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~Leo's PoV~

Karai's smirk widened. She took a step closer and tried to grab Y/N, who kicked Karai in the stomach. Y/N readied herself for battle, steadying her (w/n). Everyone charged, attacking Tiger Claw and Beebop and Rocksteady who finally arrived to the scene. While fighting me, Karai threw a small blinding powder container at my face, which I easily dodged.

"You missed," I swing my katana.

"Wasn't aiming for you," she motioned behind me.

I watched as Tiger Claw took a step to the right, leaving Y/N in the path of the blinding powder. Before I could yell a warning, it impaled her face, causing her to fall to her knees in a coughing fit. Tiger Claw lifted his sword over her head, but didn't swing. I ran towards her, shouting her name, but I didn't reach her because Karai kicked my feet from under me. Y/N lifted her head and stood again. Her eyes were red from the powder as she squinted trying to see.

Karai lowered her tantō to my face,"Stay down if you know what's good for you."

A shadow fell over us. The Shredder himself was standing before us. He motioned for Karai to move, which she instantly did. He picked me up by the shell.

"Let's take Leonardo and go. I'll get the girl later," he turned his back with me struggling in his grasp.

"No! Leave him... take me," I heard Y/N say,"It's me you want anyway, why waste your time taking Leo?"

The Shredder laughed and threw me down to the pavement. Tiger Claw held Y/N's arms behind her back and pushed her towards his master. Raph took a step forward, along with Donnie and Mikey, ready to save her. Mikey helped me up. Karai held her tantō to Y/N's neck.

"Move and the girl dies. Drop your weapons."

Hesitantly, my brothers and I dropped our weapons in defeat. I held back the tears and anger, swallowing the dry lump in my throat. Throwing a ninja bomb, Shredder and his henchmen all disappeared with Y/N.


They say heavy is the head that wears the crown

I slammed my fist to the wall after sprinting to my room once we reached the lair. I released a scream, sobbing as I fell to my knees. I felt so defenseless. I let them take Y/N. How could I have been so stupid? Why did she take my place? I wanted to blame the world; to sit around and mope over the events of tonight. They took her without a fight, and I did nothing.

Always use to think that that was just some d*** excuse

What could I have done though? If I would have attacked they would have killed her, right? But, if they needed her for whatever reason they wouldn't have killed her, would they? I put my head in my hands as the tears cascaded at a faster pace with every thought. It was my fault, she was gone because of me. Just a day before I convinced myself that I would defeat the Shredder. I told myself I wouldn't let him hurt her, and now look at me, look at everything. Y/N is gone. My hope is gone. The love of my life just fell into the hands of my archenemy.


~Y/N PoV~

And I refuse to let my people down

You couldn't just let them take Leo. Especially if they were after you in the first place. Why let them come back for you after torturing Leo?

Your vision completely returned by the time you were thrown down onto a cold floor. You scanned your surroundings, watching as each torch lit up as the Shredder walked past them. He sat down on his throne and looked down at you. You glared at him, hoping to hide the fear that had built up inside you. No matter what he would do to you, you were going to make it through. You have to make it through, for your family, your friends, for Leo.

I'm the boss, I'm the leader, d*** it I'ma lead

"So, Y/N L/N, do you know why I've been after you?" you didn't reply to the Shredder, causing him to become angry,"What are you deaf? You idiot! I could kill you right now, if you weren't so important to me right now you'd be dead for ignoring me!"

You roll your e/c eyes and look up at him,"And what exactly do you want from me? Why am I so special to you?"

Even though I'm starting to feel the real weight of this crown

He stands and walks to you, lifting your chin,"You know where the crystal is, and don't lie and say you don't. I know you have it because your dad told me years ago he would give it to his daughter. When I raided your house looking for you, your mom/dad pretended as if they had a son and no daughters. I knew better, I've had my eyes on you for a while, and I know you know where the crystal is."

Feel like this whole d*** kingdom is sitting on top of me

You internally flushed with fear. Your thoughts which were once scattered all fell into place. The necklace your parent(s) gave you as a young girl. They always told you it was important, but why? Why trust a five year old with something valuable?

"What makes you think I have the crystal. Even if I did why would I carry it around. I'm pretty sure it would be well hidden somewhere if it is that important. Why do you need it so much?"

"That crystal is worth a fortune, one of the rarest crystals ever found. If I had that crystal I would be able to not only increase my power, I would be able to take over your family's clan."

"My family has a clan? We aren't even from-"

"When your father met Hamato Yoshi and me, back before our rivalry, an important Sensei became ill. He needed to pass down the clan to someone since he had no family left, and that someone was your father. Since Yoshi was next in line for the Hamato Clan and I secretly ran the Foot Clan, the only option was your father."

And I'ma carry it on my back until victory

"Well tough luck, because I don't have it."

He slapped you, due to your comment, and picked you up by your throat. He put your face close enough to his that you could feel his hot breath escape through his metal helmet. With rage he closed his hand around your throat, but after a few seconds of suffocating you, he threw you to the floor again.

"Bradford get this scum out of my sight."

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