Battle Cry

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Big thanks to XxLover_At_HeartxX for helping me write this chapter

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Big thanks to XxLover_At_HeartxX for helping me write this chapter

~Y/N's PoV~

It has been a little more than a month since the incident with Shredder. Donnie believes that the Foot are planning something huge, considering the fact that the Foot have been M.I.A. lately. Begging, you continually asked Leo to allow you to attend patrols and missions. However, no matter how hard you beg and how many times you try to assure him that you are okay, he refuses to allow you to go.

"We will be back soon. Stay out of trouble, okay?" He kissed you and hurried out of the lair with his brothers.

"I should be telling you that da Vinci!" you yelled after him.

After five minutes of sitting alone, you decided you had to do something. It is not like you did not patrol on your own before meeting the turtles, so why stop now? Yeah the Shredder attacked you last time, but you did survive. That means something, right?

You grabbed your (weapon), both the old and the new one that you found, and prepared to leave for patrol. Purple Dragon activity was the only real issue you could find in the few areas you searched so far. Fong and his henchmen were easy opponents; as a result, you finished them off and ruined all of their plots for thieving in less than twenty minutes. You removed your mask and stood from the squatting position you had taken on a rooftop. Scanning the city, you heard a single bang close to you: a gunshot.

You quickly ran to the source of the shot. Four alleyways away from you laid Leonardo clutching his shoulder in pain and agony. Without hesitation, you jumped down next to him. He opened his eyes and whispered something inaudible.

"What? Leo where are your brothers?" you helped him up.

"T-they are patrolling separate parts of the city. I t-think the Shredder is trying to kill us... well I mean with guns instead of in battle." You opened the manhole and guided him down.

"I am taking you to the lair. I will call your brothers so they can return too. Sensei and I will-"

"No! Did you not hear me? The Shredder will kill you. His Footbots have guns now. I cannot loose you Y/N. Please just..." he winced in pain again.

"Leonardo, I cannot promise you that. We have to warn your brothers before it is too late."

After what felt like a year long journey, you reached the lair. You placed Leo on the couch and hurried to retrieve Master Splinter. While you conversed with him, the other three turtles entered the lair. Donatello immediately began tending to his brother's wounds.

~Mikey's PoV~

Looking at Leo's injuries makes me want to faint. He has a bullet hole wound in his shoulder and multiple open gashes on the rest of his body. Leo even obtained a deep scratch on the back of his shell. Tears began to form in my eyes as I looked away. He did not deserve this. No one deserves this. Except the person who committed these evil acts.

All in all, it hurt me to see my brother in such a vulnerable and injured state. My mind cannot process the image in front of me; I do not want to be able to process it. If our leader was brought down by whoever did this, what is stopping the enemy from doing the same to us? I broke down and sank to my knees. Raph placed hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up at his face. I could tell he was trying to hold his emotions in; he was trying to not seem weak. I removed his hand from off of me and stood.

"Mikey? Are-" he began, but I cut him off.

"Do you see Leonardo? He is hurt! He has been shot, Raphael! And you are just sitting here watching me cry and attempting to act as if you don't care! That is our brother that is hurt. Do you not understand that?"

He balls up his fists," You don't think I know that? I am just trying to keep cool for your sake! You think I don't want to cry right now? Do you think I like seeing Leo like this? It hurts me just as much as it hurts you!"

I take a step back as Raph raises his fist in the air. His eyes turn white with anger, his breathing becoming heavier.

"Raphael, stop!" Suddenly Y/N was in between us, pushing him away from me. "This is not the time to be fighting! Now, you go calm down before you do any damage to your brothers. Be responsible and take care of your brothers. They need you. Do it for me."

I watched as Raph's eyes softened and took back their shade of green. He lowered his head and wiped the tears that found their way to his eyes. A slow nod was his reaction to what Y/N said. "Okay. I promise."

"When Leonardo wakes up and if I am not here, tell him that I love him and that I will be back soon." Y/N grabs her (weapon) and walks out with Sensei.

~Y/N's PoV~

You entered the Shredder's lair through the window with Sensei at your side. You carefully landed with a light thud on the ground. Master Splinter walked towards the throne, awaiting the arrival of his enemy. Instantly, all of the torches lit until Shredder appeared out of nowhere, along with his mutant henchmen.

"Saki, where has your honor gone? First attacking out of hatred and jealously, now using guns to injure my sons?" Splinter glared.

"It is modern times now Yoshi. I expected your sons to be trained well enough to be able to dodge a bullet, but I should have known better considering you are their Sensei."

Tiger Claw approached you as you steadied your weapon. "Big mistake bringing cub with you. Especially a female one."

Immediately after he finished his sentence, everyone attacked. You used your (weapon) to take down Fish Face, Bebop, and Buzzkill (Stockman). Sensei easily took out Rahzar and Rocksteady before the Shredder attacked him. Tiger Claw shot at you with his heat and freeze guns until he came into closer range, which in that moment he brought out his sword. He slashed at your head, but you ducked and rolled between his legs, using the end of your (weapon) to hit him in each thigh. You kicked him down and picked up his now discarded sword. Using the butt of the sword, you knocked him out of consciousness.

You turned to see how Sensei was doing, when you saw that Shredder had the upper hand in the fight. He turned his attention to you, revealing his knives in his armor. He aimed a punch at your head which you dodged. You hit him in his side and ran behind him. Shredder turned his body to face you and raised his fist to go for the stab with his knives. Before he could, you stabbed Tiger Claw's sword at his stomach. Opening your closed eyes that awaited the impact, you watched as he fell to his knees, pulling the sword out of his stomach. Your eyes widened as your realized that you pierced through his armor and into his chest. You began to panic, but Master Splinter pulled you away from the scene and onto the rooftops.

Dialing 911, you shakily raised the phone to your ear. "I- Can you send an ambulance? I just stabbed a man who was trying to kill me a-and..." the dispatcher told you they were tracking your call to find your location, but you hung up. Sensei picked you up when he saw that you were not moving from your spot and brought you back to the lair.

You sat on the couch with a blank expression. You could have killed him. He might be dead. Sure, Shredder is evil, but you did not want to put his death in your hands.

He may die because of you, and if he does... that makes you a murderer.

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