Off Work

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Chapter eight

Erin and Jay arrived at home. The doctors cleared her and she could go home. But someone had to be there for her. Mel agreed on helping and Nadia would also be there. Nadia was fine but she wasn't cleared for work yet. Jay had to go to work. He didn't want to and Hank would have agreed for Jay to stay at home but a major case came up and they needed everyone that was available.

Erin still felt sore and her shoulder hurt a lot. Her arm was in a sling and she just could use one hand and that was to less to care for two kids. As Jay had to get up Erin was still asleep. Her pain meds made her sleepy and that was why she only would take them reluctant. As Jay got downstairs Mel already was awake.

"Good Morning Melanie. " He said as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "Morning Jay." She said and drank a sip of her tea. "I will be out for the day. Nadia should come over around ten. Erin's asleep. She will have her pain meds for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The kids will probably wake up around eight thirty." He instructed her. He knew it was a lot to remember but for now he trusted her.

It was seven now and he left the house. He took the family car and drove towards the Precinct. On his way upstairs he greeted Platt. He just saw as Mouch kissed her and left. She had a giant smile on her face. It looks like she would need her binder back. He thought with a slight grin. She often was grumpy but in the last couple of months they were on good terms. He was happy for her, she deserves it. He waved at her and buzzed himself up moments later. He already was greeted with the sight of their blackboard. He saw the face of Javier Esposa. A local criminal that grew up on the bad side of the city. He wasn't a big fish but he was one of the suspects of kidnapping little Amanda Goose. The daughter of Captain Matthew Goose. His daughter was seven years old and went missing in the morning. She never made it to school. Captain Goose and his team busted a drug deal of Javier Esposa last week and as Cap. Goose arrested him he called revenge.

After the interrogation two policeman from the prison wanted to bring him to the local Chicago Prison. But on the way there he managed to escape. He was on the Interpol's list and no one saw him since then. Now the so called revenge happened.

Mouse was typing furious. Trying to find some news about Amanda. Almost everyone in this unit felt with the captain. Everyone had kids besides Kim and Adam, but this would soon be changing. "I've got something!" Mouse almost yelled. They had to work fast and good. They couldn't allow themselves a mistake.

"Some cameras filmed a black SVU on the street Amanda was kidnapped." Mouse filled in the team. But beside that they had nothing. Voight stormed of somewhere else and Jay used the chance he got and called home.

"Melanie Lindsay"

Melanie just was cleaning the kitchen from breakfast while Erin was lying on the couch in the family room. She probably was sleeping again. The kids should be in the living room playing on their play mat.

The phone rang and she didn't know if she should pick it up. But she did.

"Melanie Lindsay"

"Hey Mel, its Jay. How is the rest?" Jay asked. He just wanted to check up before he would have to go. * Erin is probably sleeping. I will just check real quick...Yeah she's sleeping and the kids are in the living room. Nadia should be here soon." She answered and walked into the living room. The kids were sitting on the ground. They were playing with their CPD and CFD trucks. They even had a small fire house. The kids really got spoiled with presents. Melanie sat down on the little couch they had there.

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