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Chapter three

That Jay was tired was and understatement. He needed sleep. But for now his wife and son were more important.

It already was 7 in the morning and Erin had slept most of the night as did Aaron.

"Morning Honey." Jay said to his wife which stirred. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and she woke up fully. "Where's Aaron?" she asked as she couldn't see him anywhere in the room. "The doctors are just going to do some further checks. Do you want to go and eat something?" He explained and asked his wife. "Just a coffee please." she said while stretching herself after this uncomfortable night in this grey hospital chair.

"I will be back in a minute." Jay said and left the room. He turned right towards the elevators even if the coffee for the parents where on the left side. He went down to the cafeteria to also get her something to eat. She needed to eat something, even if she didn't want to.

As Jay left the Cafeteria with a croissant and a coffee he saw Melanie again. He waved at her and pressed the key for the elevator. Up on the third floor and back to Aarons room. He entered the room of his son and saw Erin standing beside his bed caressing his hair. His test had been finished.

"Here Sweetheart. I also brought you a croissant." He said and handed both the croissant and coffee to her.

She gave him a weak smile and a "Thank you Baby." Just now with the croissant in her hand she realized how hungry she was. Jay made his way over to the other side and took Aarons hand. They just stood there until Jay's phone disturbed the silence of the room.

"Sorry, I have to take this." he said and left the room. It was an unknown number to him but he had the feeling he would know who is on the other end of that phone call.

"Jay Halstead." he answered pacing the hallway.

"It's Melanie. She found the card. She yelled at me and slapped me. I want out of this hell hole." She said and he could hear that she must have cried recently. "I have to make a call. Come up to the third floor please." He said and hung up. He already dialed one number. The number of Hank Voight. Since maarying Erin and the birth of the kids he had Hank on his speed dial Nr. 2.

"Voight* he answered with a voice still raspy from what little sleep he got.

"It's Jay, Melanie called me. She wants out. We need to tell Erin.* he said and on the other site was silence.

"I am on my way. I will bring Amelia with me." he said, they said their goodbyes and Hank was on his way to Chicago Med. Their lives never got easy? Right?

"Mr. Halstead" he heard the voice from Melanie Lindsay.

"Hi Melanie, could you please wait here. The doctor just came with the test results." He said and she nodded. With the doctor on his heels he entered the hospital room again.

"Mrs. and Mr. Halstead, as assumed the test results showed that Aaron is allergic to seafood. As he reacted heavy on the protein we recommend that you should make a little course on what to watch and how to react in case of any emergencies." Dr. Manning said and Erin sighed. Thank god it just was an allergic reaction.

The doctor left the door as it knocked. Hank entered with Amelia on his arms- Little Amelia got excited to see her mother again and stretched her little arms out babbling Mommy. Erin took Amelia from Hank and kissed her all over the face. She was an awesome mother.

"Jay." Hank said and Jay knew. They had to discuss that.

"We will be back soon Baby." Jay said giving his wife and daughter each a kiss. Together Hank and Jay left a confused Erin behind.

They made their way over to Melanie who sat in a chair on the painted wall with little dolls and cars painted on it.

"Hank, this is Melanie Lindsay. Melanie, this is Hank Voight, my boss." He introduced them.

"Jay said you don't want to live with Bunny any longer?" Hank asked and she nodded.

"There is something we have to tell you. You aren't the only kid Bunny has. She also has a son and a daughter." Hank said and saw how Melanies eyes opened in shock.

"No, that can't be. I never met them." She said and looked at both men in disbelieve.

"Her sons name is Teddy and her daughters name is Erin." Hank said and Jay chipped in.

"Erin also is my wife, so I am your brother in-law." He said and Melanies eyes grew wider.

*Did..did you know before?" Melanie asked.

"No, we swear." they both said unison.

"I have to talk to my wife about it. Hank, could you watch the kids for us?" He asked and Hank nodded. Melanie again sat back down starring of into space.

The both men entered again the hospital room and Erin shot them a glance while sitting on the bed with both kids.

"Erin. I have to talk to you." Jay said with a serious voice and Erin stood up. She excused herself from the kids and together they made their way outside the door. Jay took Erins hand and led her down the left side of the hallway. Away from Melanie Lindsay.

"What do you have to talk with me about it?" Erin asked him with a stern voice. She just wanted to go back to their kids.

"It's about Bunny..." he began and Erin turned around. Jay grasped her arm and turned her back towards him. He knew she didn't want to talk with him about her. "She got admitted yesterday. I found out, she has another daughter. Her names Melanie. She is waiting down the hall. She doesn't want to life with Bunny anymore." he said in a rush and saw the same look of disbelieve he saw on Melanies face earlier on.

"Seriously?" she asked slightly angry. Not angry at Jay, Angry at Bunny. Jay only nodded and stood still at her side.

"I want to meet her, make sure she is a good kid and maybe she can live with us." Erin said and changed her facial expression to a look of neutralism. She always was good at compartmentalizing.

Jay took her hand in his and together they walked to Melanie. He could sense that Erin was nervous and just squeezed her hand a little. Giving her reassurance that it was the right thing.

"Melanie, this is your sister Erin Halstead, former Lindsay. Honey, this is your sister Melanie." He again introduced Melanie to a family member.

So, Melanie got introduced to almost everyone. So far I hope you still enjoy my story. Jay and Erin love both their kids equally but maybe it looks like they don't but Amelia was now with their granddad so far so she hasn't that many parts in the story!

Next: The family can go home and what will happen with Melanie?

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