From Zero to Hero

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  ~Leo's PoV~

     We were in a serious dilemma; life or death pretty much. The Foot surrounded us from every angle. Our weapons were thrown across the room during battle, and now, obviously, we were left with our fists and our feet. Each of the mutants took the liberty of tying us up separately. Tiger Claw hung me over a pit of mutagen and interrogated me.

     "Tell us where Hamato Yoshi is and we will let you go, turtles." He said as he tied me over the pit.

     "I'll never tell you where Sensei is! No matter what." I said hiding my fear with confidence.

     "Then I will kill you and your brothers." he growled.

     The lights shut off and quick footsteps were heard. Small grunts and battle cries erupted from different angles of the room. Sparks flew from what I'm guessing is someone destroying the Footbots. The lights flickered on and off after that point. I could make out what looked like the body of a human knocking the mutants out one by one. Tiger Claw tried to shoot at the person, but they easily dodged the attacks and took him down too. I felt myself being cut down and untied on the ground.

     "Who are you?" I asked when the lights finally stayed on. I noticed the figure of the body belonged to a girl.

     "Names Y/N. I was about to ask you the same thing." She said removing her mask. I froze looking into her e/c eyes. This girl was beautiful. She raised an eyebrow waiting for a response, but at that point I was speechless. Thankfully, Raphael spoke up for me.

     "That's Leo, our 'fearless leader.' That's Donnie and Mikey and I'm Raph." he pointed to each of us before crossing his arms when he said his own name.

     "Is that short for the names of the great Renaissance artists? Interesting." She said before she began to leave.

     "Wait! You're not going to stay? I mean you did just save us." I finally spoke up.

     "I got people to save. Maybe we'll cross paths again. In the meantime, au revoir." she winked, put her mask back on, and jumped through the window.

     "Wow..." I stared dumbfounded. 

     "Not again Leo," Raph mumbled and face palmed.

     "Guys can we go? What if Shredder shows up?"

     "Mikey's right guys," Donnie agreed.

     Once we left my brothers headed for the lair, but I went to find Y/N. She couldn't have gone too far in that short amount of time. I searched the city for another ten minutes before she found me.

~Y/N's PoV~

     "Trying to follow me Leonardo?" He turned instantly at the sound of your voice.

     "I just wanted to properly thank you for saving my brothers and me." He took a step closer.

     "It's no big deal. I'm a hero, its what I do." You shrugged. 

     "Well, so are we. It's not often that the tables are turned for us." he slightly smiled.

     You took your mask off and looked him in the eye. You nodded and walked past him, scanning the city. You jumped to the fire escape railing and prepared to fight some Purple Dragons that were robbing a defenseless man. When Leo didn't follow you jumped back up and questioningly looked at him. "Are you coming or not? It wouldn't hurt to have a partner every now and then." you smiled.

     "Oh yeah, of course." He smiled again and jumped down.

     You two took down the Purple Dragons within a few minutes. Leo was by your side the entire time, possibly even trying to show out for you. After the short battle, the two of you went right back to the rooftops to observe the city again. Once you spent thirty minutes patrolling, you decided to call it a night due to the fact that you did not find anyone causing trouble in the city. Leo sat down on the edge of a rooftop and patted the spot next to him. You smiled and sat down.

     "I had fun tonight Leo. Thanks." You placed a hand on his shoulder.

     "Uh, no problem I enjoyed myself too." He blushed.

     "I should probably get going now. See you whenever." You stood a prepared to jump off of the building.

     "Wait, m-maybe we should stay in contact, you know, in case we ever need assistance. Or if you just want to talk," he blushed even more. You tossed him your phone and he typed and saved his number. He gave you his phone and you did the same.

     "There. Don't forget to text me," you smiled and jumped to the next rooftop.

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