Part 15

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  RD's pov ...

I'm laughing heartfully ... may be after so many long years I'm feeling happy ... I want to say her many things, but I'm out of words ... when I feel like bashing her, I can do it easily, but when I wish to share my feelings, I'm speechless ... may be Vidhushi's words are right ...I'm changing, but this change isn't that bad.. I've seen her smiling, but this happiness lasts only for few more hours. With this thought, my heart sobbed. This is it; I need to tell her...

"Hmm... I wanna tell you something. "RD mumbled.
"Yeah, tell me. " Sanyu asked, sipping juice...
"It's that, you will be free by tomorrow ... "He said looking straight into sanyu's eyes
."What?" she was perplexed.
"Aren't you happy? This is what you wanted right" he muttered.
"Hmm... wo... actually ... yeah ... I'm happy! Yes, this is what I wanted ... "She said hiding her tears.
"Hmm ... so ... do you want to say anything more?" He asked with eyes full of hope...
"I've already said, what I wanted to say, but you didn't listen ... anyway ... what I wanted now is an answer to my question... "She said gulping hard ...
"Okay ... I'll answer all your questions today ..." RD muttered.

Just then they heard a loud sound ... "Thud"..... 

Randhir went near the door and saw Vardhan and Parth approaching towards the entrance door, holding guns...

"Ohh... Shit!"RD gasped in distress.
"What happened?" Sanyu asked anxiously.
"Corps are here ... come there is no time left ... just move." RD said holding her hand.

Sanyu's pov...

I don't know what to do. I felt as if my legs were paralysed ... RD is shaking me and yelling at me to run ... my heart says RD will take care of me. So, going with him is the best option ... while my mind says that after all he is my kidnapper and I should help the corps.... I don't know what to decide... I finalized to go away with RD ... I started blindly trusting him ... yes I'm TRUSTING THE HAWK... MY TRUST TOWARDS HIM WILL BE MY FIRST CLUE TO SOLVE THIS MYSTERY....

RD took that old suitcase and some of his clothes. I just managed to pack a bread packet n few jam packets ... We left the house from the window of RD's room in almost a blink of eye.
Parth and Vardhan entered the house and checked every room...
"Shit! They saw us and escaped. "Vardhan hushed, stamping his foot.
"Yes sir, but we may get some clues I guess." Parth said, looking around...
Later, Yoyo came in a car and took RD and Sanyu from there. They were travelling so long ... this time Sanyu is not blind folded. 

Sanyu's pov...

I'm not blindfolded now and I can see the way, but I'm not interested in it. I sat beside RD ... he was holding my hand ... actually he din't leave my hand from the time of escape till now ... I felt safe and secured .... I just leaned my head on his shoulder and sighed in a breath of relief...

RD's pov...

He didn't even ask me a word. He trusted me and she was not even bothered about where we are going. I was holding her hand tight s firmly as I can. I was frightened to lose her ... she leaned her head on my shoulder and sighed in relief ... maybe she is the first person who ever trusted me ... I've decided to share all my feelings with her and the biggest truth which she ought to know ...
RD opened the suitcase... 

To be continued ...  

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