Chapter 4 - The Trip

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I hurriedly grabbed my food out of my locker. Not wanting to hold up the Year 8 below me, she looked pretty serious. As I was walking away to try and find Pepper, I heard someone shout my name. I turned around to try and find out who it was, I should’ve known. Tre. He was standing by himself leaning against a pole eating his lunch, he beckoned me over. Again, my brain was starting to sizzle. I didn’t really want to talk to him, I felt embarrassed and self-conscious around him, so I pretended to ignore him. I felt kind of bad but continued walking. Suddenly I felt someone grab my arm, it was him. I turned around to see his big, beautiful blue eyes once more, I just had to give in.

‘So, I was going ask how your first lesson’s was.’

‘Pretty boring…’ I tried to smile and walk a little faster, I wanted to find Pepper and her friends as soon as possible.

‘Why are you walking so fast?’

‘I’m trying to find my friend.’ My voice wavered, I was getting really nervous.

‘Oh, okay, well am I not your friend?’ Flirting?

‘I don’t know. Are you?’ I continued walking.

‘Yes, I am your friend. I thought we worked that out this morning.’ He’s a lot more confident without his friends around. I tried not to look at him otherwise I would probably start squeaking again. The temptation was hard.

‘I hardly know anything about you… Anyway where are your other friends?’

‘I ditched them for today, I wanted to try and find you!’ He laughed. Is this guy for real?

I walked around the corner of one of the classrooms and spotted the soccer pitch. I was extremely relieved when I saw Pepper sitting down there with her friends. I walked as fast as I could. I wanted to get away from this guy before I made a complete fool of myself in front of him. I obviously wasn’t concentrating and suddenly tripped on a spot where the grass had been ripped up. My sandwich went flying through the air and I landed flat on my stomach on the ground. Shit. Why does this stuff always happen to me? I looked up from the grass to see Pepper and her friends laughing at me. I laughed a bit, but on the inside was extremely embarrassed and could feel my face going red. Suddenly two nice looking legs blocked my view. Tre wanted me to grab onto his hand, I was thinking of refusing, but I thought if I did I would look like a stubborn old person insisting I didn’t need help. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up instantly. So, he’s pretty strong too.

‘Are you okay?’ He asked laughing.

‘Yeah, I’m fine…’ I whispered, still extremely embarrassed and avoiding his stare.

I started to brush the grass off of my uniform. Suddenly he lent towards me and whispered in my ear.

‘You look incredibly cute when you’re embarrassed.’ Who did this guy think he was?

Pepper and her friends fell silent. They were obviously wondering what was going on. And I could tell them. Absolutely nothing. He smiled at me, embarrassing me in front of them even more.

‘See you soon, Sylvia!’ he shouted and walked off chuckling to himself.

I looked around for a second and found my sandwich, still luckily wrapped. I then went over and sat down with Pepper’s group. In her group there were three girl’s (including her) and two boys. They all seemed to be a bit like Pepper and had piercings like her too. Wait. Maybe they were the group that walked past me this morning?

‘So what was that about?’ A strange looking boy with ash-blonde spiky hair asked, obviously un-impressed.

‘Uh, nothing… Tre just wouldn’t stop following me…’

‘Are you serious?!’ Pepper asked astounded. ‘Normally it’s the girl’s that won’t stop following him. The last time I saw him following a girl was when he was going out with Christina.’

Suddenly I felt like there was someone watching me, I just got that feeling that made my skin crawl. I looked ahead past the dark haired boy in the group and noticed a girl glaring at me. She was quite tall, big boobs, bleach blonde hair, loads of makeup and looked of the typical skank.

‘There’s a chick over there who won’t stop glaring at me, the blonde one.’ I whispered to Pepper.

‘That’s Christina.’ She whispered back.

I stiffened. Tre’s ex. Great. She probably saw Tre flirting with me. Have I just made an enemy on the first day? You have got to be kidding me. I looked up at Christina, her death stare suddenly more piercing than ever. Thanks a lot Tre, thanks a lot.

‘Don’t worry about her…’ Pepper whispered. ‘She like a dog behind a fence. She might bark, but not without some sort of protection. She’s pretty pathetic actually…’ That made me feel so much better, not. Pepper then turned to the rest of the group ‘If you guys didn’t already know, this is Sylvia, she’s into music.’

‘And by the looks of it, Tre too’ Said the pretty brunette with the pixie cut. They all laughed. The sad part was, I couldn’t even disagree.

‘I’m Kelly, by the way.’ She smiled.

Pepper suddenly pointed to the strange looking boy with the spikey blonde hair.

‘Oh, and that’s Thomas, but he prefers Tom.’

‘Hey…’ He said, again, looking pretty un-impressed by the whole situation.

Pepper then pointed to the other guy, this guy had longish black hair that almost completely covered his eyes. He also had a few facial piercings and stretchers in both ears. His hair was about the same colour as Tre’s. Oh my god. Can I seriously not stop thinking about that guy?

‘That’s Ryan, my boyfriend.’ She smiled at him, he smiled back.

‘Hey, nice to meet you, Sylvia.’ He said. Well, at least he was friendly.

Pepper then pointed to the last person left in the group. An Asian girl with dark purple hair and fringe hanging down covering her eyebrows.

‘And that’s Misa’ Pepper smiled.

‘Hei.’ Misa said softly with a bit of an accent. Obviously she was the shy one in the group. She looked up at me and smiled softly, I smiled back.

I finished eating my sandwich and for the rest of the break got to know everyone in the group a bit more, well maybe except Thomas, I mean Tom. I learned that Ryan and Pepper had been going out for three years, which if you think about it is quite a long time for a high school relationship. Considering most of the people I used to know only went out with someone for a week or two, sometimes not even a day. I also learnt that Kelly had a cat called Bob, and yeah, I don’t like the name either. And that Misa moved here only early last year from Japan because her family wanted a better life. After all the getting to know each other it wasn’t long before the bell went and I walked to my locker. I grabbed out my diary and checked my timetable. I had Art, my second favourite subject.

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