lips moving, and I listen harder. Slowly the voice rises, and I hear beautiful singing.

"Into the sea,
Hold you close to me,

Slide 'neath the waves,
Down into the caves.

Kiss me my love,
Cone rest in my arms.

Dream your dreams with me,
Slide beneath the sea.

Come to me my love,
Forget the land above."

A siren song! Looking back at Lily, I see she's entered the water. I notice that her skin begins steaming when it comes into contact with the water.

I start moving towards her, and see the mermaid slip into the water. She begins swimming towards Lily with speed and grace, and I run faster.

"LILY! LILY, STOP! GET OUT OF THERE!!!" I scream at her, but she doesn't hear me.

The mermaid jumps out of the water, grabs Lily, and pulls her under. Lily let's out a scream before she disappears in a puff of steam under the water.

"LILY!" I shout. I wade out into the water, and dive without a second thought.

In the distance, I can see Lily struggling in the mermaid's hold.

I watch as the mermaid smiles at her, revealing her razor sharp teeth, and Lily stops fighting against her.

I keep swimming after them, going deeper. I see Lily let out another scream, this time taking a mouthful of water. I watch as her legs fuse together, and become a long emerald green tail, that matches the little mermaid. She begins coughing, but then stops just as fast as she began. I watch as she slowly reaches up and feels along her neck. We both seem to notice the green fins along the sides of her forearms at the same time. Her shirt is replaced by emerald green scales covering her chest.

The mermaid is looking behind her, and she slowly turns her head and sees a long, beautiful, emerald green tail where her legs should be. She doesn't seem to see me coming, as her eyes widen. She turns to look back at the little mermaid, just as her face morphs into rage.

Suddenly I grab her free hand and pull her back hard. Looking back, she sees me pulling her away from the mermaid who is hissing at me, and back towards the sky; towards the beach. She starts struggling in my hold, and I almost lose my grip on her. I quickly tighten my grip on her wrist, and I look behind us as her tail glides through the water. I see the mermaid frown slightly as she disappears into the shadows.

We break the surface of the water, and I take a deep breath of air before dragging a struggling Lily out of the water and onto the sand.

"Stop struggling! What were you doing out here!?! Why'd you leave camp!?! And why didn't you tell me you were a mermaid??" Peter demands.

"Let me go back! I don't belong here!" She shouts, and begins struggling back towards the water; trying to pull her tail behind her.

I quickly grab her, and pull her further up the beach; away from the water. She screams out, and I watch as her teeth morph into razor sharp incisors, as she tries to bite me.

I look up as someone bursts through the trees. I see Felix hesitate, before running up and helping me grab her.

"She's a mermaid!?! How is this possible??" He says, trying to avoid her sharp teeth.

"PUT ME BACK!! I WANT TO GO BACK!!" She screams at us. I shrug, just as she screams out in pain.

I watch as her body slowly morphs back to that of a human girl. She stops fighting us and we quickly shield our eyes.

Lying in front of us is Lily, without any clothes on. I quickly make a navy blue floral tank top, some jean shorts, and some navy blue converse appear, and hand them over.

She gets dressed in a daze, and says, "It's okay to look now."

I watch her slowly rise to her feet. I can see her legs shaking, as she tries to get used to them again. She goes to take a step, and her eyes roll back into her head as she passes out. I catch her just before she lands face down in the sand.

I tenderly move her hair out of her face, and study her features. I sigh before carefully rising to my feet with Lily in my arms.

"What are you going to do with her, Pan?? We can't keep her inland forever. She's officially a danger to all of us." Felix says as I start walking towards the forest.

I pause, and glance down at Lily. I look back to him and say, "For the first time ever, I have no idea what I'm going to do." With that said, I turn and continue back through the forest.

I can feel Felix staring holes in the back of my head, but I ignore him and keep walking.

My destination though; is still a mystery. I guess I'll know when I get there.

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