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Chapter seven

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The next morning Jay was sleeping in the chair next to Erins hospital bed. He was sleeping after a night of restlessness. He was scared. Scared to lose her, to lose both of them. He couldn't believe that he should be a Daddy again so soon. He still held her hand and felt immediately as she pressed his hand.

"Erin!" he whispered and sat up. His back hurt and to be honest, everything fucking hurt. He just wanted it to stop. Stop for her, stop for him. Just wanted to be happy again.

Nothing else happened. Was it just his imagination? That played him a trick? He wanted nothing more to be a family again. A family with an Erin Halstead. He still was head over heels for her. She was his love of the life. His one in a million. He leaned back in the chair and decided what to do. After some thinking he decided on a cup of coffee and something to eat. He almost made the same way down as he only did a few days ago.

Luckily it wasn't the same cashier as yesterday again. Jay took some time and sat down of the Chair. He put his coffee and ham sandwich on the table. He starred outside the window. The leaves were starting to fall down. He would consider it beautiful but he didn't look at the trees or the leaves. He was remembering the day Erin told him about her pregnancy.


"Baby, are you ready?" Erin asked him. They wanted to go to the nearest Mall and do their grocery shopping and some other shopping.

"I'm coming." Jay said and left the bedroom. He gave Erin a kiss and tied up his shoes. Erin was ready. She wore a black Jeans with a white top and her red jacked. She held her purse and the car keys. As always she had them. What if he would be faster for once? She wore black flats. She didn't really like to drive with high heels and it wouldn't be her first choice of shoes. As Jay put on his jacked Erin opened the door and walked downstairs. Jay just could wonder why she was so still. She never was like this. He would remember to ask her later. He closed the door and got down the stairs out to the car. Erin already sat in the drivers seat. He stopped complaining about it a long time ago. It didn't really bother him anymore.

"I love you!" he said while Erin turned on the ignition of the car. They didn't really say it often. They didn't need to. But he felt like it would be necessary now, he wanted her to know. As she left the parking spot she lied her hand on his thigh. "I love you too." She said and looked out onto the street. A small smile creeped on her lips and Jay was happy. He just wanted her to be happy. The drive to the Mall was silent and after 20 minutes of driving she drove the car into a parking lot. They got out and after locking the car they walked in together hand in hand.

"Where do you want to go first?" Jay asked his long-term girlfriend. She still was deciding. The Baby-Store, grocery store or somewhere else? They had more or less the day for themselves so they weren't stressed. "Can we go to the Baby-Store?" She almost asked anxious. He didn't quite understand why she acted like this. It was normal to buy Baby things. They had agreed a few days ago to buy a couple of things for Kim and Adam. The baby shower would be in a few days. He agreed and together they got up on the third floor of the Mall and entered Babys'r'us. Hand in Hand they walked through the store. Jay often could catch a glance from various women. How would it be if they were buying for their son or daughter? Jay stopped to look at a mini play-pen. Erin was walking towards the aisle with the onesies. He could see from the corner of his eyes that Erin was looking at a few onesies so he made his way over to her. "Did you find something baby?" He asked and she flinched. He seriously had to talk about it with her. "Everything okay." he asked her. She looked him in the eyes and nodded. She was silent for a moment. He could see she wanted to tell him something so he said nothing.

"What do you thing about this one?" She asked. She gave it to him and looked at it. It was a blackish one with police cars and fire trucks on it. He thought it would fit. Both Kim and Adam were cops and firehouse 51 was like a family for them. So he just assumed on the front would stand something like I am part of a big family or something like that. So he turned it around and on the front was written I am baby Halstead. I didn't get it right away. I said nothing and then it made klick. I realized that you were pregnant. A giant smile creeped on my lips and I almost squealed like a girl. I swung you around in my arms and just kissed you with full passion. I was the happiest man on earth.

"It's beautiful. I love you so so much Erin." He said and he couldn't stop smiling.

Jay got back to the real world. He didn't know how long he starred into space but the coffee was almost cold. He ate his sandwich and drank his coffee fast and made his way up to Erins room.

He knocked. Just in case Erin woke up. But it wasn't the case. She still was unconscious. He walked over to her bed and gave her a slight kiss. He wanted to sit down again as he heard her moan.

"Mhm..." she moaned. She was trying to come back. But she was lulled into a white cloud that really was comfortable. She needed to fight. To fight for Jay, for Hank, for the kids and now even for Melanie. Everyone knew she was a fighter. So she fought with everything she had in her and opened her eyes. The light was bright, the room was white and sterile.

"Erin!" Jay whispered again as she opened her eyes. He pushed the button for the nurse station and a minute later a nurse entered. "Mrs. Halstead you are awake now. I will just page the doctor." The nurse said and left the room. Jay took Erins hand and stood on the side of her bed. He would have to call Hank and the station. The doctor entered the room. Jay had to leave while they would be doing some tests.

He first called Hank who was at home with the kids and after this short call, he called Platt.

"Chicago Police Station, Platt, how can I help you?" She picked up the phone like she always does.

"Hi Platt. It's Jay. I just wanted to spread the news that Erin woke up. The doctors are doing some checks and we will look how it is." He said.

"That's great. Tell her my greetings and I will spread the news down here." She said and hung up. He chuckled. He could imagine how she will yell "Hey guys, Det. Lindsay woke up and should be doing fine!" and he could imagine how everyone would clap their hands. Even if they didn't really know all of them if someone was hurt everyone cared. The same was with Jules death. Days after there were patrol cops and detectives giving condolences to her husband and to Antonio. Everyone knew that their partnership was strong.

Jay made his way back to the room and arrived just in time as the nurse came asking for him. We didn't tell your wife about the pregnancy, we though you would want to tell her. He nodded and went into the room.

"Hey baby, I have tell you something. " He said and now he understood her. He was anxious to tell her. Just like she was the years back. She looked at him with questioning eyes.

"You remember the onesie for Aaron? We might be needing it again." He told her and took her hand. Her eyes grew wide and tears began to stream. "It's okay baby, I know it's a shock but we will just manage fine. I think they would like to do an ultrasound to check on the baby." She nodded, she couldn't say anything. She was happy seriously happy. She couldn't wish for another husband to have a child with.

Next: The family could go home again and there iswork coming up for Jay.

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