Chapter 11 - Generosity

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‘Silence!’ Shouted Mr Reyer angrily at the class. Pepper and I giggled to each other. We were now in our first French lesson after English and our teacher just sounded so funny when he got angry. ‘I am sick of ‘dis class speaking, when I am!’ He continued to shout in his hilarious accent as he paced up and down the front of the class. ‘He has some major issues...’ Pepper whispered in my ear cupping her mouth. I couldn’t help it and a laugh escaped my mouth. Mr Reyer turned instantly in my direction and glared at me. Many of the class turned around to see who he was talking to and they looked a little shocked to see me. ‘Get out of dis’ class?! NOW!’ he shouted at me, pointing towards the open door. My smile faded and I hesitantly got up out of my chair, walked out the class into the freezing cold and sat on the metal bench outside. I looked up at Mr Reyer who was now standing at the door. ‘You stay out der’ until you change dis’ behaviour!’ He said angrily, almost slamming the door. I could then hear him shouting once again at the rest of the class. ‘Stupid old man…’ I mumbled to myself. Never had I ever got sent out of the class for something as pathetic as laughing, or sent out at all for that matter. I sat there for a while trying to keep my freezing body warm; my jumper was still inside hanging off the back of my chair. Suddenly I heard footsteps further away and ignored them, too cold to look behind me. I then began to freak out a little as they got closer, and closer, and closer. Oh great, it’s probably a teacher that has come to question me. Suddenly everything went black and I felt warm hands cupping my eyes. ‘Guess who?’ a deep velvety voice whispered in my ear, warm breath creating goose bumps on my neck. I knew who it was straight away. ‘Tre?’ I asked pretending to sound unsure.

‘Correct!’ He said enthusiastically taking his hands away.

I turned to face him and smiled half-heartedly. ‘I got sent out of the class.’

‘Oh…’ He stepped over the bench, sat beside me and put his things down. ‘What did you do?’

‘I laughed.’ I said looking into his bright sexy eyes.

‘Well, that’s stupid.’ He said screwing up his attractive face ‘Who’s your teacher?’

‘Mr Reyer.’ I said looking to the ground.

‘Don’t worry, his always been a grumpy old man.’ Tre laughed as he looked down at my bear arms, his smile faded. ‘Are you cold?’

‘A little…’ I smiled trying to stop my teeth from chattering.

‘Here…’ He said pulling off his large Year 12 jacket and putting it around my shivering shoulders.

‘Thanks…’ I almost whispered feeling my face go red. ‘But aren’t you cold?’

‘Don’t worry about it, it’s just I can’t allow a pretty girl like you to freeze to death.’ He laughed.

Now my face was on fire. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to resist his charms. ‘So why aren’t you in class?’ I asked suspiciously changing the mood.

‘We have study time in the library but I don’t have anything to do, so I thought I’d just go for a walk’ He smirked and I raised my eyebrows giving him my whatever-you-say look. ‘What! It’s true!’ He laughed. Suddenly the classroom door flung open, Tre and I looked up to see an angry Mr Reyer. ‘What are yu’ doing?!’ He shouted at Tre.

‘Uh, I was just…’ Tre went to reply but was interrupted.

‘Shoo, shoo!’ He said flicking his hands. Tre slowly got up from the bench and stepped over it grabbing his things. ’And you! Get inside!’ He shouted at me.

I began to walk towards the door, I could feel my class mates eyes on me through the window. Then I realised I still had Tre’s jacket. I turned around and pulled the jacket off.

‘Tre!’ I said chucking it too him, he caught it and smiled at me.

‘See you at recess?!’ He shouted purposely trying to make the teacher feel invisible.

‘Yeah.’ I smiled back. I then turned around to Mr Reyer who looked like his head was going to explode due to his anger. ‘Get inside.’ He said through his teeth. I then followed his orders and walked up the small steps back into the transportable class. As I walked back towards my seat I noticed everyone was staring at me, some looked shocked, some looked confused, some were whispering. I just tried my hardest to ignore it all. I sat down next to Pepper and she instantly grabbed my arm, pulling me towards her. ‘What were you and Tre doing out there?’ She whispered her grip still extremely tight.

‘Ow…’ I said pulling away. ‘Why do you wanna’ know?’

‘Well, he gave you his jacket didn’t he? What happened?’ She asked intently implying something romantic went on.

‘Nothing.’ I whispered back smiling. Pepper just stared at me eying my expression.

‘He so likes you, you know that right?’ She said smugly.

‘Whatever… we’re just friends.’ I whispered back, even though the thought of it gave me butterflies.

After that event nothing really interesting happened that day, at recess I hung out with Pepper and then with Tre at lunch. Tre and I just talked about some more random things, like yesterday, we had another really good conversation. I found out that he used to have a part-time job as a second-hand car salesman’s at the place his Dad works. And how his dad was amazed as somehow he was always able to sell some of the crappiest cars. I can be certain it was because of his looks and charm, he just comes across so friendly and trustworthy. Very persuasive. But he told me he had recently stopped working there and bought a red sports car that he had wanted so badly. He also asked if he could take me for a ride in it one day, I happily accepted.    

For the two weeks after that, we continued to meet up every day before and during school, and call and text each other on the weekends. We would meet up at lunch and sometimes see each other between classes. For the first time I felt like I was finally getting to know him, he was no longer just some incredibly hot senior boy, he was Tre. One of my closest friends. And it felt good to be close with someone like him, he was himself around me and I was myself around him. He didn’t judge me one bit like the rest of the popular kids seemed to, especially Christina. Oh, poor Christina. Throughout the week her eyes seemed to be locked on Tre and I, watching our every movement and un-able to do anything about it. She looked like she wanted to send a missile between us to blow us apart. I could tell I was really getting to her. She gave me daggers whenever I accidentally looked at her in Art and pushed past me when she had the chance. I just ignored her, which seemed to make her even angrier. There was no way I was ever going to let her get to me. Bitches like her don’t even touch my mind anymore. They don’t leave scars like they used to. Scars from their hurtful, jealous and judgemental comments. Especially, now that Tre’s around to stop them.

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