Chapter 12

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A/N: so, here it is guys. this chapter will be the death of all y'all. its not what you're expecting at all. be ready for it. you've been warned.


I groaned once I'd awakened, I refused to open my eyes dreading the fact that today is Sunday, meaning the boys are leaving. They were unfortunately cut off of that second week they had off. I'm sad that they're leaving and it was a really fun week with the boys, but I think it will be good to get a break away from Zayn.

I squinted my eyes at the bright morning sun shining through the blinds. Shielding my eyes, I sit up. Harry stirred in his sleep, reminding me that he was there. Thinking that he was sound asleep, I stood up and headed to the bathroom to get ready for today.

"Wait, babe." Harry begged me to come back to bed and I happily accepted. "I'm leaving today for a good three months, and you weren't gonna let me have one more morning with you?" I laughed and jumped into bed, crawling on top of him, so that I was hovering over him. Too eager to wait for me, Harry rose up so he was rested on his elbows and kissed my nose. Wrinkling up my nose under his lips, he moved down to my lips and pecked them softly.

I immediately kissed back; his sweet lips making me want to never stop. Our lips moved in sync as his hands roamed my body. I snaked my hand up his bare skin until I got to his hair. My fingers tugged and pulled softly at his curls. I smile into the kiss as Harry let out a light moan. Once he tugged at the hem of my shirt, I got what he was wanting. Just as I ripped my shirt off, leaving me in my lace bra that I forgot to take off from yesterday, a knock on the bedroom door startled me. Harry groaned, upset that whoever it was, had ruined the moment.

I snatched my shirt off the ground and threw it on. I opened the door to a smiling Louis. Frowning at him, he loudly said, "IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!" I ran my fingers through my tangled hair that was made into a mess from Harry pulling at it. "Come on, Harry." I lazily yelled back to Harry as he crawled out of bed. I watched as he sat up and froze. He seemed to be looking down at something in his lap. He turned and looked at me, biting his lip. He turned back and grabbed his sweatpants off the floor, instead of some proper clothes. We are going out today. Why is he in sweatpants?

He made sure not to face me and Louis while putting his pants on. Right before he tugged them up to sit on his hips, I got a glimpse at what he was hiding. There was a slight bulge in his boxers. I laugh realizing I'd given him a boner. Only to have Louis questioningly staring at me.

He grabbed a white v-neck tee and headed out the door past me and Louis, but not before smiling at me; his rosy pink cheeks telling me that he was embarrassed. Turning back to Louis, I frowned again.

"What did I do?" he said in an innocent tone. Rolling my eyes, all I could say to him was, "Cock block." His mouth formed into an 'O' as he began to laugh.

"Shut up, Lou."

~later that day~

Now that Harry was in proper pants, he sat impatiently on the couch as he looked at his watch every five seconds. "What are you doing?" I finally say after watching him be so frustrated with the time. "We are gonna miss our flight and the boys are running so late!" He was almost shouted at me, meaning that he was not pissed about the time. He was pissed about something else. "Harry. What's wrong?" He took off his watch and threw it at the wall; making it shatter into pieces.

"I'm upset, Lex." I nod, keeping my eyes on his broken watch. "I'm leaving my pregnant girlfriend for three months, I don't get to have one more morning with you, and I don't want to leave you!" He looked at me, his eyes bright green from being so frustrated. "Harry, when you get back, I will only be six months along. You have no choice, but to go back to the X Factor and kick ass. Don't let me ruin your dream. And after I have this baby, don't worry. You will get your morning with me." I smiled about that last part. "Clean up the smashed watch." He grinned and stood up to clean up his mess. Way to go, Mommy Direction!

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