Chapter 16-We Are Real

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Chapter 16

We Are Real






~*Niall's P.O.V.*~

I duck my head as I walk through the small air port in Maine. Like seriously, this is small air port. I like it. Dragging my small suit case behind me, I walk the short distance from the baggage claim to the exit. Outside, waiting for me is a taxi. I climb in and simple ask the older man, "Please bring me to Charleston?" I ask. I know some details of her house, mainly the giant sign on the front lawn reading "Brooks Contractors". I also know that it isn't even a whole mile past the Charleston welcome sign. So I'll just ask him to drive slower.

"Yes sir." The older man nods at me while smiling in the review mirror. He starts the car and pulls out of the parking space. "So, where are you flying in from?" He asks in a wary yet strong voice.

I meet his questioning eyes in the mirror, "London. I'm flying in to surprise a...friend." I explain.

He simple nods, but then he pauses and looks back at me, "Your Niall Horan, aren't you?" he asks, his voice is actually rather soothing other than high pitched teenage girl voices.

I nod, "Yeah."

"Oh, I have a granddaughter you always talks about your band, what is it? Forward Motion?" He taps his chin as he drives down the road.

I forgot to buckle so I quickly do that and sit back in the seat behind the passenger's seat. "One Direction." I correct.

He stops at a stop light just out side of a Micdonalds and a Govener's. What on earth is that? "What's a...Govener's?" I ask.

The man begins to chuckle and his apple cheeks are visible through his wrinkly face.

Eva has apple cheeks. I shake my head, I'll see her soon enough, I just need to calm down. I'm gonna see her in a couple minuets.

My attention is drawn back to the older man in front of me as his voice sounds, "A restaurant." He simply answers.

I nod before sitting back in my seat. We talk back and forth for the rest of the thirty minuet trip about his family and about what it's like to be "famous". It was fun, having this conversation with him. He even explain to me what things were and what it's like living in Maine. He was a very interesting man.

He starts slowing down after we pass a sigh that says "Welcome to Charleston!" on it. "Where are you going?" He asks in an American accent.

"I don't know exactly. All I know is she lives in a house with a big sign in front of it that's says Brooks Contractors." I explain.

"Oh! I know where that is." He says happily as he slows down and pulls into a drive way.

It's a simple house with a cute little garden in the front of it. The red steps in front of it lead to a fancy door. There is a big front lawn with the sign there in the front. I see Charlie and Bella playing in the front lawn, tales waging and a little girl about eight is running around and laughing at them. I hand the man his money and we say our farewells. I step out and walk over to the little girl. She has big blue eyes and short strawberry blond hair. I lean down in front of her and she looks up at me after realizing my presses.

"Hi, do you know where Eva is?" I ask in the sweetest most welcoming voice I can.

She nods, pointing to the house, "She's inside, getting ready for something." She says in a cute little girl voice.

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