Chapter 11

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A/N: lots of surprises, guys! :) thanks for the chapter Liz! ^-^


I sat on the floor in the living room in the dark. With my eyes barely able to stay open from my tiredness, I notice that someone had turned the TV off. Weird...I thought no one was home. I lifted my body and turned myself to my other side and stretched my arm out to get rid of the numbness I had from sleeping on it. My heart jumped out of my chest as my fingers collided with another sleeping body. Thinking it was harry I moved up closer, my head resting in the warmth of his slowly moving chest. I cuddle up as close as I could as he stroked my hair gently.

"How was your night out with the boys, babe?" I heard him mumble something's below his breath, But it wasn't audible, so I ignored his answer. I was still in my groggy state so I just moved my hand over to his slightly sweaty palm. Then I realized it was smaller. His hand had shrunken. Slowly I opened my eyes to be staring up at a heavily sleeping shirtless Zayn.

I tried to move under his grasp to escape him, but the arm he had on my waist had a firm grip. "Zayn let me go." I mumbled beneath my breath in hopes of catching his attention. I slapped my hand onto his chest, making him groan in displeasure. Thankfully his hand on my hair had stopped moving, signaled he was awake. His eyes peeled open and looked down to me.

"When did you get here?" Was all he said to me; a humored smile on his face. "If you wanted to sleep with me all you had to do was ask."

Instantly I sat up way to fast. My cheeks switched over to a crimson red. "You laid down with me, not vise versa." I argued in a shout, beginning to feel a bit irritated."I thought I had the house to myself..." I added.

"I got bored and the boys were off somewhere, so I headed back home."

I crossed my legs and put my hands in my face in attempt to hide my rosy pink cheeks. "I'm so sorry zayn I didn't mean to yell, I-"

"Don't apologize, we didn't do anything." He cut me off. His hand reached for the remote as he turned on the television. He quickly flipped through the channels and stopped at the sight of an episode of CATFISH. Getting bored of it, he changed the channel again and it landed on Sponge Bob. He couldn't help but to laugh at the sight of sponge bob trying to get Garry to take a bath.

I sat still, my mind focused on nothing but what Harry would say if he saw me and Zayn cuddling. I grimaced at the thought of his words. "Stay away from Zayn." First he'd murder Zayn and god knows what it would do to me and Harry's relationship. "Cat got your tongue?" Zayn smiled.

His eyes peered up at me, in an annoyingly happy way. He didn't give me much time to respond before he stood and walked into the kitchen. My jaw clenched in embarrassment. How didn't I feel when Zayn came in? A bigger question would be 'why did he even stay?' I moved my arms out freely, finally away from Zayn. I stood up and planted myself on the couch. My legs kicked up onto the coffee table as I tried my best to block out whatever would've happened if I never noticed who it was.

Soon enough, Zayn walked back into the living room, a bag of popcorn in one hand, and two cans of Coca Cola in the other. He smiled at me before cleverly jumping over my legs.

"Zayn?" I finally said after a while of watching Sponge Bob. "What did you buy yesterday?" I knew he had bought condoms but I just wanted to know why. I was a girl and like most, I'm snoopy.

His head turned in my direction. "Why?" He muted the television, giving me his full attention.

I slumped my shoulders. How was I really going to ask why he had bought condom? "Just wondering, you were kind of acting suspicious yesterday." I shrugged.

He chuckled before popping a few buttery pieces of popcorn into his mouth followed by a quick swig of his soda. "Does it really matter?"

I cocked my eyebrows at him. The childish part of me wanting to demand an answer of him, yet my mature side overpowered me and reminded me that he would know I searched through his stuff. "No, I was just curious." I stammered across my lie.

I allowed my eyes to drop to my lap; my fingers fiddling with the hem of my shirt. My mind wandered to the most delirious thoughts, some being of who he wanted those for. I don't know why I was making such a fuss about it; I guess it was just the way that he had acted that made me curious.

I drew my attention back to the television, maybe I was making something out of nothing. I smiled to myself thinking it was probably my hormones being the cause of my curiosity. Letting the subject drop, I focused on nothing but the show before me.

When Harry, Liam, and Louis had came home, Louis and Liam dragged a hesitating Harry into the kitchen. The look on Harry's face told me that he was irritated that me and Zayn were watching TV together. Zayn and I gave each other a funny look before Niall burst through the door; his attention falling onto the bag of popcorn in Zayn's hand.

Surprisingly Niall had allowed himself to ignore the food and walk off into the kitchen, probably just to make himself his own bag.

"Condoms." Zayn finally spoke. "I bought condoms."

"Oh. For who?" Why did you ask that, Alexis? How stupid. What kind of question is that?

"For me."

I shuddered at the stupidity of my question; of course the condoms were for him. I shifted in my seat again. My eyes falling back to my lap as my shorts suddenly got very interesting. As I messed with the edge of the cloth, I felt Zayn scoot closer, I felt uncomfortable, but I didn't resist. I sat where I was and I should've moved because his next movement surprised me completely. His finger landed on my cheek, forcing my eyes to meet his. He leaned in and his lips had crashed into mine. His strong body forced me to slowly lie down on the couch, his arms on either side of my head. I didn't even hesitate to pull away, I was stuck in shock. I began to kiss back, when I finally realized what was happening. I pushed on his chest for an escape.

"What are you doing?" I whispered up to him, I couldn't believe that he actually did this while Harry was just in the other room. Brave boy, he is.

With his body still hovering above me, he smiled. "...kissing you..." He had leaned down again and I quickly slapped his cheek; anger now filling my eyes.

"I meant why?" I loudly whispered up to him, remembering my long term boyfriend, Harry.

Soon enough I regretted kissing back. I quickly shoved on Zayn's chest again, but with full force, causing him to fall off the couch in between the couch and the coffee table.

"What are you two doing?" Harry asked through clenched teeth. I drew back my breath when I realized he probably saw the whole thing happen. His eyes pinned me with a harsh gaze as he motioned for me to follow him into the kitchen.

I obeyed him without thought. My hands trembling with what he will have to say. Liam, Louis, and Niall stood in complete silence, making me guess that they probably watched the whole thing happen too. "I meant what I said about staying away from Zayn." Harry started. "Babe, he made the first move on me. How long were you there?" he gazed at his feet and continued without making eye contact. "I saw everything. I told you to avoid him, though." I simply nod, not having anything on my tongue to say. "Alexis, I love you, and I hope you love me back. But, if I catch you doing this again, it's over." With my eyes tearing up I looked up at him, forcing myself to smile because of the other boys in the kitchen with us. "I do love you, Harry. I love you more than anything. I'm so sorry that this happened." He gave me an unconvincing nod.

I sniffed once more before shooing the boys out of the kitchen. As the last of them scurried out to the living room to join Zayn, I whispered Harry's name. Walking up to him, I wrapped my arms around him, forcing him to look up at me. His teary eyes made my heart ache. I lean in, bringing our lips together. I kiss him with such passion, showing him how much love I have for him. I cupped his cheeks so he'd be closer to me.

Finally pulling back he, smiled at me.

"Did that prove anything?" I ask, smiling back at him.

"Yes." I kiss him again and he grinned into the kiss, telling me that he truly believed me.

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