New found Relations and Secrets

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~Leo's PoV~

I instantly ran up to Y/N, engulfing her in a hug. She held me in her warm embrace. I pulled away and check her for any scars and bruises. She had a bruise on her cheek, I'm guessing from a hard hit to the face, but that was it. She didn't seem to have any visible injuries from what I could see.

"How did you manage to escape Shredder with only a single bruise?" Donnie inquired.

"He let me go. It was weird, I didn't expect him to."

"What do you mean he let you go? He didn't experiment on you or anything?" I asked her.

"No, but I know what he wanted. My father gave me this necklace years ago," she revealed a necklace from under her shirt,"apparently, this crystal can help him unlock some secret katas and give him power over the clan my father inherited. I didn't even know we had a clan until then."

"If he wanted the crystal why didn't he take it?" Mikey asked.

"He didn't see it, plus I told him I did not know where it was located," she looked down at the crystal again, I noticed the crystal seemed to have an eerie glow to it. I began to ask her about it, but Donnie was flooding her with questions.

"Look, let me talk to Leonardo about it first, then we can decide what to do from there."

I nodded, taking her hand and leading her towards my room. She sat on my bed in front of me, looking me in the eye. I felt my cheeks heat up and broke the glance. She sighed, but motioned for me to sit. She explained all of the events and everything Shredder told her. My hand found its way to her hand again.

"On my way here, I noticed the crystal glows. At the moment, it is a faint glow, but I feel like it will lead us to whatever holds the katas. I figured it must be somewhere underground, perhaps in this sewer line, so I was hoping we could search for it."

"Yeah, of course. When do you want to start? Today? Tomorrow..?" I smile, earning one back in return.
"Tomorrow, I could really use some sleep."

I offered her my room for her to sleep in for the night. After a while of convincing her that it was okay, she accepted my offer. I turned to leave, but stopped in my tracks. I looked back at her. It's now or never Leo.

"Uh, Y/N, do you have a boyfriend?"

She turned her attention towards me,"Nope, I've been single for a while now actually."

"Well, would you be my girlfriend? I-I mean only if you wanted to," I started blushing,"Sorry... just forget I asked."

"Of course I will be your girlfriend, you dork," she walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek,"Now if you don't mind Captain Leo, I would like some rest."

She motioned me out of the room with a warm smile on her face. I stood outside of the door, my facial expression was full of shock and happiness. Raph walked by, stopping to raise an eye-ridge. I sighed dreamily.

"I'll explain everything in a few minutes."

"You asked her out didn't you? And she said yes?" he smirked. I simply nodded happily. "Way to go Fearless. Don't let this one go okay?"

"I wouldn't dream of it Raphael."

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