Chapter 15 - Home

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HEY EVERYONE! I'd just like to thank you guys so much for reading my book! I have recently just had over 1000 READS!!! :D I am still completely shocked. This chapter is a little bit short by the way, but that's because I am currently writing a long one! And things are going to start to get interesting in the coming chapters!...

'Thanks.' I said to the bus driver as I hopped off. I always tried to be polite the bus driver, even if he wasn't in the best of moods. I just try to stay on people goods sides. Plus you've got to think of how incredibly boring and tiresome the job would be, dropping off annoying and un-grateful kids every day, only to receive minimal payment. I can tell you right now I would never want to do it. So best to be thankful for the people that do.

I walked over to my family's white commodore, opening the back and then chucking in my bag. I walked around to the front seat and opened the door, stepping in and carefully shutting it again, making sure I didn't accidentally shut it on my leg. Trust me. It had happened before. 'So how was school?' My mum asked almost cheerfully while she checked her makeup in the mirror.

'Boring...' I said glumly, giving her my usual answer.

It was funny how whenever I hopped in the car my mum would always ask the same question, even though she knew the answer. Well, my answer would've probably been different if I was able to mention Tre. But I didn't believe that she would be that happy to find out I'd been hanging out with a senior guy at lunch for the past three weeks, especially not without telling her. So it was best to just keep it a secret for the moment. My mum then started up the car and when the time was right, pulled out onto the road in the direction of our house.

Since school had begun my mum would pick me up at the same bus stop every day and then drive me home. I had told my mum over and over that I could just walk as it was only a five minute drive. But no. Even that was 'too dangerous for a fifteen-year-old girl these days'. I hate life sometimes. Especially considering us teens have less freedom than what our parents did when they were our age. It's so unfair.

It wasn't long before we arrived back home and I hopped out again, grabbing my bag out of the back and walking up to the front door. Mum gave me the key and I unlocked it quickly, hurrying inside. I chucked my bag in my room, got changed out of my un-comfortable uniform and headed into the kitchen to grab a snack. After grabbing something to eat I walked back into the lounge, sat on our soft, new leather sofa and began to watch our new fifty inch LCD T.V.

I just couldn't get over how fantastic it was having all the new stuff, as we couldn't afford to ship over all of our furniture. But don't get me wrong, I made sure that most of my things made it through; I pestered my parents for a while until they finally gave in. I didn't know what was wrong with them at the time; Mum kept insisting that we don't take anything except family items. I swear she used to be a hippy or something, cause she sure sounded like one. There was no way that I was going to leave all my old belongings and awesome movie posters behind. No. Way. That would be just like chucking my old life away. Sometimes though I think I have a problem. I find it extremely hard to part with anything. Even things like drawings and old school projects that took me ages to do, I just can't chuck them out. To me. Everything is a piece of history.

After watching a few shows I headed to my room. It was time for me to practice for my solo tomorrow. When I was inside I shut the door, locked it, grabbed out my phone and pressed the home button, ready to play the backing track for 'Never Let Me Go' by Florence and the Machine and sing along with it, like I had a couple of times before. But instead I noticed there was a message from Tre. I pressed onto it, it read:

'Hey Sylvy, just thought I'd ask but are you doing anything next week? :D'

I replied 'Hey! No, I don't think so, why?'

It wasn't long before he wrote back 'It's a secret. I'll tell you tomorrow ;)'

I wrote back 'Oh, okay :)'

I really wanted to know. I just really hoped that it wasn't another one of his bright ideas involving me. But deep down I knew it was. And I just had to know. I couldn't but feel a little excited, as it obviously involved Tre. And anything involving Tre is exciting. And I still couldn't help but have a little crush on him, but there was no way I was ever going tell him. It would just put our friendship in danger. However no matter how hard I tried, whenever I was with him. I just couldn't stop thinking about how amazing it would be to kiss his perfect lips, or for him to hold me close against his firm chest. Hopefully the time will come one day. I thought to myself as I returned to practicing my solo.


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