What Happened?!

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Katerina's POV:

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here." I say as I step out of the shadows of the cave; revealing myself to Lily.

Lily looks up at me in shock, as she backs away from the edge, watching me cautiously. "How did you get in here??" She asks.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out when I tell you. Come here." I say crouching down, and she slowly swims back towards me.

I grab her chin and stare in her eyes; as she tries to wrench my grip away, failing.

I nod, and release her, standing up. "Just as I thought. Get out of the water."

She shakes her head frantically. "I hate being out of the water. It hurts!! Don't make me get out!"

Sighing in frustration, "You are getting out of that water. If I have to come in and get you out, I'll make it more painful then you already being out." Her eyes widen in fear, but she slowly goes to pull her self out.

Once she's out, she releases a scream; as her tail splits back into legs, her gills, fins, and scales disappear, and she gasps and passes out from pain.

"She's so weak. I'll make her stronger in no time. She won't enjoy it though." I think to myself as I snap my fingers dressing her in seconds.

Pan's POV:

I grimace as pain engulfs me. I can feel the deep claw marks going across my chest and abdomen. Slowly opening my eyes, I blink away the discomfort from the light above me.

"Don't move! You could reopen your wounds." I glance over as Tinkerbell approaches me.

"W-What hap-pened??" I whisper softly.

Her expression sharpened as she looked at me. "Lily attacked you."

"That's not possible. She wouldn't hurt me!" I argue back, and she gets frustrated.

"She nearly killed you! I told you not to go in the water, but you didn't listen! WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN TO ME!?!" She screams as tears begin rolling down her face.

I stare at her in shock. Why is she crying?? She would have been rid of me. Unless....

"Tink, why are you crying?? Do you ha-??," I get cut off by a scream. It ends as quickly as it started. "What was that?? Was that Lily!?!"

I struggle to sit up, and Tink roughly holds me down.

"Who cares if it was that monster!?! You need to stay still!" She shouts holding me still. I'm too weak to move, so I stop fighting her.

"Where is she!?!" She stays silent, and I glare at her. "Tink! Where is she!?!"

"I don't know! I yelled at her to leave and she dove under the water. In case I haven't made myself clear, I don't care where she is. Just as long as she's gone." She shouts before turning and sitting down against a tree.

"Get me Felix." I say, and she frowns. "Go! Get Felix, or I will do it myself." She sighs, but gets up and ducks through some trees; disappearing from sight.

I turn my head and look towards the water, watching it ripple gently.

Lily, where are you?? I think silently.

Felix's POV:

I haven't seen Pan in a few days, and normally I wouldn't worry. However, now that I know about Lily being a mermaid; I'm worried something happened to him. The last time I saw him, he was carrying her into the forest.

Lost in thought, I don't see the blonde slowly approaching me, until she taps my shoulder.

I jump slightly, pulling a knife as I glance up. Releasing the breath I was holding, I sheath my blade, and stand.

"Tink?? What are you doing here?? You know Pan doesn't like you being in the camp." I say, and she frowns. Looking at her, I take note of her puffy red eyes; she's been crying.

"Um, Pan sent me to get you. You have to come with me." She says.

"You've seen Pan!?! Is he okay?? Where is he??" I ask frantically.

Nodding she says, "Yeah. I've seen him. He told me to bring you to him. I'll tell you some of what's happened on the way." I nod slowly before telling the Lost Boys I'd be back.

She tells me about Pan bringing Lily to her to watch and keep away from water. Only to discover that she had to be in the water or she would die. She told me about putting her in the ocean pool outside her home, and how she attacked Pan when he dove into the water. She told me how Pan almost died. How she screamed at Lily to leave and she did.

"I think Pan wanted me to get you, because you're loyal to him 100%. So, you'll do anything he asks of you; even if you disagree. I won't do that for him. I think he is going to ask you to find Lily, and make sure she is okay. If he does, will you do me a favor??" Tinkerbell looks at me, as I think.

"What do you want me to do??" I finally ask her. She stops suddenly, and looks at me dead in the face.

"I want you to make her pay for what she did to Pan. No matter what happens, I want her to pay." She says and keeps walking before disappearing through some trees.

I stare after her, before following. Walking through the trees, I look around. I see a cliff, with a waterfall, pouring into an ocean pool; surrounded by trees, vines, and flowers. I see Tink kneeling down next to an unconscious Pan, and quickly join her at his side.

I gasp once I'm closer, and see the extent of the damage. Tink looks at me as I kneel down next to her.

"Lily did this??" I whisper, careful not to wake Pan up. She nods and carefully takes his hand.

"I'll do it. I'll make her pay." I say softly, and she smiles.

"Thank you Felix." She answers.

She lets go of Pan's hand when he starts moving. He slowly opens his eyes and looks around before focusing on me.


"Pan. What happened to you?? I haven't seen you in days." I say, playing it off as if I don't know anything.

"It doesn't matter what happened to me. I want you to do something." He says, grimaces in pain. I spare a glance at Tink, and she's glancing at me, too.

I look back at Pan, and he says, "I need you to find Lily for me. Make sure she's safe. I heard her scream earlier. I think she's out of the water, but I don't know where. Find her, make sure she's okay." I nod slowly, standing up. As I leave, I glance towards Tinkerbell. She's watching me, and I give her a barely susceptible nod, before leaving.

I'll find Lily, and I'll make her pay. I think as I head off to find the monster.

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