Long Distance

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  ~Leo's PoV~

I've barely left my room since the incident. My brothers and I have been patrolling the city non-stop during the night trying to find her, but in the morning all I can do is sit in agony and wait for her. I pace the distance of my bedroom. My tear stained face permanently stuck in a frown. I've run out of tears to cry, so I silently sob.

And I'm running out of things to do to get you off my mind

Mikey attempts to bring me pizza every hour or so, I've declined the offer, but I feel like I should at least eat once. I know Y/n wouldn't want me starving myself. I take a bite out of the pizza. I close my eyes when I realize that it's Y/N's favorite. I sigh and put the pizza back on its plate and look at my phone. I stop on a picture of Y/N and me on the rooftops.

All I have is this picture in a frame

I smile at her beauty, which would be the first time I've smiled since she was taken. Aching, my heart beats slowly, longing to be with her; just to hold her in my arms. I look at how the moonlight perfectly enhances her breathtaking (e/c) eyes, how her (h/c) hair illuminates as the moonlight's beams land gracefully on each strand.

That I hold close to see your face again

I know that reminiscing on what has happened isn't healthy, but no matter what I do I'll continue to hurt. My body aches with guilt. I know this is my fault, it should have been me. I should not have let her stand up to the Shredder. I can only wonder what he wants from her.

~Y/N's PoV~

You sit in a small holding cell. You turn your back to the door and look down at your necklace which holds thecrystal. Its blue shade seems to glow. Why does he need this to take control of the clan? You quickly tuck the necklace back under your shirt as footsteps emerge from the other side of the room. You knew who it was.

"Shredder, what's so significant about the crystal? Couldn't you take over the clan without it?" You walk towards the door of the cell.

"Yes, but that crystal would unlock the secrets of the clan," he begins,"Your father and my old Sensei were the only ones to know the secret to many ancient katas. Also, they hid the valuable katana that each leader of the L/N Clan would use to show authority. Legend has it that anyone who possesses the katana would be unstoppable."

"I'm guessing the crystal is the only way to find these 'secrets' and the katana? Is it supposed to guide you?"

"Look, I don't know much about it, but you better hand it over," he unlocks the cell door.

"I told you already. I don't have it. I don't even fully understand everything you've told me about it."

He sighed as he looked into your e/c eyes. You gave your best effort to express a confident and truthful facial expression. The Shredder stepped to the side and motioned towards the door. You looked up at him, surprise evident on your face. You quickly walk out of the building before he could change his mind. Something's off. He would never let someone go that easily...

You checked your surroundings before opening the manhole. You looked at the necklace again, holding it in your hand. The faint glow you saw earlier increased with every few feet. You kept walking, your eyes glued on the small blue item. However, your journey was cut short when you ran into something... or someone.

"Y/N?" you felt two strong hands pull you up,"You're back!" the person pulled you into a hug. You realized it was Raphael, but before you could hug back, he pulled away and cleared his throat.

"Uh, that never happened. Anyway, Leo has been searching for you nonstop! Come on, you need to see him now before he gets anymore depressed."

A million questions flooded through your mind. As Raphael dragged you down the sewer corridors, you thought about the sudden happiness and kindness Raph had shown towards you, but more so, you thought about what he said about Leo. He was depressed because of you? Is it possible that he felt the same for you that you felt for him? Raph lightly shoved you into the lair, calling each of his brothers names. Leo was the last to come, he dragged his feet and held his head down. His face was tear stained and he frowned sadly.

"Leo?" you called out.

He raised his head slightly at the sound of his name, then he saw you,"Y/N?!"

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