Chapter 5 - Trouble

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After a bit of looking around and checking the map I finally found my Art classroom. I started walking towards it. Shouldn’t there be people lined up outside? Oh, shit. I was late. I poked my head into the class to see if there were people inside. Boy, were there… about thirty people to be exact. All staring at me. I smiled awkwardly and quickly walked in, hoping that the teacher didn’t notice and tried to walk quietly to the spare seat near the back. The art teacher was female and from the back appeared to have dread locks. Hippy alert. I got to the seat just as she turned around to face us. Suddenly her small, scary eyes latched onto mine.

‘You must be the new student!’ Damn, she spotted me.

‘Uh, yeah.’ I said quietly.

Oh my god. The whole class was looking at me. Why do teachers always do this? To embarrass their students to death? Suddenly my skin started to crawl, I could see a blonde girl in the corner of my eye. Please not be her, please not be her. I turned to my right. Yep, just as I thought. It was Christina. Right across from my desk, staring right at me. She smiled, I looked away. Why? Why? WHY? Am I so unlucky?

The art teacher then introduced herself to the class, as Mrs Robin, and began teaching. She let us know of the basic behaviour rules that we had to follow. The same rules that I had heard from every other teacher so far. Mrs Robin then began to talk about the basic skills of sketching and that we needed to try and draw still life. She walked around the class and put a potato in front of each person. Seriously, a potato? I got on with it and was doing pretty good, until if felt someone on the right nudge me. What does she want?

‘So, you’re the newbie, huh?’ Christina smirked.

‘Yeah.’ What about it?

‘So, what’s your name then?’ She laughed to her friends.

‘Sylvia.’ Don’t pretend you didn’t hear it before.

‘Isn’t that something you’d name a dog?’

I didn’t answer. I seriously felt like breaking this girl’s nose…  And the conversation was about to officially end.

‘I like your potato.’ I smiled. ‘It looks like an exact replica of your face.’

Suddenly her grin faded and her eyes narrowed into glare. I tried so hard not to crack up laughing. Take that you bitch, you just got owned. She turned back around to face the front, and so did the rest of her little flock. I guess they knew I had better comebacks planned, if the conversation were to continue.

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