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Pan's POV:

I enter my treehouse and spot Lily curled up on top of my bed fast asleep. I decide to let her rest, and go to my desk. I put the scale in the top drawer and start going through some things for answers.

I hear Lily begin shifting, and I turn to look at her just as she starts thrashing, and screaming.
I rush over to her and start shaking her.

"Lily!" I keep trying to shake her awake. She's burning up.

"Wake up!" I shout, but I don't think she can hear me.

"Lily! Wake up!" She bolts up screaming and thrashing trying to get away.

"STOP TOUCHING ME! LET ME GO!!" She screams. She's hyperventilating. I let go, but continue to talk to her calmly.

"Lily! Look at me! It's Peter. Open your eyes and breathe. Just breathe in and out. Slowly."

She slowly opens her eyes, listening to my voice. Her gaze slowly comes back and her breath evens out as she tries to focus on me.

"P-Peter? What h-happened??" She asks shakily.

"You were having a bad dream. You're burning up, too. Are you okay??" I watch her carefully, as I grab a damp cloth and gently lay it across her forehead.

"No. I'm not. Please don't leave me again. I'm scared." She whispers to me, tears rolling down her cheeks. She pulls her knees to her chest and wraps her arms around them.

"Okay. I won't leave." I reply, and she turns her head towards the treehouse window and just stares outside.

"Do you want to talk about it??" I ask her quietly. She shakes her head, and I sigh before going back to my desk.

I keep myself occupied. I can tell she was snooping through my stuff when I was out, but I don't say anything about it. A little while passes before she breaks the silence.

"What is Neverland??" She asks. I turn around to look at her curiously.

"Neverland is a faraway place where the Lost Boys, Tinkerbell, myself, and other mythical creatures live. Time stops moving here, and nobody grows old." I say calmly, as I watch her expression.

She looks deep in thought, so I let her process what I just said.

"How did you come to be on Neverland??" I was shocked when she asked me that.

"That.... is a story for another day. My question is how did you??" I ask her, but she looks confused.

"I don't remember anything except my name. I really wish I knew, but I don't. I just woke up on the beach, and you found me. I'm very thankful that you did find me. Who knows what could have happened?? I know I haven't said it yet, so thank you. Thank you for finding me and feeding me, and helping me earlier." She got quiet at that last part. I pretended not to notice, and just smiled.

I turn back to my desk and start sorting through some stuff. I hear Lily approach me, and I look up at her curiously.

"Do you wish to see Neverland??" I ask her before she can ask me anything. She nods excitedly. "Well, let's go."

I lead her down the treehouse, towards Felix's tent. I nudge his boot, and he opens his eyes.

"I'm showing her the island, while I'm gone you're in charge." I say, and he nods. We walk off through the vines, and towards my thinking tree.

"This is my thinking tree. I come here when I need to get away and just be alone with my thoughts, but if you ever need me and can't find me, chances are I am here. Just come look for me." She nods in relief and smiles.

I showed her the dreamshade plant that kills you in minutes, and the magical waterfall that will heal all ailments, including dreamshade poisoning. I showed her the dark forest, where she should never go alone, and I showed her where the fairies lived. I showed her skull rock, and I took her to the cliffs next to the beach so we could watch the sunset.

As the sun began to set I offered her my hand.

"Do you trust me??" I ask her when she jerked back slightly. She looks at me nervously, before timidly taking my hand and nodding. I grin at her and pull her to her feet, and say," Hold on tight." I launch us into the air laughing, and she screams in fear clinging onto me as we soar through the sky.

I look at her, and see that her eyes are clenched shut.

"Lily, open your eyes. Open your eyes and look at the view." I say softly next to her ear. She slowly opens her eyes and gasps in awe.

"It's breathtaking. This is unbelievable, Peter." She says breathlessly. A big smile spreads across her face as she looks around us.

I fly us over the forest near where the fairies live and I land us in a tree.

"Watch." I point in front of us and as soon as the sun is gone flowers begin to glow and bloom.

"Wow! This is beautiful. Thanks for showing me this." She smiles and I smile back at her and I don't think she realizes that she's still holding onto my arm. That's okay, she needs to be comfortable.

She slowly ends up with her head on my shoulder, and I listen as her breath evens out and she falls asleep. I look down at her, and wonder to myself.

What is it about you that makes me care?? Who are you really??

Peter Pan's Lost GirlWhere stories live. Discover now