My father scooped some more eggs onto my plate. I thanked him through my already-full mouth and flashed a thumbs-up. He laughed, shaking his head affectionately. I returned my food, and noticed a piece of bacon hidden under my eggs. It was down my throat in seconds.
We had been back in London for over a week now, and I was starving. I hadn't eaten dinner last night and it was nearly noon now. Anyways, after returning to London, my dad and I had agreed that I should lay low for a while. After everything that had happened in L.A., it didn't seem like a good idea to go out and be seen by anyone with a camera.
My past week of house arrest (at least that's what I was calling it) hadn't been to awful. Niall and Liam had visited on Tuesday, Zayn on Thursday, and Louis and Harry on Friday. Today all five of them were scheduled to come over, but I was planning on something else.
The only problem about being home all week was the boredom of it. Of course whenever the boys were over I wasn't bored, but that had only been three days. The rest of the time I really didn't have much to do. I went swimming, watched movies, and catered to the garden on the roof, but still found myself with empty time.
Sometimes I would watch television, but that only lead to seeing myself. Just about every entertainment or celebrity news channel was talking about our visit to Los Angeles. From the excitement on Ellen, the fights Harry and I had gotten into, and the break-up, they really had a lot to talk about.
Once I was finally scared away from the TV, I turned to the Internet. The same things happened there.
Eventually I found myself sitting around and texting Emerald, Eleanor, and the boys. I was sure they were getting annoyed by me, but I had to do something. Currently, that something was stuffing my face with eggs, bacon, and toast.
My father sat down in front of me with his own plate of food. He remarked, "Breakfast at noon? I can't believe what you've turned me into, Alexandra. I should really be working right now." I rolled my eyes. Here we go again.
In order for my dad to get me to stay home for this long, I made him go along with a deal. He also had to stay home, or at least not work. It was probably for the better. Paparazzi would be after him too, if not more than me. Ever since we had struck up the deal, he had been complaining about not being able to work.
"How about this," I said, swallowing a mouthful of eggs, "if you let me go to Starbucks tomorrow, I'll let you go to work. And it's. Just. Alex."
He incredulously laughed, "Ohh no, if you're going out it definitely won't be to a Starbucks. You're just begging for trouble, my dear." I couldn't help but laugh at that. Yeah, maybe a Starbucks wasn't my best option. What would the media say if I went there?
I agreed, "Alright yeah, I probably shouldn't go there. But can I at least go to the shopping center with Eleanor and Emerald? We haven't been able to hang out in AGES." My dad pondered the proposition for a moment. The two girls hadn't met yet, but I'd been planning on introducing them.
I anxiously bit the inside of my cheek as I waited for him to answer. The thing was, I had already promised El and Em that we could hang out today. The three of us had been looking forward to seeing each other ever since I had left to Los Angeles, and I couldn't let them down now. If I had to, I would get down on my knees and beg my father to let me go.
Right now he was thoughtfully chewing on a piece of bacon. Finally, he sighed, "Oh all right. I want you back home by midnight, though. I'll be going in to the office, I suppose, so I can drop you off at the shopping center if you'd like."
"Nah that's alright, we might go out to eat first," I said. "I'm gonna go let them know." I shoved what remained on my plate into my mouth, then picked it up and jumped off of my seat and ran out into the living room. Skidding down the hallway, I realized something and suddenly stopped myself.

Simon's Secret (One Direction FanFiction)
FanfictionAlexandra Cowell (White): A secret. Known to the world by an identity that isn't her own. Can you blame her, though? When your dad is internationally famous and owns a record company, you don't want people to know who you really are. Or at least you...