Other Side

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~Y/N's PoV~

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~Y/N's PoV~

It's better if you don't understand

You ignored the constant complaints from everyone behind you. You knew the Shredder could appear at any time, but going back was not an option. Especially not after you all have come so far. The crystal's glow increased to the highest it has been since it began. It appeared to shimmer slightly the more you looked at it. However, once you took a few more steps the glowing stopped completely. You stopped in your tracks, causing Leo to run into you. What could have happened?

Cause you won't know what it's like until you try

"Y/N what's wrong?" Leo asked once you turned around. He looked down at your necklace. "I-I don't understand. It was bright two seconds ago and now..." You shook your head.

You know I, I'll be waiting on the other side

Raphael grunted,"Don't tell me we came all this way for this to happen." He leaned back against the wall." What a-"

You blinked your eyes. Raph disappeared into thin air. You walked to where he was only seconds ago. The crystal lit up once again. You leaned closer to the wall to get a better look at it. Just as you did so, Raphael's head appeared from the wall, causing both of you to bump heads. You both held your heads as he stepped back from inside the wall.

And you, all you gotta do is cross the line

"I think you guys might want to see this." You could hear the yells of the Shredder nearby. Everyone hurried into the portal.


On the other side of the wall, there were many boxes and scrolls everywhere. You walked up to one, picking it up. You handed it to Leo, who read the Japanese writing.

"Healing remedies. I know Master Splinter has a few of these, but I'm sure he would appreciate having more of these."

"Dudes look it's a katana," Mikey pulled the leather cover off of the weapon.

I could wait a whole lifetime

Everyone was looking at the many scrolls and treasures inside of the large area. It would take multiple rounds to get everything out of there, even with the multiple people there to help you. You continued to search. You felt as if there was something specific you were looking for, but you didn't know what it was. Your feet lead you towards a closed black container that was secluded from everything else. You lifted the top off to find a (weapon name). Your last name was engraved in cursive along the side of it. There was a place in the middle of the hilt/handle/etc. You looked at the crystal on your necklace. The hole was equivalent to size and shape of the small crystal.

But you just gotta decide

You brought the (weapon) back to the rest of the group, sitting down on a box and placing the weapon on your lap. You slipped the necklace from around your neck, removing the crystal. Everyone surrounded you, curious to what you were doing.

You know I, I'll be waiting on the other

Waiting on the other side

Before you could do anything, Shredder's voice boomed from the other side. Everyone immediately fell silent, nervously looking towards the entrance. You were able to see Shredder, but he could not see you. He turned in a circle and looked above him.

"I know you are somewhere close! I could hear you talking! It will only be so long until I catch up to you," he began to walk off again. You released the breath you were not aware you were holding. After five minutes of sitting in silence, Leo quietly spoke up.

"How are we supposed to get all of this back to the lair?" He motioned at the collection.

Donnie walked over towards a panel,"I wonder..." he pressed a button. The scene behind the portal changed, showing a different part of New York.

"If my judgment is correct, I might be able to set the lair as the other destination."

You used the extra time to finally place the crystal into its holder on the (weapon). When you picked the weapon up again, it had a better fit and weight in your hand. The entire (weapon) glowed for a few seconds.

"I think I figured it out." Donnie said.

"Ooh, me first, I gotta show Sensei these new chucks." Mikey ran into the portal.

"Mikey, no!" Raph yelled at him."He's such an idiot..."

Seconds later, Mikey ran back into the room, his eyes as wide as saucers,"That definitely is not our lair. But, hey, did you know there are more Ninja Turtles like us?"

"Perhaps in a different dimension, Mikey. But, right now I just want to get home." Leo sighed.

"Right." Donnie said while adjusting the settings once more."Now it is safe to go through." Everyone began unloading everything as Master Splinter walked out from the dojo. He did not say anything about the situation and decided to help. After an hour and a half of lifting and hauling, everything was finally in the lair.

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