Chapter 4-Moving in and Movie Marathons

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Chapter 4

Moving in and Marathons






~*Eva's P.O.V.*~

I sigh, mumbling curse words as I slap my hand down on the alarm clock. I hate mornings. I'm a night person. Like an owl.

Today Niall is coming over with his stuff. I'm actually really excited that he is moving in with me. It's gonna be nice to have close friend and to not come home every day to an empty loft. I always hated silence. Ever sense my dad...never mind.

Niall is gonna get the guest room which is green. He should be here in an half an hour. So I should get ready...nah.

I walk to my closet and grab some yoga pants and a sweatshirt. Throwing my hair into a high messy bun. I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth and grunt. Undoing my hair and brushing through the nots. I put it in a tight, high bun and make sure that nothing gets out. Shaking my head because it's too tight, it loosens and feels better. I sigh, putting a thin layer of eye liner on and my usual coat of mascara. I walk out of the bathroom and into the living room. Charlie and Bella are being their lazy selves and sleeping on the couch.

"Bella! Charlie! Get your asses up!" I yell. Both little heads pop up from the couch and they leap off, sprinting over to me. "You guys want some food?" I ask in a baby voice. They wiggle their tails and hold their tongues out. I smile and walk to the cupboard where I store their food. I grab their bowls and fill them, laying them on the ground. The two dogs scramble to get to the food. I roll my eyes with a grin plastered on my cheeks. I walk over to the kitchen counter where Lucy, my cute little gold fish swims in her tank. I smile as I admire her golden little body. I don't know about you but I personally love her, she is so pretty. I grab her food and sprinkle some into her tank. She swims around, catching the small flakes in her mouth. "Mornin' Luce." I smile once again, walking over to my fridge. I open it and search through it. Finding some greek yogurt, I grab the raspberry kind and walk to the couch. Settling down and watching some Spongebob en till Niall gets here.

~*Niall's P.O.V.*~

I walk through the lobby of my new building, en till I reach the receptionists desk. There sits a lady with gray hair pulled back into a tight bun and red lipstick. "Excuse me?" I ask in my most polite voice.

She looks up from her computer and sees me. She smiles a genuine smile, standing up so she is up to me shoulder, "You must be Niall. Eva's already told me about your moving in." She smiles, sticking out a small, wrinkly hand, "I'm Miss Kathryn Jones, but everyone calls me Miss Kay."

I smile, taking her small hand in my larger on and shaking it, "Niall Horan." She sits back down in her chair and hands me a key with a blue sparkly monkey hanging off.

"Miss Eva told me to give this to you, monkey included. She sure is a sweet thing. Now you make sure to take good care of that girl." Miss Kay says sternly, pointing a shaky finger at me.

I nod my head, resting the box on my hip and holding my right hand up, "I promise."

"Okay," She sends me one last smile before waving me off, "Floor eight, room thirteen."

I nod my head and push the button to the elevator. The doors open and I step in. Setting the box down that is full of random things on the ground, I push the number eight. The elevator takes me up and dings when I reach my destination. I pick up my box and make my way down the hall way en till I approach room thirteen. I nock on the door.

"Coming!" I hear Ev's sweet voice yell. Not five seconds later, she swings the door open, revealing her gorgeous self. "Hi, Niall!" I squeals.

"Hey, Ev." She grabs my wrist and leads me in. I walk into the kitchen and set the single box down.

"Come on, lets go get the rest of your stuff." She smiles, taking my wrist once again and dragging me all the way back to the elevator. This would be a rather long proses if it weren't for the fact that I was with Ev.

~*~*Three hours and twenty boxes later*~*~

"Dang, Niall! You got a lot of clothes." Ev says, plopping down on the couch and letting out a long sigh.

I laugh, sitting next to her and laying my head on her shoulder, "Thanks for letting me bunk with you." I say.

She lets out a loud laugh, sending those familiar chills down my back as I listen to the beautiful noise, "Oh, Ni. If anything, I should be thanking you for coming and living with me. Just wait en till next week. Your gonna be begging to get outta here." She grins, resting her head on mine.

"Doubt it." I mumble to myself, hoping she doesn't hear.

Luckily, she doesn't. "Hey, you wanna meet Lucy?" She ask, sitting up.

I look at her confused, "Who's Lucy?"

"My gold fish." Ev smile's proudly, standing up and sticking her arms out for me to take. I get a good grip on her hand and she tries pulling me up. I am too lazy to help her so she just falls back down on top of me...oops. *evil grin* She looks at me, our faces not even an inch apart. "Oh, sorry." She mumbles, standing back up and helping me up.

You stupid ass! You should have kissed her...stupid.

I glare at my inner thoughts but push it away as she points to a little tank on her counter. Inside is a small fish swimming around, there is a little sign that says 'Lucy' in fancy cursive writing. I lean down and take a good look at the little fish. She is swimming around and her golden scales hit the light, making her shine. Hmm, never thought a fish could be so pretty.

"Hey, Ni. What do you think about having a movie marathon?" Ev asks me, while searching through her cupboard. Her face lights up as she reaches for the top shelf but can't reach it. "Could you get that for me?" She points to a box of popcorn on the very top shelf.

I smile, walking over to her and reaching for the yellow box, grabbing it and handing it to her. "Here ya go, and a movie marathon sounds great as long as it includes Grease." I go to the fridge and look around for some soda. Grabbing a two liter of diet pepsi, I pour two glasses.

"Dah...there is no such thing as a movie marathon without Grease. It just can't happen." She coos from behind me.

I turn around to see her sitting on the island counter top, swing her feet back and forth. I wonder how she got up there so effortlessly and quietly due to the fact that she can't be any taller then 5'3. Ev smiles sweetly at me before jumping off the counter and walking over to the microwave and taking out the fulling popped popcorn bag. Filling it out into a big bowl. She repeats this three more times and dumps a big bag of m&m's in and mixes it all together. Ev carries it the living room and I grab out drinks. While she sets up the movie, 'Grease' of course, I grab a couple blankets from her stack from behind her couch. She sits down and reclines her legs on the foot rest. I sit down next to her and sit the bowl in her lap. Pushing play on the movie, I snuggle down next to Charlie, Bella and Ev for a long night of movies, snacks and laughs.

(A/N: Sooooo? What y'all think??!! I kinda LOVE this one. But then again, who wouldn't. Anyway, sorry for the sorta short chapter. I'll try harder to make it longer but I was just too lazy to night. Anyway, thanks for reading ma story!!

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and check out ma other books!! Thanks you ladies and gents!!

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