Chapter 9 - Phone Call

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I checked my phone. It was finally seven, on the dot. I got up from laying on the couch and casually walked down to my room trying to look the least suspicious as possible. I turned around, my dad was still glued to the T.V., thank god. If he found out I was about to ring up a senior boy that gave me his number, I can tell you right now. He wouldn’t be very happy. At all. I continued walking until I finally reached my room and quietly shut the door behind me. I jumped up onto my king sized bed and grabbed my HTC and the piece of paper from the top of my timber end table. I looked at the time again. One past seven . I don’t to ring up exactly after seven, he might think that I’m an absolute time freak. I then sat around on my bed thinking of what I was going to say until about five past seven. I then carefully dialled the numbers that were written (in very neat handwriting I must point out) making sure that I didn’t accidentally put in a wrong number. I took a few deep breaths, pressed the call button and put the phone up to my ear. I listened to the dial tone, trying extremely hard to ignore the explosion of butterflies in my stomach. In an instant the dial tone stopped.

‘Hello?’ Said a deep sexy voice.

‘Hey…’ I squeaked quietly.

‘Is that you Sylvia?’ Tre laughed ‘Sorry, my phone just went really quiet.’

 I felt kind of embarrassed, it wasn’t the phone…

‘Uh, yeah… it’s me, Sylvia.’

‘I thought so, but then again, I was worried you might not call.’ He went silent ‘Uh… did I just say that out loud?’

‘Yep.’ I laughed.

‘Oops! Hey, um I was just wondering…’ My heart began to beat rapidly What is he going to ask? ‘If um, m-maybe you wanted to hang out with me again tomorrow?’

‘Sure!’ I said excitedly, surprising myself.

‘Great! Oh, but um… what about Pepper and your other friends?’ He sounded worried.

‘How about if I hang out with them at recess, then with you at lunch? I’m sure they won’t mind.’

‘Oh, cool. That sounds good’ He laughed, sounding relieved. ‘So, what have you been doing lately?’

‘Aha, not much… I’ve been watching TV and listening to music, mainly.’ Also thinking about iwhen I was going to ring you and what I was going to say, but you don’t need to know that. ‘What about you?’ I asked.

‘I had basketball training, it was pretty average. I just hate having to train on Monday night’s. We train Mondays and Wednesdays, and play Friday’s…’

‘Cool, I  used to play netball on Saturday mornings, it was stupid though… Friday nights are way better.’

‘Yeah, I guess Friday nights are good. Hey! Maybe I could come watch you play one day?’ Oh my God, Tre watching me play netball… no way, too embarrassing.

‘Really? I don’t think you do… by the end of the game I’m red like a tomato.’ I said all serious.

‘Aha, don’t worry! I end up the same, well except my nose, it stays ghostly white. It’s so weird…’ He laughed.

‘Are you serious?!’ We both began to crack up laughing. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

‘Sylvia, it’s tea time! And who are you talking to?’ I guess mum heard me laughing from down the hall. I moved the phone away from my ear.

‘Uh… just a friend… from school.’ I panicked. I wasn’t sure what she would say if she found out it was a senior guy.

‘Well time to say goodbye, your food’s getting cold…’  Damnit! I listened as she walked back down the hall as I put the phone back up to my ear.

‘So I’m your friend now, huh?’ Tre joked

‘Yeah, I guess…’ He’d caught me out. ‘I’m really sorry, I’ve gotta’ go now, it’s teatime. We don’t usually have tea this late, though... sorry that we didn’t get to talk for long.’

‘Hey, that’s fine. Don’t worry about it, I’ll see you tomorrow right?’

‘Yeah, definitely… Oh! And do you have my number now? Because I rang you and all?’


‘Ok, cool. Anyway have a good night Tre, bye!’

‘Bye Sylvia… Oh and feel free to call or text me whenever!’

‘I will, don’t worry!’

‘Ok, bye!’ Tre laughed and hung up.

I carefully pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at it astounded. Suddenly a big grin began to make its way across my face and before I knew it I was jumping up and down on my bed squealing in happiness. I guess I just couldn’t hold it in any longer. That conversation surpassed my expectations, I felt like I was in a fairy tale. I never thought that a guy would ever want me to text and call him again. Let alone Tre, the hottest guy I had ever laid my eyes on. All of a sudden I remembered it was tea time. I jumped onto the floor from my bed making a loud bang in the hollow floorboards and then began skipping towards my door. I really couldn’t care less how stupid I looked. I was over the moon.

The next day I hopped on the bus like usual. I said hi to the bus driver, who seemed to be in a better mood and sat in the same leather seat as yesterday. I looked around at the people on the bus, just to see if maybe there were different people until I made eye contact with this Year 11 girl. Who was already glaring at me. I then turned back around. Great. One of Christina’s flock. About five minutes into the bus ride my phone made a familiar beep. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the home screen. My heart skipped a beat. It was Tre. I opened my message folder and quickly pressed on the message.

It read: 'Hey Sylvia! Its me Tre. Can’t wait to see you again. I really wanna catch up with you before class :) Where should we meet?’

I smiled and my heart felt like it was about to burst out of my chest. Maybe Pepper was right? Maybe he is into me! I really hope so. Tre’s so hot, it’s driving me crazy…

I replied: 'Hey! Yeah I had a good night, hope you had a good one too! Maybe we can meet up at the gates? My bus will be there in about 10 :D'

I then went to put my phone back in its designated pocket but it beeped again. Wow, that was fast! I looked at the message, it was Tre.

He replied: 'Sounds perfect ;)'

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