Guilt and Passageways

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~Shredder's PoV~(Surprise:D)

I ain't getting no sleep,

I be all in my head

I knew the girl had the crystal, I can see through a person's lies. So, I let her go. If things went as planned when Karai hit her with the blinding powder, a tracking device should have found its way to latch itself onto her body. I spent the night pacing the floor, waiting for her next move, I figured she probably went to the turtles' lair, but if I followed her there, I knew I would never find the lost treasures of the L/N clan. I knew I'd have to plan everything out perfectly, waiting for the right timing before I took the crystal from her grasp.

Why do I feel guilty,

guilty of my success

Still, I get a wary feeling in the pit of my stomach. I feel as if something is going to happen when I follow through my plan, but I shake the feeling. Obviously the only person or people that will be hurt will be Y/N and those idiotic turtles.

I decide to bring the hog and rhino along with me, I believe they call themselves Beebop and Rocksteady now. The rest of my mutant servants are out doing whatever evil tasks they had in store. Hopefully these two buffoons could be some help to me for once.


~Leo's PoV~

Once nightfall came, everyone prepared themselves for the search. Y/N walked up next to me, taking my hand in hers. Once Casey and April walked into the lair, we were off into the sewers. Y/N held the necklace close to her, eyeing it every once in a while to see if there was any difference in the glowing aura. She stopped abruptly, causing everyone to run into each other. The impact caused her to fall into the deep hole she tried to avoid. I quickly grabbed her hand, my free hand grabbing the edge of the hole.

This is the end

"Y/N hold on! Guys pull us up!"

Raph grabbed my wrist and started to pull us up, but something caused him to fall, also. He grabbed the same place where my hand once was.

"What the shell! What are you doing?" Y/N yelled.

Hold your breath and count to ten

"Well sorry that Shredder decided to push me over the edge of the hole!"

As Raph finished his sentence I heard Shredder's evil laugh echo through the sewers. One by one, the rest of our small group was thrown over the edge, Mikey being the last to fall. He screamed continuously for a few seconds before I heard him say:

"Hey I can touch the ground from here," I felt the load of people become lighter," Dudes it's like a ten foot drop from where Y/N is. You'll be fine."

Feel the Earth move and then

Everyone landed safely, due to the small drop. I felt embarrassed for making such a big deal out of a small problem. It was clear that no one wanted to speak about the anti-climatic moment we all experienced. Not a moment later, Shredder landed behind us. He walked closer to Y/N, seeing the necklace around her neck.

Feel my heart burst again

"You little- I knew you were lying!" He grabbed her arm, attempting to take hold of the crystal. Y/N kicked him in the back of the leg, causing him to crumble to the ground. She pointed down a passage way and quickly ran down the corridor. I instantly followed her. Looking over my shoulder, I only see Raphael behind us.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask.

For this is the end

"I-I don't know. I think they went a different route. The walls started crumbling and the entrance was blocked off before they could make it through too. I-I..." The last thing I expected Raph to do was to break down crying. Y/N walked over to him, pulling him into a hug.

I've drowned and dreamt this moment

I walked over to the two. My biggest fear was replaying in front of me. Everyone is gone, I don't know where they are. I'm supposed to be the leader and yet I can't even save nor help them. I pulled them both into a hug, trying to be strong and hold in my tears for their sake.

So overdue I owe them

"We have to keep moving. Hopefully we will meet up somewhere along the way."

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