Chapter 16

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A/n: HI GUYS!! you were SUPER close to the vote goal and im proud of it! the comment goal was completed and that's good enough, so here you go!

IMPORTANT: VOTE, or no new chapterrrrrr! I need 5 votes and ten comments for an update!


"...Harry, I-" My words were so hesitant. I feared that it was obvious that I was completely taken back in surprise. My mouth hung open and tears filled my eyes. Of course the gesture was sweet, but I couldn't find myself to say yes. "...I don't know what to say." The meaning of it was truthful. I really don't know.

"Say you'll marry me." Harry begs with a grin, but it's obvious he knows that I'm hesitant; the concern and worry in his eyes saying it all to me.

"Harry we're just kids..." I whisper. "I don't want you to feel like you have to do this." I wanted to say 'yes' but I couldn't, the thought of rejecting him only made me choke back with guilt. It was Zayn, if it wasn't for that conniving little rat, I would be jumping for joy and saying yes without ends. "We're too young. I know the legal age is 16, but Harry, I don't want this to turn out as a mistake." That last part was a bit harsh, but it was true. It might as well be the biggest mistake of our lives.

He seemed to buy my excuses but that didn't stop his face from falling. It didn't stop the pain I felt in my chest when I saw his eyes lose hope in our relationship when I rejected his proposal. It didn't stop him from faking a smile and because it didn't stop him, I felt my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach. Why did Zayn have to come in and fuck with my mind?

"Will you consider making this promise ring?" Harry nearly pleaded. I could see it in hids face that he was desperate and I found myself only feeling more guilty as I accepted. All I could think, was what is Zayn going to say? But why should that matter? He isn't my boyfriend. Harry is.

He smiled and I smiled back, still feeling unsure as I hesitantly looked down, watching him slide on the ring. "I promise, Alexis Connors, that when I'm gone, when I'm here, anywhere, I promise to love you no matter what happens. I promise to show you just how beautiful you are to me, and I promise one day, I will marry you. But for now, keep this ring in a special place. I love you."

His tiny cheesy speech was just what I needed to hear. It said it all. Harry and I belong together. Zayn is just a little phase and I will get over it...I hope.

~later that day~

After me and Harry got home we waited a few hours, watching movies and just enjoying each other throughout what time we had left alone together. "Babe I'm hungry." I whine at Harry. Harry and I sat on the couch, he laid back on the arm rest and I sleepily laid on his chest. I rested on my back, in between Harry's legs. As much as I didn't want this to end, I wanted him to get me food. Hormones are a bitch and when they say the baby is hungry, suddenly, it seems as though I haven't eaten in weeks.

"Do you want me to cook you something?" He lowly mumbled. His hands playing with the strands of my hair as I gave him a goofy smile. "Or do you want me to go get pizza?"

I give him a playful smirk; he didn't even have to ask. Next to Harry's amazing cooking skills, pizza was my favorite. I would make him cook but I can tell he's exhausted from today's picnic.

He swiftly stands from the couch, hands retrieving his keys from the coffee table. He kissed my lips, his own taking a second to linger and tease me. "I'll be back in a bit, love."

I sigh as soon as he leaves, I wish he would've taken me with him but he knew better than to try to get me to stand with this huge belly of mine, much less have to sit in the car all the way home with that delicious smell leaking out of the pizza box. I suddenly feel my stomach flutter. She kicks again and again, making me laugh at the thought of her reading my mind when I called her huge. Maybe she can sense Harry is leaving the house, she kicks just about every time we're in different rooms. I could tell now that I will be in war over who her favorite parent will be.

I feel my phone ring. I smile thinking its Harry but am surprised when I see Zayn's name pop up on the screen. Hesitantly and regretfully, I answer. "Hey Lexi..." He purrs into the speaker.

I shiver at the thought of the smirk obviously on his face. "Hi Zayn..." I simply state.

"Why don't we Skype. I need to see your face."

I try to protest but before I couldn't manage to make a sound before he hangs up. I draw my eyebrows together, my mind on nothing but how awkward this will be.

I answered his Skype call, placing my phone on the table. He was with what I assumed to be his sister. I vaguely remembered being at the dinner table while Zayn rambled on about how he misses his sisters. "This is Safaa." He smiles. She gives me a small wave and I return the gesture. I can see the resemblance between the two and I find myself jealous at her already beautiful young face.

"Safaa this is Lexi."

"Its Alexis." I mumble, angry with his for telling her my nick name instead of my real name.

He wraps his arm around her and my mind wanders to what he would be like with the baby. I mentally scold myself for having those thoughts yet again. "She's adorable." I admit.

He gives me a settle smile. "She's my favorite." He chuckles. I laugh more when his other sister throws the remote in his direction, scolding him for choosing favorites. "That hurt." He whines, earning a giggle from me.

He stands from his couch, grabbing his phone and walking around. I feel like asking where he is going but settle for waiting for whatever he is doing. I sit up straight, placing my legs firmly in front of me as I wait for him to set his phone down. "Sorry about that." He grins ruffling his perfectly shaggy undone hair.

"It's fine." I laugh. "Why'd you call?" I finally ask.

"I just wanted to see your beautiful face."

"Zayn, I can't do this to Harry. I'm having his baby you need to understand that."

I watch as his mouth shuts and he clenches his jaw, the muscles in his cheeks moving around in anger.

"Don't remind me." He whispers in despair.

I roll my eyes, my hand rubbing circles onto my belly in attempt for him to understand I was serious about my decision with choosing Harry over him. It's always been Harry, and it always will be. Pregnant or not it's always going to be Harry.

"What's that?" His voice rises.

"What's what?"

"That." He spits back at me. "...That thing on your finger. Are you engaged?!"

I feel like saying yes so he can back off but I'm a bad liar. "It's a promise ring, Zayn. Calm down."

"What's the promise?"

"That me and Harry will have mad sex when this baby is out." I smile sarcastically.

Zayn scoffs his eyes rolling as he sits back in his seat. "Seriously, Lex..."

"Me and Harry promised to each other that we'd love each other no matter what happens, and one day, we'd tie the knot."

"That's basically an engagement, god your already pregnant!" He yells.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I shout back.

"It means Harry only engaged to you because you were stupid enough to sleep with him without a condom and get pregnant!" It hurt so much, but yet it felt so true. It was the bitter fact, but hearing it from him was like a stab in the heart.

I could tell he wanted to say more but I hung up before he got the chance to. I felt tears threatening to spill but I hold them back knowing Harry would be home any minute and would ask what happened. I shut off my phone as soon as Harry pulls up in the driveway, telling myself that everything would be fine, even though it wasn't fine. Nothing was fine. This whole god damn thing is fucked up, and it was me who did it.

It's always me.

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