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Chapter two

Erin and Jay spent the rest of the night beside Aarons hospital bed, Erin sometimes crying silently. She wasn't there when he needed her the most. She was away as he just wanted his mommy. Could she ever forgive herself for it?

He will forget it eventually but Erin would never forget it. She just couldn't, she knew how it felt to have not the mother there when you need her the most.

It was a rainy Saturday evening as little Erin was playing in the living room. Her mother lied in bed sleeping of the alcohol and drugs when it happened. Erin wanted a glass of juice, but the glass was up high in one of the cupboards. As always she took one of the old shabby chairs at the kitchen table and moved it to the kitchen counter. She stood up the chair and then on the counter. Everything went perfect, just as always. She took the glass and put it down on the counter. As she wanted to put one feet down on the chair it happened, she slipped and fell on the ground. With a loud thud and a breaking noise she fell on her arms. She cried out in pain and continued to cry further. She just continued to lie there on the ground crying in pain and no one ever cared to look after her.

"Erin, it's okay. It isn't your fault nor Hanks. It just happens that he is allergenic to it, I'm too." he tried to reassure his wife.

"I know. But I wasn't there when he needed me the most.* she said fresh tears falling down her face and Jay's heart just broke a little more. He hated Bunny for what she did to Erin, to that beautiful human being. How could she? Erin was the most strongest and kind hearted woman he ever had the pleasure to get to know.

"You know why I fell in love and why I wanted to marry you?* he didn't gave her time to answer, he just continued to speak.

"Because you are the most wonderful inspiring human being on this earth. You are so caring for the ones you love and you are you. You are the perfect mother for our kids! You are perfect for me Erin. Even if you weren't there now, you will be there for all the other times he will need you and that's okay!" he said and her tears just continued to stream down her face.

Jay stood up and just held Erin in his arms while she cried. After a while she calmed down enough so she could lie down beside Aaron. She fell asleep soon after with her eyes red and puffy from crying.

It was three thirty am and he had to eat something and drink a cup of coffee when he wanted to watch after Erin and Aaron. So he got up the chair he was seating on and wrote down a note for Erin for the case she would wake up.

He walked down the hall to the elevators and got in pressing the button for the ground floor where the cafeteria was.

He bought himself a little sandwich and a cup of coffee. He paid for his food and left the cafeteria and walked outside for some fresh air.

"Come on mom!" a girl in her teenage years said as she grabbed her mothers arm.

He continued to watch both women not noticing who it was, but as the mother stepped in the light he saw it clearly as water.

Spoken of the devil!

"Bunny!" he said and the women looked up straight into the face of her son-in-law.

"If this isn't Jay Halstead." she said. Jay watched her and could see that her eyes were dilated. She took drugs again and wasn't sober like she told them. Good thing they decided against letting her meet her grandkids.

"Why are you here?" he asked her.

"She drugged herself again." the teenage girl on her right side told him.

"Oh, where are my manners. My name is Melanie Lindsay, the only daughter of Bunny Lindsay. But it seems like you already know her." the girl shook his hands.

"I'm Jay, Jay Halstead and yes I already now Bunny

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"I'm Jay, Jay Halstead and yes I already now Bunny. Is she threatening you alright?" Jay asked concerned. She just looked like Erin at her youth time. He only saw the picture on her file and some old family photos but she was almost a spitting image of his wife.

"I can't complain, but I have to bring her in." she said, she clearly had some manners.

"I will help you, where does she need to go?" he asked her as he helped Melanie carrying an almost asleep Bunny. God, he had hoped so bad to never see her again in his life.

"Thank you. I always bring her there when she drugged herself. She never learns it." the girl told him and he could emphasize with her, he knew from Erin how she was. He didn't want to spill the beans just now so he didn't talk about Erin.

They brought her to a room and let the doctors do the rest.

"Look, I have to go back to my wife and son, but here is my card. I know how Bunny can be, if you ever need anything call me.*

"..You are a cop?" she asked frightened. She didn't want to get into trouble and Jay seemed to read her mind.

"Yes I am in Intelligence, I let it slip but if I ever see you with drugs you will get problems. Call me if something happens! Understand?" he told her, Hank had done something like that too he guessed.

She nodded and he left for the pediatric floor again. He pulled his phone from his pocket and called Hank, he knew it was way too early to call someone but he had to get that settled.

"Voight" Hank took the call and Jay guessed right, he hadn't slept. Probably worrying about Erin and Aaron.

"It's me Jay. Erin and Aaron are fine but I have to talk about something else. It's Bunny, did you know she has another daughter?" he asked him.

"No, she just has Erin and Teddy." he answered and Jay believed him. He wouldn't have kept that from his surrogate daughter.

"Yes, her name is Melanie. She is about 14teen, she brought her in the hospital drugged up. I gave her my card. She looked just like Erin." Jay said and Voight just sighed.

"Just don't tell Erin know, she is on edge enough." Hank said and Jay had to agree, they hung up and Jay joined Erin and his son in the white monotone hospital room. His wife now sitting in the chair beside the bed.

So, surprise?! Anyways I thought this would be an idea and would make the story more interesting.

Next Chapter: Their life will get mixed -up and they will get to now Melanie better.

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