Chapter 14 - Popular

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When the bell went I said goodbye to Tre and headed to my locker. As I was walking I noticed people staring at me, their heads following me whatever direction I went. I even saw some people look at me and quickly whisper to their friends. What the hell? I looked at the ground until I passed all the crowded spots, thankfully my locker wasn't far away. It was bit packed but I managed to grab out my English things, shut it and get out in no time. Well before the massive rush anyway, that's all that mattered. As I was walking I remembered about Pepper, she was probably still at her locker seeing as she takes so long. So I preceded there. I past many people, almost all of them gawked at me. I even heard my name in a few of their whispers. And I began to wonder how they knew it, bearing in mind most of them were complete strangers. Suddenly I began to panic. Oh my god... there must be something on my face! It was the only conclusion I could come up with. I began to dash to Peppers locker, which appeared to be almost deserted and was only a few metres away. I saw her grabbing her things out, so I quickly ran up to her. 'Pepper, do I have something on my face?!' I said uncontrollably.

'Um, hi?' she laughed, glancing at me then back inside her locker.

'Oh, hi! Sorry.... But do I?' I asked again. She looked up and began to inspect me. She screwed up her face.

'No... where did you get that idea from?' She said slightly bemused, finally pulling out her things and slamming her locker shut again.

'Well, heaps of people, were star...' Suddenly she interrupted.

'Oh... OH!' She laughed, as we continued to walk to class 'Don't you know?'

'Know what?!' I began to freak out. What had I done to go from invisible, to this?

'You're the first girl to ever hang out on that table with those guys...'

'What? But I thought...'

'Nope. Not even Christina has been on that table! You're the talk of the school! The most popular Year Ten!' She laughed. Oh my god. Suddenly it all made sense. Well most of it anyway.

'But how come I'm the first...?' I stopped walking.

'It's a mystery!' She said sarcastically and bumped into me. Implying again, that she thought Tre had an 'obvious' attraction to me.

'Get lost!' I laughed, pushing her back.

We continued walking for a while until we finally made it to English. The class was just lining up as we arrived. Pepper and I stayed near the back like usual, avoiding our popular, loud and annoying peers at the front. We then began talking about music, and how we would have to perform a solo to the class tomorrow (which I hadn't really practiced for) until someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around. Great... It was Emily, the class skank, oh, and her friends too. 'I really like your hair today Sylvia!' She smiled, playing with her light brown curls

'Thanks?' I said, intentionally trying to sound impolite. I have no time for these people. I turned back around, wanting to continue my discussion with Pepper. But Emily carried on.

'You're really pretty you know. You could be a model!' She said in her baby voice, sounding all passionate. I began to look around a bit for a reply. You know, a reply that would pop out of nowhere if you spot it. A reply like 'Wow! You could be one too!' or 'Oh my god! Thanks so much Emily!' But that just wasn't me.

'Um, thanks.' I said trying to smile, then turned back around to Pepper, rolling my eyes.

'Suck up's much...' I whispered to her, she laughed. It was pathetic how one second these people truly hate you, then the other, they are lining up to become your best friend. It's just one more reason to avoid them. I continued to completely ignore Emily, dreading the moment when she would begin talking to me again. I didn't really feel like being the centre of attention all because I hung out with some senior guys at recess. The next thing she is probably gonna ask is if she can join me. I know that kind of person too well to fall for a trick like that. Suddenly Mrs Hoiter stuck her head out of the classroom door 'Okay, come in quietly everyone!' I relaxed a little knowing now that the conversation between Emily and I was over. Done. Finished. Through. And I then realised I was pretty much just saved by a teacher. Which I never, ever, thought would happen in my lifetime.

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