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Chapter Eleven

"Damn" Erin almost yelled as again something didn't work like she wanted it. It was so much trouble with an arm in a sling and she hated it.  "Hey baby, it's okay. Don't worry I will just do it." Jay told her gently. He knows that she hated it to be not independent. But that she would act like she now would. He just wasn't prepared. "LEAVE ME THE F*CK ALONE!" She screamed. Even he was surprised about her outburst. He wanted to argue but he heard the kids beginning to scream. "Look what you did!" He said calm. To calm for this situation and it scared both a little bit. He always gave his fair share into the fight.  But this time it was different. Their marriage was put on testing. Will they be strong enough or will those hard times tear them apart?

This was getting to be the biggest argument. "NOW IT'S MY FAULT AGAIN?" She still yelled. She was too worked up to do anything against it. "I didn't say that! Just let me help you!" He argued again. He hated it to fight with his wife. You could ask everyone they know and they would say the same. They were one of the best couple. Hardly any fights and lots of love. "NOO, LEAVE ME ALONE! GO!" She yelled. Almost screamed. The cries got louder and Jay knew it was his cue to leave.

Gladly Melanie was out with Nadia again. He didn't really know what they did but he trusted Nadia.

"Okay. I will take the kids." He said, grabbed the kids from the living room and left. Erin was shocked. Did she really do this? Did he really do this? How could he stay that calm?

She just began to cry. Sank on the floor and cried. Why did she turn out like this? Why did it end like that? She had warm and her heat probably was red like a tomato but she couldn't stop to cry. After the cries turned into sobs and then stopped eventual. She still was shaken up and she even forgot what she wanted to do. She felt herself at being guilty. She brought the kids to cry. Her precious little babies. Jays and hers.

What would he be doing now? Where did he go?

She loved them. Why was she like this to the love of her life and her kids?

So many questions and she couldn't really find an answer.

As Jay left he put Amelia into the stroller and Aaron on his hip. It was impossible to take both strollers. He walked down the street and tried to calm both kids. They were still crying and it made him bloody anxious. Their faces were red and they didn't seem to stop. They never fighted in front of their kids. They were hardly fighting. It was like a marriage everyone wants but hardly anyone gets. 

Jay still was shocked about the outburst she had. He knew that she hated it to be babied, hell, even he hated it but that didn't mean for her that she could yell at him like that.

He walked once around the block and the kids just didn't want to stop. If it wouldn't be enough his phone rang.

The caller – ID showed My Woman

He always had her under Erin but one time he gave his phone to Erin and she changed it. He didn't really mind. It just showed how much she actually loved him and how much he loved her. 

He grew worried and took the phone call. Normally she wouldn't call for at least two hours. To give them both time to calm down before they say something they would regret.

"Jay, I need you. Please come home!" She said with a needy voice. He could hear she was at the limit and feared. It made his blood freeze. "I'm on my way." He said and began to jog, what was difficult with a stroller and a kid in the arms. He arrived at the house and took Amelia from the stroller. With both kids he entered the house. The stroller left behind. "ERIN!?" He called her. He heard her from the kitchen. He ran into the kitchen and saw her sitting on the ground. Now everyone was crying. He dropped himself and the kids on the floor beside He took everyone into his arms. "Shshs Baby. Everything is okay. Take deep breaths! In and out...just like that." HE tried to calm her and it worked. The kids got quieter till they stopped.

"I am sorry Jay. SO sorry. I don't wanna lose you or the kids." She said and Jay took her into an embrace. "It's okay Baby. Nothing happened. I will not go anywhere!" He said and knew her fear.

"Do you want a tea baby? We could watch a film?" He suggested and she nodded. The kids were tired from the crying fit they had. Jay carried his wife to the couch in the family room and lied her down. He got back into the kitchen and set up the hot water for the teas. He decided to take also one. While the water was boiling he brought the kids upstairs. As he came downstairs he took the water and filled the hot water into the cups. He walked to his wife in the family room and saw that she already chose a film on the TV.

Together they watched the film and another. Jay always did what Erin wanted and so the day passed. The kids were still asleep totally exhausted.

"I love you my house husband!" Erin said and smiled. "I love you too Erin!" he said and kissed her passionately.

He got up and said he would make dinner. Erin shut of the TV and followed him into the kitchen and together they made dinner. The fight from lunch time forgotten.

Even if it was the hardest fight into the history of their marriage they got through it.

Together as husband and wife. Together as a family!

Next: Melanie is back! 

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