Gyoza and Gangs

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~Y/N PoV~

     "Mom/Dad I'm going to hang out with a friend now!" You yelled down the steps.

     "And you're leaving out of your window because?" He/she asked.

     "Okay fine. I'm going on patrol and hanging with a friend." You responded before walking to your window.

     "Be safe Sweetie."

     Once you got to the rooftops, you put your mask onto your face. Your phone buzzed, a text from Leo.

Leo: Meet me at Murakami's.

You: See you in five.

     You jumped from rooftop to rooftop until you landed on the right building. You looked around and waited for Leo, assuming he would meet you on the rooftops. After another minute or two, Leo landed behind you. You turned around and hugged him. He tensed for a second and then hugged you back.

     "Ready?" He asked.

     "He knows you're a turtle?" You took off your mask and rose an eyebrow.

     Leo nodded. "Yeah, he's blind but he figured it out after we met."

     "Well, lead the way da Vinci," You grinned.

     He rolled his eyes and jumped down. You following close behind. You both greeted Mr. Murakami and sat down. He brought out a plate of pizza gyoza, a dish Leo ordered for both of you. You looked questioningly at the meal. You figured it must be good, since Leo was devouring them at a rapid speed. You laughed a little, but finally ate your gyoza, which in fact, was one of the best dishes you've ever tasted. A green three fingered hand sneaked its way to your plate and snatched one of your gyozas away. You looked at Leo and he pretended as if nothing happened. The second time you slapped his hand away and smirked at him. He blushed a little and shrugged.

     After the the pizza gyoza, the two of you went out patrolling. The Purple Dragons, once again, were mugging a store owner and his store. You both jumped down, turning the attention on you and Leo, letting the store owner scurry away.

     "Hey look. It's that turtle and that hot chick," Fong pointed at you with his knife.

     "Hey look it's the PD that's going to get his butt kicked by that 'hot chick.'" you replied back. Leo laughed a little before you both sprung into action. As said, you used your (weapon) to easily take down Fong. You advanced on to more of the gang and ended up back to back with Leo.

     "Time to shine, hero." You smiled under your mask.

     "Combo move?" He blushed slightly, but let you flip off of his shell and kick down three of the Purple Dragons. You high five/three each other and prepare to continue the fight, however, at that moment three more figures dropped down from the rooftops: his brothers.

~Leo's PoV~

     I mentally face palmed as I watched Raph jump down from the rooftops, followed by Mikey and Donnie. They took down the remainder of the Dragons and turned to look at us. I glared at Raphael when he gave me his signature smirk.

     "Didn't think you could sneak away that easily, did you?" He crossed his arms. He turned his attention to Y/N." So who do you work for, little miss perfect?"

     "Excuse me?" She said with obvious confusion.

     "Raph, are you implying that she works for Shredder?" I rolled my eyes and stepped forward."We've been over this. Y/N is a kunoichi who saved our lives. Why would she save us from somebody she works for? Do you even hear yourself?"

     "I never said it was Shredder. I-"

     "Ooh maybe she's a Kraang bot!" Mikey walked over to her and poked her head.

     "Mikey I'm pretty sure she isn't a Kraang bot. Stop poking her," Donnie said, obviously annoyed.

     When Mikey continued to poke her, she grabbed his finger and moved his hand away. She stepped past Mikey and walked up to Raph. She poked him in the chest roughly and took off her mask.

     "Look here, pretty boy, I don't work for Shredder. I saved your sorry shell from being mutated. I have done nothing but help this city- and you and your brothers- and all you can do is accuse me for working with some evil mastermind of some sort? What's your problem?" She crossed her arms and raised an angry eyebrow.

     "Yeah and Leonardo's last crush also saved us from Shredder and was working for the evil mastermind that she saved us from. I'm just making sure my idiot of a brother is safe. You better not be up to something, got it?" He pointed a finger at her.

     "And you better lay off of Leo, got it? I'm glad you care for him, but do you really have to make his life so hard?" She unfolded her arms.

     "True that," Mikey responded, but quickly closed his mouth when everyone gave him a glare.

     "Look, guys, can we just finish patrolling and all just be friends?" Donnie sighed.

     "Fine. I have nothing against you or Michelangelo." Y/N said as she shot Raph another glare and began to walk off. "Call me when you finish patrolling, Leo." And then she left.

     After my initial shock of everything that just happened I realized that: 1) the Purple Dragons all ran away, 2) Y/N just put Raph in his place and stuck up for me, and 3) I've been quiet since my brothers showed up. I was so shocked that I stood dumbfounded the whole time, and now it was too late to do anything. Besides feeling shellshocked, I do recall feeling a pang of jealously creep its way into my system when she call Raphael "pretty boy." Other than that, the only thing I could think- and still to this moment say- was, "Wow."

     "Wow? What do you mean wow?" Mikey asked.

     "I think that wow meant that Leo's in love Mikey," Donnie responded.

     Raph just rolled his eyes and started to leave for the rooftops. I followed him, and so did Mikey and Don, and we finished our night worth of patrolling. I made a note to call Y/N as soon as I got to the lair and apologize for everything that just happened, and to also thank her for defending me when I was to out of it to defend myself.

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