Chapter 19

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A/n: so here it is! you guys nearly made the goal and I couldn't wait any longer to post this!! ENJOY!!!


Only one week left, that all I had left before I went into labor, without Harry. When Harry has witnessed my kiss with Zayn he said nothing. Instead, he walked off looking more heartbroken than ever before.

Finally he has at least came home, he still wasn't talking to me and it hurt to have him so close but feel so out of reach. Zayn and I has spent some quality time together, we went together but in a way we were more closer than I'd expected. Louis of course wasn't happy about my decision but Zayn was my only hope of my daughter having a proper father that was with me.

Harry walks into the living room, his features tensing at the sight of Zayn's arms around me. He sits down a few feet away from me, his eyes taking glances in our direction. "Good morning..." He says without expression.

I clear my throat. Finally, he spoke to me. The words were cold and bitter coming from what I had hoped for but I was lucky he was at least saying that to me. "...Good morning." I merely smile with no expression. Feeling a slight jolt in my stomach, I ignore the feeling before making the distance between Harry and I smaller. Zayn takes the hint I give him and walks into the kitchen. I peer over at Harry, his swollen sleepless eyes pinning the television with a harsh, yet saddened glare.

"Would you stop staring?" He questions, turning up the volume and making no eye contact with me. I slump my shoulders and snatch the remote from his hand, turning the television off and throwing the remote to the side. He doesn't look my way; instead he glares at reflection of himself in the black screen. "What?" He hisses.

"We need to talk Harry!" I intrude his rant. His jaw clenches as he turns to face me. His eyes nearly make me shudder back, the glint of misery inside of the green only sending more guilt throughout my body. I'm the reason that glint is there. He gestures for me to continue. "What are we going to do?"

He merely chuckles. "There is no 'we' anymore. Why don't you go ask Zayn?"

I sink in my skin, my eyes sting and I hold back my burning tears. "..I know, I'm talking about the baby." I defend. "She's not Zayn's."

His eyes fall back to me, the pain in his expression only sending me over the edge. "..But you are." My breath hitches in my throat and I use all my will power not to jump forwards and wrap my arms around him. I just want him back, his kisses his hugs. I want Harry back. "We had it all..."

"I'm sorry." My voice betrays me. "I made a mistake."

"I'll still raise her with you and 'him', but after what you've done. I don't think I can forgive you." The pain is laced in his words and I can't find the words to apologize again. I broke him, I broke myself. I broke us. I can't even forgive myself.

"..I understand." I murmur before standing up and walking into the kitchen. Zayn smiles at me, his hand caressing my cheeks before placing a small kiss to my nose. His lips linger and kiss away my tears, I don't think I even deserve him. He out of all people know the only reason I'm with him is because of the baby. She needs a father figure.

"Are you okay baby?" He whispers into my ears. I nod my head against his shoulder and can't help but feel awful. If I could've just stayed away from him when Harry asked I'd been in Harry's arm.

~Harry's POV~

(Later that day)

I walk in into the kitchen to see Alexis gripping onto the edge of the counters. I feel a pang in my chest as I take in the sight, I want her back. She's mine...was. I stood behind her, placing my hands on either side of her forearms, rubbing circles on her dew-kissed skin. She's shivering and her grip on the counter only makes her face go red as she inhales and exhales deeply.

She turns to face me with a hurt expression, her hands take mine and I give her a questioning look before she squeezes down on my palm and takes her stomach in her other hand.

"Alexis what's wrong?" I nearly plead.

Her eyes shut tightly and once they open again, I could clearly see it on her face. I didn't even need her to answer for me, it's obvious.

"Harry, I'm going into labor..."

"But you're not due for another week!" I exclaim hoping it's just a false alarm. I'm not prepared for this and it's clear as day she isn't either.

"A baby can come early, Harry..." She whines with another squeeze of my hand, almost breaking it with the tight grip she had.

Her hand releases mine and I take a step back in shock as she lets out a shriek of pain, bending over, gripping her stomach. With the first contract over with, she motions for me to time her. I call the boys and they all rush into the kitchen without a second passing by. When she scream in pain again, her contractions are eleven minutes apart.


I hold onto her hand the whole car ride to the hospital and the only thing I can do is watch as the woman I love screams in pain from the contractions. Niall sits with a smile on his face at the start of a new life about to start; Liam and Louis are by our sides trying to help her get through the contractions and Zayn is basically speeding thorough roads, breaking every rule of the road.

"Fucking hell!" She hissed through her clenched teeth as the pain increased with another movement of the baby.

"Potty mouth!" Niall scolds her.

I remember when Niall has gotten called out for having a potty mouth, himself. Sure enough this was his payback. "Now is not the time, you bastard." She gives him a pained and serious, but playful glare.

"How are you holding on?" Louis asks her. I can tell he hates seeing her this way, but thankfully having him as a friend, he was there through it all and I couldn't have asked for a better friend than Louis. Remind me later to give him some sort of thank you.

"It hurts during the contractions, other than that I'm still dying." She exhales in humor.

She gives me a saddened look and I turn away, not able to stomach how hurt she was. When I said I wouldn't forgive her, I don't know what I was thinking. Of course I forgive her; I just need to gain back a sense of trust in her. I resist kissing away her pain and settle for skimming my thumb across her knuckles. She smiles in hope when I stop at the ring I'd given her, not once had she taken it off.

When we pull up into the hospital I carry her in and place her into the gurney the nurse had prepared for us. Zayn had stood up to go in with her but the boys had all shot him shameful glares, letting him know he wasn't the father and that I should be I there with her. He sits down and I could feel his eyes burning holes of hatred in my back as I leave with Alexis.


She's screaming, and I stand from her head watching as she pushes forward. The doctors stand at her feet. "I see her head, come on Lexi you're almost there." He smiles.

Lexi looks up at me and I can see she's tired. If I could take away the pain I would. I say the words that seem to encourage her and surprise me. She smiles and squeezes my hand in reassurance. "...I still love you, Lexi." I confirm it for her.

"I love you too Harry..."

It takes her a few more pushes before my daughter is out and her cries fill the room. I smile when the doctor places her in my arms and her eyes peel open. "Daddy's here..." I say with a few happy tears streaming down my face. I turn back to Alexis who's watching in awe. "I'm so proud of you..." I manage to say in her direction.

She smiles as I hand our daughter to her, tears of joy flowing from her eyes. "Do we have a name for her?" She smiles and waits, obviously wanting me to name our Baby as the Doctor got his pen ready to finish off the birth certificate.



A/N: so...I finally revealed the name!!! here what Alexis has to say about his choice in the next chapter! 10 votes and 10 comments for an update!! :)

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