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Chapter Ten

The appointment with Daniel was good. They discussed everything they had to and he said they would stand a good chance to get sole custody.

At four thirty they made their way back to Hank and the kids. They informed Melanie and Nadia. They would join them later for dinner. Both women were out shopping.

The drive was more or less silent. Erin was watching the street in front of her. She was tired but it was better than yesterday.

"Hey Hank." Erin greeted her father with a hug. She could see the kids running towards them. "Hey kiddies!" Erin said and took both kids in an enormous hug.

"Jay, come in." Hank said and made space for Jay to enter the house. Hanks house was in the same style their house was, only his was a little bit older.

"Do you want a beer?" Hank asked as they entered the living room. Jay nodded and Hank walked to the kitchen. He came back with two beers and a glass of lemonade for Erin.

They settled down onto the couch and Erin sat onto the ground playing with Amelia and Aaron.

"What did the lawyer say?" Hank asked curios. "We could have good chances. He also filled in what we have to pay attention to and he gave us papers we had to fill out." Jay answered and Hank nodded in understanding. It was hard to fill for sole custody. "I'm sure you will do great. How are you Jay?" Hank asked Jay. He was serious. What Jay had to get through these days was hard on everyone. First being called to the hospital because of the son, then having to find a close friend/sister and then watching how the own wife got shot and being pregnant? That was hard and Hank for once in his life didn't know how it would feel. And don't forget the situation with Bunny and Melanie. Jay stood under a lot of pressure and hank could see that. "Honestly, I don't really know. I have to wrap my head around all the things that happened the last day. But I already talked with Erin about everything and we will do it step by step." Jay answered and it was the truth. He tried to pass day by day now. He knew it wouldn't get easier in the next few days but talking with his wife, discussing how to continue was a good step forward.

"Go and play with your kids and wife. I will start to prepare dinner." Hank said and stood up. Jay stood up and prepared to go to down on the ground. "Thank you Hank, for everything." Hank just smiled and disappeared into the kitchen.

Jay got down and sat down beside Erin and scooted her close, paying attention on her shoulder to not hurt her. "I love you!" Jay said and gave her a kiss. Together like this they played with the kids and watched them.

Meanwhile Hank was in the kitchen setting up the pan with water to make his infamous Mac'n'Cheese. It wasn't anything special but the kids love it and for the adults this was the most important part. While the water was boiling Hank looked into his living room and saw the family playing. His heart swelled with so much love and in such moments he missed Camille so much. She would have been so happy and proud for Erin. He got the camera from his office and unknown to the others he snapped a picture. He did that now over two or three years and the collection grew and grew. He planned that for a present on their anniversary. He didn't know which one but he had it planned out. He also snuck out the notes Jay had made for Erin both times. He found it a sweet idea and he was glad that Erin was that happy.

Hank gave his attention back to cooking dinner. After half an hour it knocked on the door. Jay opened the door for Melanie and Nadia. Both had a few shopping bags and a smile plastered on their faces. "I assume you had a lot of fun?" jay asked and both nodded. Together with Jay both woman dropped their shopping bags into Jay's car.

After that dinner was ready and the whole group enjoyed dinner together. The table was filled with laughter and chit chat. Camille would have loved that, Hank and Erin thought on the same time. They locked eyes and both had a small smile. Erin was so over grateful for the Voights. For everything they did. Camille and Hank were real parents to her and loved her like she would be one of their own and Justin always accepted her. She was glad to had the luck to get to know them and that Hank approved of Jay.

After dinner and dessert it already was ten past eleven and the kids fell asleep a long time ago. They made themselves ready to go. Hank helped them getting the kids out the house.

Erin took the passenger seat while Jay and Hank strapped the kids into their booster seat. Melanie sat in between the kids and luckily they had another row in the back so they could take Nadia with them. They dropped Nadia of at her apartment and made their way back to the house. Melanie took her shopping bags and Erin took Aaron. Jay took Amelia and locked the car. As he made his way to the door Melanie already had the front door unlocked. Melanie dropped her purchases in the hallway while Erin went upstairs, Jay hot on her heels. They brought the kids to bed and made themselves ready for bed. After saying goodnight to Melanie they laid down in their own bed.

"I love you husband!" Erin said and gave him a kiss.

"I love you too wife!" Jay said and took her into his arms. They fell asleep like this content in each other's arms.

Next: An angry Erin

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