Chapter 1

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June 29, 2011

My name is Alexis and today is the day that a miracle happened. Today, my daughter was born.  Her daddy is the one and only, Harry styles.

After a 9 month long bumpy rollercoaster ride filled with arguments, tears, and hormones, in the end, we created a beautiful baby girl.

It may all seem like it wasn’t that bad, but let me tell you, it wasn’t pretty. This is my story of being 16 and pregnant.

September 19, 2010

I stirred in my sleep and groaned at my screaming alarm clock. Reaching my hand out to turn it off, I smacked the bed side table several times until I finally hit the snooze button.

Rolling over, I remembered that Harry was out of town to audition for the X Factor today. On his pillow, was a note.

Dear Alexis, Wish me luck, babe. I’ll miss you lots! I love you. See you soon.

                                                                Love, Harry Xxx

I smiled and folded the note up and set it back on the pillow. Looking back at the time, I really took it in this time, and realized that I was about to be late for class. I ran to my closet and threw on a shirt and chose some shorts.

Out of my room, I ran, grabbing my Jansport backpack and a granola bar for breakfast.

I locked the front door and ran to my car. I tugged on the handle repeatedly. I found myself pulling on a locked door. Wow.

I ran back inside and searched for the car keys. After a frantic five minutes, I stopped to think.

The kitchen.

They’re in the kitchen! I quickly grabbed them out of the fridge (where is stupidly left them) and ran back to my car.

*At School*

I found my locker and opened it up. Minding my own business, I quietly stuffed my back pack in.


A mop of imperfectly perfect blonde curls surrounded my head and her cold cheeks pressed against my ear as I got a hug from the back.

That’s my best friend, Mae.

“Hi, Mae. What’s all the excitement about?” She backed off and grinned. “It’s not my business to say…” She held up her phone and I saw that a call was in progress. Confused, I took the phone from her and asked, “Hello?”

“Hi, Lexi.” It was Harry.

“Harry! How’d you do?” The moment I said his name, a crowd of consisting of his friends and his band members were soon surrounding me, eager to hear the news.

“Well…” he sighed. This doesn’t sound good.

“I MADE IT!” My eyes lit up and I cheered. The crowd caught on and they began to chant his name and applaud his accomplishment.

I could hear Harry laughing and sniffling tears of joy. “So, what now?” I ask.

“I’m off to boot camp, and then hopefully I go to the Judge’s house.”

“Sounds like a plan, Harry. I’ve got to get to class now, but I just want to say, do your best, and don’t let anybody put you down. I love you.” I paused for a moment, realizing what I’ve just said. That was the first time I said the big L to him. I heard him sniffle again and he repeated it back to me. “I love you too, Alexis.” The phone line went dead and I pulled the phone away from my ear.

The group around me awe’ed and smothered me in a group hug. I smiled and thanked them for it before the crowd disbanded in different directions, leaving me and Mae. I returned her phone and hugged her. “You said it, Alexis! You say I love you!” my cheeks were blushing as I stared at the floor. “He said it back, right, Lexi?” I nodded and we giggled.

The bell rang and we headed to class.

About halfway through math, my stomach flipped upside down. My vision was blurring and I felt like I was going to vomit. I quickly got up and dashed out of class, down the hall, and into the bathroom. When I reached a stall, I immediately let out last night’s spaghetti. I stopped and took a breath as I heard footsteps coming closer and closer to the bathroom.

“Alexis? Are you okay?” it was Mae.

“Yea, I’m fine, I just—” That terrible feeling came back and I felt my food coming back up again.  

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