Chapter 2

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*2 days later* (Saturday morning)

I sat at home, eating popcorn while watching SpongeBob. It was the one where SpongeBob didn’t get the job of being the manager of The Krusty Krab 2. I was laughing at the part when SpongeBob got drunk off of the Goofy Goober sundaes.

All of a sudden, my stomach roared in displeasure. A frown form upon my lips and it grumbled and groaned at my food choice.

I simply ignored the noise and continued to eat the popcorn until my stomach tightened up again. I found myself unable to move and my stomach was soon going to send my eaten food back up my throat. I held my mouth close with my hand and quickly made my way to the bathroom.

I collapsed on the soft purple rug near the toilet and let it all out. A dry tear ripped down my cheek as I whimper in pain.

A knock sounded at the bathroom door.

“Alexis? Are you in there?” It was Anne, Harry’s Mum.

“Yeah…” I managed to push out.

“Are you okay?”

I felt the popcorn making a comeback. Reading myself over the toilet, my snack spilled out of me with no remorse.  “Oh my gosh Alexis. I’ll go get the Tums.” She ran from her place on the other side of the closed door to fetch the meds.

I groaned and wiped my mouth off with the back of my hand. Why do I keep doing this? I can’t keep any food down!

Anne knocked again. “Lexi?” I used all of my willpower to tell her to come in. She swung the door open and rushed to my side.

“Here to go, sweetie. Don’t speak, it will make it worse. I’ll give the doctor a ring later.” I took the medicine and mouthed a ‘thank you’ to her.

Anne is like a Mum to me. She treats me as if I were her daughter and cares for me greatly. I love her just as much as Harry does and I’d be lost without her. I can’t thank her enough for letting me live with her, Gemma, and Harry.

In an attempt to take my mind off of my sickness, she began to talk about Harry’s success in the auditions. “I’m sure you’ve heard that Harry made it into the X Factor… you should’ve seen Gemma’s face when she found out! She was so happy!” I let out a silent chuckle and let her continue to talk. “Speaking of Gemma…she wanted to go out shopping…do you need anything new?” I simply nodded and forced a smile to grow on my lips.

“I saw that your low on Tampons, should we go out and get some more? I know it’s almost time for yours.” I shook my head as a yes and then my body froze. Tampons= period. Where is my period? Wasn’t it supposed to be this week? I thought it was supposed to start three days ago. No, it has to be next week. I’m just not thinking straight.

I took a deep breath and slouched. “I’ll grab them when I go out with Gemma. No need to call the doctor. I feel a lot better now, Anne. Thank you, though.” She smiled. “Are you sure you’re okay?” I nodded as she helped me to my feet.

“I’ll let you go get dressed, then.”

I walked down the hall to my room and stared into my closet. Next to Harry’s huge stack of clothes, was my small stack. Anne was right! I do need more stuff.

I looked through the outfits on the hangers and found one that caught my eye.

It was a pair of skinny jeans, a white camisole with a jean jacket, a black infinity scarf and a pair of light brown leather knee high boots. I threw my hair up into a messy sock bun and put on a thin layer of mascara.

Entering the living room, I saw that Gemma had beaten me and had been waiting for me. “I’m ready.” I simply stated and Gemma lead me to the front door without a word.

Gemma doesn’t seem to like me…Ever since I moved in, it’s like my presents disgusts her. We were chill before I moved in, but now it seems like she hates me. I’ve been trying so hard to be as nice as possible, but nothing works. But, for some reason, Anne doesn’t seem to see Gemma’s dislike for me.

We hopped into her white range rover and she hasn’t said anything else than, “okay” the whole ride.

“Did you hear that Nandos is having a big sale?”

“Okay.” I frowned. Pulling out my phone, I texted Mae. 

Me: Heyy are you at the mall, by any chance?

Mae: Yes, actually. Lol Why? Are you?

Me: On my way…with Gemma…

Mae: Oh. Meet me at Jack Wills?

Me: Deal :)

I smiled to myself as we arrived at the mall. “Hey Gemma? Is it fine if I go meet my friend somewhere?”

She simply said, “Okay.”

I closed the car door and ran towards Jack Wills. As the store came into sight, my stomach began to cramp up again. I slowed down from my quick jog, to small baby steps to prevent any more vomiting. I got to the front of the store and looked around. She wasn’t here yet.

My phone soon made a beeping noise. I pulled it out and froze. It was a notification from my period tracker. The notification said: Hello Alexis! It’s time for your monthly present! You still haven’t confirmed that it arrived!

My breath hitched.

Soon, a flood of questions came rushing through my head.

Why am I late? Why do I keep getting so sick? Why have I gained unusual weight? What does this mean? Am I pregnant?

That last question made my heart stop.

It would make sense if I was, though.

Right before Harry left to go to the auditions, nobody was home. It was just me and Harry. Things got spicy and we ended up having unprotected sex.

All I could say to myself over and over again, was, “Shit, shit, shit, shit!” I soon heard Mae run up to me.

She soon saw my worried look and shaking hands and asked me what was wrong. I looked up at her and said, “I think I might be pregnant.”

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