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Connie and Jacob had one day left of their holiday in the Caribbean. They were due back at the Ed in three days!

Grace decided she wanted to go shopping and then swimming later. Connie and Jacob agreed.

Jacob lost count of the number of shops they have been to! How many pairs of shoes does a girl need! And the clothes!??? But he was enjoying every moment! He loved them! All three of them! Including their unborn baby! He hoped it's another mini Connie.

After lunch, the trio headed to the beach. Connie and Jacob sun bathed whereas Grace went for a swim! She was an excellent swimmer! That was something Connie didn't know before today!

" thank you Jacob" Connie said.

"What for?" He asked.

"For being the perfect fiancée!For loving me the way I am! For accepting Grace! You know she is much happier now having you as a father! She replied.

Jacob leaned in and kissed Connie! " you mean the world to me sweet cheeks! I love you" he smiled at her and connie returned the smile! " by the way, can't wait till you because MRS MASTERS" he winked at her which made Connie grin.



The voice sounded familiar! This alerted Connie and Jacob! What they saw shocked them!


She was drowning! She was struggling to swim to shore as the waves were far too strong for her! Without thinking. Jacob ran into the water determined to save her! His world can't collapse now! He can let Connie and him lose their daughter! She was their precious princess! He had to protect her!

After struggling for 10 minutes, Jacob finally managed to save Grace and bought her to shore! She was freezing! Scared! She hugged her mum and cried! Connie was relived! She hugged her daughter!

"You alright princess?" Jacob asked hugging Grace!

"Yes dad! Thank you!" She replied! She didn't want to let go! She was hugging both of her parents when suddenly Jacob collapsed!

He was unconscious! The ambulance arrived and took him to the hospital followed by Connie and Grace!

" you can leave me alone" Connie screamed! " you can't be selfish" who will take care of me? And Grace? And mini Connie or you?? Please Jacob wake up!

Once they arrived at the hospital, Jacob was taken straight into resus! Connie had refused to follow orders when told to wait outside! She accompanied him inside! Not letting his hand of hers!


After a few hours. Jacob regain conscious! He had drank too much sea water causing his lungs to collapse! But now, he was stable!

"How are you feeling?" Connie asked!

Jacob gave Connie a confused look! " who are you?" "are you the doctor?" He asked!

"What the hell" she screamed! This day keeps on getting better and better!

"What do you mean who I am" She was on the verge of breaking down! Tears starting to form and then she saw Jacob smirking! She knew he was pretending! She was annoyed! She was scared since he collapsed and the first thing he did was messed around with her!

"You don't know who I am!?!" she screamed! " I am you fucking fiancée! We have a daughter! And I am carrying another child and you are there asking me who I am?"

" I am connie! Soon to be Mrs masters!" Does that ring a bell??? She asked!

She was annoyed! "I have been sitting here for the past few hours and all you do is mess about! It's not funny!"

She was about to leave when Jacob held her hand! " I am sorry sweet cheeks!"

Connie couldn't stay angry at him for much longer! She went by his bed and kissed and hugged him! " I thought I was going to lose you" she began to cry!

"Hey, hey, but you didn't! And that is what matters!"

They stayed like that for the night...

Decided to write that
Thanks to Imjustafan_girl ! She gave me the idea of the beach scene!

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