Melanie Lindsay

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Chapter Twelve

The next day Melanie was awake early, she hoped to be silent. It already was eight a.m. Not so early, but early enough that the little Halstead kids were awake. She wanted to let Erin and Jay sleep in and make them breakfast. So went into the kids room and wanted to make them ready for going downstairs. She instantly hoped that the kids would recognize her as someone good.

"Hi Aaron, let's get you and your sister changed. I'm your mommy's sister!" Melanie said and looked at Aaron. He looked her in the eyes and for a second it seemed like he wouldn't believe her but a moment later a smile appeared. Melanie took that as a yes and began searching clothes for him. After Aaron was finished she did the same with Amelia. Amelia was a bit more difficult to believe Mel. So Aaron came and reassured his little sister.

With tiny and silent steps they made their way downstairs. Time passes fast and it was nine. Jay and Erin still were upstairs asleep.

Mel sat the kids into their high chair and began cooking. She started with a few eggs, then bacon and after that she cut the bread and made the dishes. Always talking to the kids and making fun with them. As the tea was finished she made for Erin and herself. She took the kids and walked upstairs with them. In front of her sisters and husbands bedroom she told the kids to be quiet. She didn't hear any noises so it was safe for the kids to go in there.

"You can wake Mommy and Daddy now. But you have to be careful! No jumping on the bed!" Melanie said, so that the kids hopefully wouldn't hurt Erins arm.

The kids nodded and Melanie opened the door. Her mobile phone in her hands. The other day she saw that Hank was taking snapshots of the family. So she thought why not doing them too and giving him then later? She took various pictures as the kids carefully walked over to the bed. Amelia on Daddys side and Aaron on Mommys side. As they were counting of three both leaned forwards and gave kisses on their face. Jay was the first who was awake and looked into his daughters beautiful eyes. He took her into his arms and tickled her. Also Erin was awake now and saw her son standing in front of her. He held a little distance, probably he didn't want to hurt her. She scooted a little bit more in to the middle of the bed and mentioned to Aaron to come in. She cuddled with him and later also with the rest of her family.

Melanie who took further pictures felt jealousy. She never had that and she felt left out. After the cuddling session stopped she realized her kids were fully dressed. "Who dressed you Aaron?" Erin asked and Aaron mentioned towards the door where Mel was standing. Erin smiled and mouthed thank you. Erin saw the expression on her face and knew they had to talk. Mel, Jay and herself. Erin knew how her sister felt. She also felt like that as she lived with Camille, Justin and Hank.

"I made breakfast." Mel said and both adults were happy and smiled. Erin was the first to get up. She walked over to her sister and took her in an embrace.

Everyone walked downstairs and sat down on their chairs. They enjoyed the breakfast and after cleaning the dishes the adults and Mel sat at the table. They wanted to discuss everything.

"Mel, I know it isn't really the best sleeping arrangements but you will get your own room. But I am pregnant and we decided to move. We will soon begin to search for a new house where you can decorate your own room and everything!" Erin began. She knew it wasn't easy but she knew that this should help because Camille and Hank did the same talk with her years back.

"We also have to discuss where you will be going to school and other things. We would like to do this now if this is alright with you!" Jay said and Melanie agreed.

"For school, we will make a few appointments where we can look at school. For the house hunting you should come with us to see if you like the house and the rooms." Erin said and Jay scribbled everything down.

Melanie just listened for the moment. "We also have every month some sort of family dinner. There will be all of Intelligence unit and some others. This month it is our turn and while this dinner we want to welcome you into our family and the family of Intelligence. Next week the annual Chicago Fire Barbecue will be held. We will attend and would like if you come with us. Also every Sunday we have dinner with Hank. Hope this is alright with you?" Jay said and asked.

"Yeah, that's a lot but it's alright. I like how you are one big family." Melanie said with a smile. She didn't really know this feeling. "Yeah, the good thing is. You have more or less three families, our family, the Intelligence family and the firehouse 51 family. We are all close friends. You can go to everyone and we promise you will get help. I'm sure they will love you when they get to know you!" Erin said and you could see how happy she was.

"So this is done. I'm glad we did it. Erin and I had an appointment with our lawyer two days ago. We would like to fill sole custody for you. But only if you want!" Jay said and Melanies eyes widened.

"You have time to decide! Think about it and whatever you decision is, it will be alright!" Erin said and this calmed Melanie down. "Yeah, I will think about it.!"

Those discussion was brought to an end and all of them ended up in the family room playing with the kids and watching a DVD.

If someone would have asked how it is to live with the Hallstead family, Melanie could finds words but she knew that this was a great family. A family with love!

Next: The week passed and it is time for househunting5(?\

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