Chapter 25

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A/N: WEY HEY! So, as you know, this book has taken a mysterious twist at the end of the last chapter. Mr.x? I thought Mr.x had been demolished. That’s what Harry thought too. It’s about to get really spicy, and if you want to hear what I have in store for you, read on my beautiful readers!!!


Dear Harry,

I bet you were expecting some shitty joke to be on this paper, but that’s not what I’m here to tell you. I have deal for you. Give me your daughter and I won’t rape and/or kill each of the people at your table.


Not this shit again.


I set the note on the table and put on a fake smile. “What did it say?” Gemma’s long straightened hair slowly falls out from behind her ear as her head gestures towards me. “It isn’t funny enough.” My deep voice came out flat, with no emotion. After dinner was finished, I left the table not before saying my goodnights and went to my room with the note tightly clenched in my fist.

Back when we performed at MSG, I was literally scared for my life.  I thought that crazy bastard was locked away; gone from the public eye; far from me. I’m not sure exactly who this ‘Mr.X’ was, but I hear it was a girl. Why would she do this to me? What have I done to her?

I read the note a hundred times over that night, trying to somehow recognize the handwriting; the perfectly written letters having a slight slant, the black ink being  smeared a bit by a trailing hand, how the I’s were left un-dotted.  She was left handed.

I set the note carefully in my jeans pocket; the safest place I could think of at the moment and got out of bed; remembering that I hadn’t brushed my teeth. I headed to the bathroom that connected to the room I shared with Lexi. It was still virtually empty, due to the lack of unpacking. All that was really out was our toothbrushes, a few towels and the common necessities.

Grabbing the Colgate toothbrush, I put some toothpaste on it before running it under the sink water and placing it in my mouth. I started brushing, each tooth getting its own time to shine under the bristles of the brush. After I was finished, I smiled in the mirror, leaning in and running my tongue over my top teeth. “Perfect.”

I began to rummage through the packing box in the corner to look at some of the picture frames I planned to hang soon, admiring each photo as I went along.

“Harry? What the hell is this?” Alexis sounded alarmed as she shouted from the other room. I put down the picture frames I had collected in my hands and headed into my room, nervous to see what Lex had found.

Another girl’s undies? Not possible.

Porn magazines? Left those at the old house…I think…

Texts that I’ve sent to the other boys? I swear I deleted those…

I sort of had an idea by the time I entered out room. In her hand, was that little scrap of paper that came out of my Christmas cracker and in the other, was my jeans that were suppose to keep it hidden.“Babe, I hid it so you wouldn’t worry,”

“No. Harry this is serious. This is a death threat. We have to get help, I—” By now, I was by her side, my hand cupping the hand of hers that held the note. I kissed her forehead and slid the note out of her grasp. “Nothing is going to happen, even if I have to stop this shit myself.”

She glared at the carpet under our feet, a single tear trickling down her cheek. “Why do people do this to you? You’ve done nothing to them.” She looks up, our eyes meeting; her chocolate eyes looking like freshly cascaded silky cocoa with the glisten of her fallen tears. “All I know for sure is, I will keep our family is safe.”







~Alexis’s POV~

“Wake up! It’s Christmas!” Carter jumped on my bed in her Santa footy pajamas. I rolled over to face my adorable daughter and smiled. “Of course, I nearly forgot. How dare I do such a thing,” I tackled her with the tickle monster, her giggles filling the room with an angelic ring to them. I glance over expecting to see a smiling Harry, to only find the other half of the bed empty. Where is Harry?

“Come on Mum, it’s time to open gifts!” I gave into her little puppy dog face and slid out of the warmth of the covers and threw on the jacket I had tossed on the floor last night. Carter led me to the family room, where the Christmas tree had been placed. Anne, Gemma and Niall had already been woken up and were happily sat on the couch next to the tree.

I found myself asking the same question as before, where is Harry?

“I have to show you something, Lex.” Niall speaks, his Irish accent sounding sharper today for some reason. I cocked my eyebrow as he led me to the back room. “What’s going on here?” He stayed silent and kept walking until we got to a closed door at the end of the extensive hallway. It was such a big house, something I had always dreamed of someday calling ‘Home’.

“Close your eyes.” Niall simply stated and I did so, lightly covering my eyes with my hands. I listen as a door creaks open and a sweet, alluring scent of roses pours out, surrounding me.

“Open.”  I release my hands from my eyes and gasp at the room before me. There was rose pedals sprawled on every inch of the floor and the ceiling was lined with illuminating white lights. The source of the sweet smell probably came from the numerous vases of roses all around the room. Painted on the wall in front of me in big black letters was,

“Alexis, will you marry me?”

A/n: so what'd you think? who should mr.x turn out to be? I wasn't planning on like making this the theme of the remainder of the book, its just a plot twist. but what did you think of the proposal? should she say yes? comment below and tell me your thoughts!

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