Practically Perfect

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~Y/N's PoV~

     You took off your mask and slipped into your window, hoping your parent(s) didn't notice you were gone. You took a shower and changed into your clothes. Jumping into bed, you checked your phone to find a text message. Of course, it was Leo.

Leo: Hey Y/N.

     You smile at your phone for a few seconds before you text back.

You: Hey Leo. Same thing tomorrow?

     A minute or so went by before he text you back.

Leo: Yeah, if I can slip away from my brothers again.

You: See you then.

     Your mom/dad knocked on your room's door and entered without you responding. Your mom/dad eyed you suspiciously before they walked over to your bed next to you. He/she looked at you expectantly, as if waiting for an answer. You looked back, an awkward smile appearing onto your lips.

     "What? Did I do something?" Your phone buzzed with another text, but you ignored it for a moment.

     "Don't think I didn't notice you were gone. You may be a kunochi, but I think I would notice when my child is not home."

     "I was... with a friend." You shrugged. It was true, mostly.

     "Look, I know you want to continue playing hero, but you need to be careful. I don't want you to wake up dead one day." your mom/dad smiled.

     "Trust me, if I were to wake up, I wouldn't be dead." You laughed a little.

     "You know what I mean."

~Raph's PoV (because why not)~

     "No, I don't know what you mean Leo! We barely even know her! You can't fall in love with every girl you meet," I yelled.

     Leo and I were currently having one of our train/arguing sessions. I was hoping to knock some sense into him, even if it required a few slaps to the head. First Karai, now this Y/N girl? I wouldn't be surprised if we found out if she was a long lost cousin of ours, since Leo seems to be attracted to family.

     "I don't fall in love with every girl I meet. I didn't even say I loved her-"

     "You implied it."

     "I was just saying that maybe she could be a good addition to the team. She's pretty skilled." he shrugged, dropping his katanas.

     "Well, I don't trust her." I grunted.

     "She saved our lives Raphael. How can you not? You haven't even gotten the chance to know her yet." He sighed.

     "Oh and you have? Is that where you were last night after patrol? You leave us for some girl you barely know and-"

     "I do know her Raph. She's a great person and I'm going to patrol with her again tomorrow night. There's nothing you can do to stop me." Leo stated before he brushed past me and walked away.

     That's what he thinks...

~Leo's PoV~

     Raph doesn't know what he's talking about. Of course I wouldn't let him know how I feel about her. Even if he did figure it out on his own, I won't confirm it to him until I can assure myself. Without a doubt, I like her. The way her (h/c) hair flows through the wind, the way the moonlight lit up her (e/c) eyes perfectly. And her smile... I could feel myself melting away every time that beautiful grin appeared onto her face. She's perfect. What more could a turtle ask for?

     I tried to clear my thoughts of her, but was that even possible for me at this point? I knew it would be a waste of time if I continued to try. You just can't erase a girl like that from your memory. Even if you could, why would you ever want to.

     "Leo your face is really red. Whatcha thinking about?" Mikey's voice broke me from my thoughts.

     "Uh... Nothing. I guess I over heated when I was training with Raph?" I said it more as a question, rather than an answer.

     "Dude, that was like thirty minutes ago," he glued his focus back onto his video games. I looked over and saw Donnie shaking his head at me.

     "I know that face Leo. That's the same face I had when I met April... You like her don't you?" Donnie raised an eye ridge.

     "Maybe, what does it matter?"

     Donnie raised his hands,"No need to get defensive. I was just inquiring." He got up and left in the direction of his lab.

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